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- Cash balance plans are retirement plans that allow participants to save higher amounts than in traditional 401(k)s and IRAs and are quickly becoming more prevalent as an attractive alternative to defined benefit retirement plans.
- The unique goals of these plans (specified contributions and growth credits) often dictate modest returns with a very low volatility, which often results in conservative allocations.
- However, at closely held companies, there is a balance between the tax-deferred amount that can be contributed by partners and the returns that the plan earns. If returns are too low, the company must make up the shortfall, but if the returns are too high the partners cannot maximize their tax-deferred contributions.
- By allocating to risk-managed strategies like trend equity, a cash balance plan can balance the frequency and size of shortfalls based on how the trend following strategy is incorporated within the portfolio.
- Trend following strategies have historically reduced the exposure to large shortfalls in exchange for more conservative performance during periods where the plan is comfortably hitting its return target.
Retirement assets have grown each year since the Financial Crisis, exhibiting the largest gains in the years that were good for the market such as 2009, 2013, and 2017.

Source: Investment Company Institute (ICI).
With low interest rates, an aging workforce, and continuing pressure to reduce expected rates of return going forward, many employers have shifted from the defined benefit (DB) plans used historically to defined contribution (DC) models, such as 401(k)s and 403(b)s. While assets within DB plans have still grown over the past decade, the share of retirement assets in IRAs and DC plans has grown from around 50% to 60%.
But even with this shift toward more employee directed savings and investment, there is a segment of the private DB plan space that has seen strong growth since the early 2000s: cash balance plans.

Source: Kravitz. 2018 National Cash Balance Research Report.
What is a cash balance plan?
It’s sort of a hybrid retirement plan type. Employers contribute to it on behalf of their employees or themselves, and each participant is entitled to those assets plus a rate of return according to a prespecified rule (more on that in a bit).
Like a defined contribution plan, participants have an account value rather than a set monthly payment.
Like a defined benefit plan, the assets are managed professionally, and the actual asset values do not affect the value of the participant benefits. Thus, as with any liability-driven outcome, the plan can be over- or under-funded at a given time.
What’s the appeal?
According to Kravitz, (2018)1 over 90% of cash balance plans are in place at companies with fewer than 100 participants. These companies tend to be white-collar professionals, where a significant proportion of the employees are highly compensated (e.g. groups of doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc.).
Many of these professionals likely had to spend a significant amount of time in professional school and building up practices. Despite higher potential salaries, they may have high debt loads to pay down. Similarly, entrepreneurs may have deferred compensating themselves for the sake of building a successful business.
Thus, by the time these professionals begin earning higher salaries, the amount of time that savings can compound for retirement has been reduced.

Source: Kravitz. 2018 National Cash Balance Research Report.
One option for these types of investors is to simply save more income in a traditional brokerage account, but this foregoes any benefit of deferring taxes until retirement.
Furthermore, even if these investors begin saving for retirement at the limit for 401(k) contributions, it is possible that they could end up with a lower account balance than a counterpart saving half as much per year but starting 10 years earlier. Time lost is hard to make up.
This, of course, depends on the sequence and level of investment returns, but an investor who is closer to retirement has less ability to bear the risk of failing fast. Not being able to take as much investment risk necessitates having a higher savings rate.
Cash balance plans can help solve this dilemma through significantly higher contribution limits.

Source: Kravitz.
An extra $6,000 in catch-up contributions starting for a 401(k) at age 50 seems miniscule compared to what a cash balance plan allows.
Now that we understand why cash balance plans are becoming more prevalent in the workplace, let’s turn to the investment side of the picture to see how a plan can make good on its return guarantees.
The Return Guarantee
Aside from the contribution schedule for each plan participant, the only other piece of information needed to determine the size of the cash balance plan liability in a given year is the annual rate at which the participant accounts grow.2 There are a few common ways to set this rate:
- A fixed rate of return per year, between 2% and 6%.
- The 30-year U.S. Treasury rate.
- The 30-year U.S. Treasury rate with a floor of between 3% and 5%.
- The actual rate of return of the invested assets, often with a ceiling between 3% and 6%.
The table below shows that of the plans surveyed by Kravitz (2018), the fixed rate of return was by far the most common and the actual rate of return credit was the least common.

The Actual Rate of Return option is actually becoming more popular, especially with large cash balance plans, now that federal regulations allow plan sponsors to offer multiple investments in a single plan to better serve the participants who may have different retirement goals. This return option removes much of the investment burden from the plan sponsor since what the portfolio earns is what the participants get, up to the ceiling. Anything earned above the ceiling increases the plan’s asset value above its liabilities. Actual rate of return guarantees make it so that there is less risk of a liability shortfall when large stakeholders in the cash balance plan leave the company unexpectedly.
In this commentary, we will focus on the cases where the plan may become underfunded if it does not hit the target rate of return.
We often say, “No Pain, No Premium.” Well, in the case of cash balance plans, plan sponsors typically only want to bear the minimal amount of pain that is necessary to hit the premium.
With large firms that can rely more heavily on actuarial assumptions for participant turnover, much of this risk can be borne over multiyear periods. A shortfall in one year can be replenished by a combination of extra contributions from the company according to IRS regulations and (hopefully) more favorable portfolio gains in subsequent years. Any excess returns can be used to offset how much the company must contribute annually for participants.
In the case of closely held firms, things change slightly.
At first glance, it should be a good thing for a plan sponsor to earn a higher rate of return than the committed rate. But when we consider that many cash balance plans are in place at firms where the participants desire to contribute as much as the IRS allows to defer taxation, then earning more than the guaranteed rate of return actually represents a risk. At closely held firms, “the company” and “the participants” are essentially one in the same. The more the plan earns, the less you can contribute.
And with higher return potential comes a higher risk of earning below the guaranteed rate. When a company is small, making up shortfalls out of company coffers or stretching for higher returns in subsequent years may not be in the company’s best interest.
Investing a Cash Balance Plan
Because of the aversion to both high returns and high risk, many cash balance plans are generally invested relatively conservatively, typically in the range of a 20% stock / 80% bond portfolio (20/80) to a 40/60.
To put some numbers down on paper, we will examine the return profile of three different portfolios: a 20/80, 30/70, and 40/60 fixed mix of the S&P 500 and a constant maturity 10-year U.S. Treasury index.
We will also calculate the rate of return guarantees described above each year from 1871 to 2018.
Starting each January, if the return of one of the portfolio profiles meets hits the target return for the year, then we will assume it is cashed out. Otherwise, the portfolio is held the entire year.
As the 30-year U.S. Treasury bond came into inception in 1977 and had a period in the 2000s where it was not issued, we will use the 10-year Treasury rate as a proxy for those periods.
The failure rate for the portfolios are shown below.3

Source: Robert Shiller Data Library, St. Louis Fed. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. All returns are hypothetical and backtested. Returns are gross of all fees. This does not reflect any investment strategy offered or managed by Newfound Research and was constructed exclusively for the purposes of this commentary. It is not possible to invest in an index.
We can see that as the rate of return guarantee increases, either through the fixed rate or the floor on the 30-year rate, the rate of shortfall increases for all allocations, most notably for the conservative 20/80 portfolio.
In these failure scenarios, the average shortfall and the average shortfall in the 90% of the worst cases (similar to a CVaR) are relatively consistent.

Source: Robert Shiller Data Library, St. Louis Fed. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. All returns are hypothetical and backtested. Returns are gross of all fees. This does not reflect any investment strategy offered or managed by Newfound Research and was constructed exclusively for the purposes of this commentary. It is not possible to invest in an index.

Source: Robert Shiller Data Library, St. Louis Fed. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. All returns are hypothetical and backtested. Returns are gross of all fees. This does not reflect any investment strategy offered or managed by Newfound Research and was constructed exclusively for the purposes of this commentary. It is not possible to invest in an index.
These shortfall numbers may not be a big deal for new plans when the contributions represent a significant percentage of the asset base. For example, for a $1M plan with $500k in contributions per year, a 15% shortfall is only $150k, which can be amortized over a number of years. Higher returns in the subsequent years can offset this, or partners could agree to reduce their personal contributions so that the company can have free cash to make up for the shortfall.
The problem is more pressing for plans where the asset base is significantly larger than the yearly contributions. For a $20M plan with $500k in yearly contributions, a 15% shortfall is $3M. Making up this shortfall from company assets may be more difficult, even with amortization.
Waiting for returns from the market can also be difficult in this case when there have been historical drawdowns in the market lasting 2-3 years from peak to trough (e.g. 1929-32, 2000-02, and 1940-42).
Risk-managed strategies can be a natural way to mitigate these shortfalls, both in their magnitude and frequency.
Using Trend Following in a Cash Balance Plan
Along the lines of our Three Uses of Trend Equity, we will look at adding a 20% allocation to a simple trend-following equity (“trend equity”) strategy in a cash balance plan. By taking the allocation either from all equities, all bonds, or an equal share of each.
For ease of illustration, we will only look at the 20/80 and 40/60 portfolios. The following charts show the benefit (i.e. reduction in shortfall) or detriment (i.e. increase in shortfall) of adding the 20% trend equity sleeve to the cash balance plan based on the metrics from the previous section.

Source: Robert Shiller Data Library, St. Louis Fed. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. All returns are hypothetical and backtested. Returns are gross of all fees. This does not reflect any investment strategy offered or managed by Newfound Research and was constructed exclusively for the purposes of this commentary. It is not possible to invest in an index.
For most of these return guarantees, substituting a greater proportion of bonds for trend equity reduced the frequency of shortfalls. This makes sense over a period where equities generally did well and a trend equity strategy increased participation during the up-markets.
Substituting in trend equity solely from the equity allocation was detrimental for a few of the return guarantees, especially the higher ones.
But the frequency of shortfalls is only one part of the picture.

Source: Robert Shiller Data Library, St. Louis Fed. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. All returns are hypothetical and backtested. Returns are gross of all fees. This does not reflect any investment strategy offered or managed by Newfound Research and was constructed exclusively for the purposes of this commentary. It is not possible to invest in an index.
Many of the cases that showed a benefit from a frequency of shortfall perspective sacrifice the average shortfall or average shortfall in the most extreme scenarios. Conversely, case that sacrifice on the frequency of shortfalls generally saw a meaningful reduction in the average shortfalls.
This is in line with our philosophy that risks are not destroyed, only transformed.

Source: Robert Shiller Data Library, St. Louis Fed. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. All returns are hypothetical and backtested. Returns are gross of all fees. This does not reflect any investment strategy offered or managed by Newfound Research and was constructed exclusively for the purposes of this commentary. It is not possible to invest in an index.
So which risks should a cash balance plan bear?
This can be answered by determining the balance of the plan to be exposure to failing fast and failing slow.
If a cash balance plan is large, even a moderate shortfall can be very large in dollar terms. These plans are at risk of failing fast. Mitigating the size of the shortfalls is definitely a primary concern.
If a cash balance plan is new or relatively small, it is somewhat like an investor early in their working career. Larger losses from a percentage perspective are smaller in dollar terms compared to a larger plan. These plans can stand to have larger shortfalls. If the shortfalls occur less frequently, there is the ability to generate higher returns in years after a loss to recoup some of the losses.
However, these small plans should still be concerned mostly about fast failure. The yearly reckoning of the liability to the participants skews the risks more heavily in the direction of fast failure. This is especially true when we factor in the demographic of the workforce. When employees leave, they are entitled to their account value based on the guaranteed return, not the underlying asset value. If a participant cashes out at a time when the assets are down, then the remaining participant are less funded based on the assets that are left.
Therefore, allocating to the trend strategy out of the equity sleeve or an equal split between equities and bonds is likely more in line with the goals of a cash balance plan.
Cash balance plans are quickly becoming more prevalent as an attractive alternative to defined benefit retirement plans. They are desirable both from an employer and employee perspective and can be a way to accelerate retirement savings, especially for highly compensated workers at small companies.
The unique goals of these plans (e.g. guaranteed returns, maximizing tax-deferred contributions, etc.) often dictate modest returns with a very low volatility. Since some risk must be borne in order to generate returns, these portfolios are typically allocated very conservatively.
Even so, there is a risk they will not hit their return targets.
By allocating to risk-managed strategies like trend equity, a cash balance plan can balance the frequency and size of shortfalls based on how the trend following strategy is incorporated within the portfolio.
Allocating to a trend equity strategy solely from bonds can reduce the frequency of shortfalls in exchange for larger average shortfalls. Allocating to a trend following equity strategy solely from equities can increase the frequency of shortfalls but reduce the average size of shortfalls and the largest shortfalls.
The balance for a specific plan depends on its size, the demographic of the participants, the company’s willingness and ability to cover shortfalls, and the guaranteed rate of return.
As with most portfolio allocation problems the solution exists on a sliding scale based on what risks the portfolio is more equipped to bear. For cash balance plans, managing the size of shortfalls is likely a key issue, and trend following strategies can be a way to adjust the exposure to large shortfalls in exchange for more conservative performance during periods where the plan is comfortably hitting its return target.
Taxes and Trend Equity
By Nathan Faber
On April 1, 2019
In Popular, Weekly Commentary
This post is available as a PDF download here.
Tax season for the year is quickly coming to a close, and while taxes are not a topic we cover frequently in these commentaries, it has a large impact on investor portfolios.
One of the primary reasons we do not cover it more is that it is investor-specific. Actionable insights are difficult to translate across investors without making broad assumptions about state and federal tax rates, security location (tax-exempt, tax deferred, or taxable), purchase time and holding period, losses or gains in other assets, health and family situation, etc.
Some sweeping generalizations can be made, such as that it is better to realize long-term capital gains than short-term ones, that having qualified dividends is better than having non-qualified ones, and that it is better to hold bonds in tax-deferred or tax-exempt accounts. But even these assertions are nuanced and depend on a variety of factors specific to an individual investor.
Trend equity strategies – and tactical strategies, in general – get a bad rap for being tax-inefficient. As assets are sold, capital gains are realized, often with no regard as to whether they are short-term or long-term. Wash sales are often ignored and holding periods may exclude dividends from qualifying status.
However, taxes represent yet another risk in a portfolio, and as you can likely guess if you are a frequent reader of these commentaries, reducing one risk is often done at the expense of increasing another.
The Risk in Taxes
Tax rates have been constant for long periods of time historically, especially in recent years, but they can change very rapidly depending on the overall economic environment.
Source: IRS, U.S. Census Bureau, and Tax Foundation. Calculations by Newfound Research. Series are limited by historical data availability.
The history shows a wide array of scenarios.
Prior to the 1980s, marginal tax rates spanned an extremely wide band, with the lowest tier near 0% and the top rate approaching 95%. However, this range has been much narrower for the past 30 years.
In the late 1980s when tax policy became much less progressive, investors could fall into only two tax brackets.
While the income quantile data history is limited, even prior to the narrowing of the marginal tax range, the bulk of individuals had marginal tax rates under 30%.
Turning to long-term capital gains rates, which apply to asset held for more than a year, we see similar changes over time.
Source: U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Tax Analysis and Tax Foundation.
For all earners, these rates are less than their marginal rates, which is currently the tax rate applied to short-term capital gains. While there were times in the 1970s when these long-term rates topped out at 40%, the maximum rate has dipped down as low as 15%. And since the Financial Crisis in 2008, taxpayers in the lower tax brackets pay 0% on long-term capital gains.
It is these large potential shifts in tax rates that introduce risk into the tax-aware investment planning process.
To see this more concretely, consider a hypothetical investment that earns 7% every year. Somehow – how is not relevant for this example – you have the choice of having the gains distributed annually as long-term capital gains or deferred until the sale of the asset.
Which option should you choose?
The natural choice is to have the taxes deferred until the sale of the asset. For a 10-year holding period where long-term capital gains are taxed at 20%, the pre-tax and after-tax values of a $1,000 investment are shown below.
The price return only version had a substantially higher pre-tax value as the full 7% was allowed to compound from year to year without the hinderance of an annual tax hit.
At the end of the 10-year period, the tax basis of the approach that distributed gains annually had increased up to the pre-tax amount, so it owed no additional taxes once the asset was sold. However, the approach that deferred taxes still ended up better after factoring in the tax on the embedded long-term capital gains that were realized upon the sale.
Now let’s consider the same assets but this time invested from 2004 to 2014 when the maximum long-term capital gains rate jumped to 25% in 2013 after being around 15% for the first 8 years.
The pre-tax picture is still the same: the deferred approach easily beat the asset that distributed capital gains annually.
But the after-tax values have changed order. Locking in more of the return when long-term capital gains tax rates were lower was advantageous.
The difference in this case may not be that significant. But consider a more extreme – yet still realistic – example where your tax rate on the gains jumps by more than ten percentage points (e.g. due to a change in employment or family situation or tax law changes), and the decision over which type of asset you prefer is not as clear cut.
Moving beyond this simple thought experiment, we now turn to the tax impacts on trend equity strategies.
Tax Impacts in Trend Equity
We will begin with a simple trend equity strategy that buys the U.S. stock market (the ETF VTI) when it has a positive 9-month return and buys short-term U.S. Treasuries (the ETF SHV) otherwise. Prior to ETF inception, we will rely on data from the Kenneth French Data Library to extend the analysis back to the 1920s. We will evaluate the strategy monthly and, for simplicity, will treat dividends as price returns.
With taxes now in the mix, we must track the individual tax lots as the strategy trades over time based on the tactical model. For deciding which tax lots to sell, we will select the ones with the lowest tax cost, making the assumption that short-term capital gains are taxed 50% higher than long-term capital gains (approximately true for investors with tax rates of 22% and 15%, respectively, in the current tax code).
We must address the question of when an investor purchases the trend equity strategy as a long bull market with a consistent positive trend would have very different tax costs for an investor holding all the way through versus one who bought at end.
To keep the analysis as simple as possible given the already difficult specification, we will look at an investment that is made at the very beginning, assume that taxes are paid at the end of each year, and compare the average annualized pre-tax and after-tax returns. Fortunately, for this type of trend strategy that can move entirely in and out of assets, the tax memory will occasionally reset.
To set some context, first, we need a benchmark.
Obviously, if you purchased VTI and held it for the entire time, you would be sitting on some large embedded capital gains.1
Instead, we will use a more appropriate benchmark for trend equity: a 50%/50% blend of VTI and SHV. We will rebalance this blend annually, which will lead to some capital gains.
The following chart shows the capital gains aggregated by year as a percentage of the end of the year account value.
Source: CSI Data and Kenneth French Data Library. Calculations by Newfound.
As expected with the annual rebalancing, all of the capital gains are long-term. Any short-term gains are an artifact of the rigidity of the rebalancing system where the first business day of subsequent years might be fewer than 365 days apart. In reality, you would likely incorporate some flexibility in the rebalances to ensure all long-term capital gains.
While this strategy incurs some capital gains, they are modest, with none surpassing 10%. Paying taxes on these gains is a small price to pay for maintaining a target allocation, supposing that is the primary goal.
Assuming tax rates of 15% for long-term gains and 25% for short-term gains, the annualized returns of the strategic allocation pre-tax and after-tax are shown below. The difference is minor.
Source: CSI Data and Kenneth French Data Library. Calculations by Newfound.
Now on to the trend equity strategy.
The historical capital gains look very different than those of the strategic portfolio.
Source: CSI Data and Kenneth French Data Library. Calculations by Newfound.
In certain years, the strategy locks in long-term capital gains greater than 50%. The time between these years is interspersed with larger short-term capital losses from whipsaws or year with essentially no realized gains or losses, either short- or long-term.
In fact, 31 of the 91 years had absolute realized gains/losses of less than 1% for both short- and long-term.
Now the difference between pre-tax and after-tax returns is 100 bps per year using the assumed tax rates (15% and 25%). This is significantly higher than with the strategic allocation.
Source: CSI Data and Kenneth French Data Library. Calculations by Newfound.
It would appear that trend equity is far less tax efficient than the strategic benchmark. As with all things taxes, however, there are nuances. As we mentioned in the first section of this commentary, tax rates can change at any time, either from a federal mandate or a change in an individual’s situation. If you are stuck with a considerable unrealized capital gain, it may be too late to adjust the course.
Source: CSI Data and Kenneth French Data Library. Calculations by Newfound.
The median unrealized capital gain for the trend equity strategy is 10%. This, of course, means that you must realize the gains periodically and therefore pay taxes.
But if you are sitting with a 400% unrealized gain in a different strategy, behaviorally, it may be difficult to make a prudent investment decision knowing that a large tax bill will soon follow a sale. And a 10 percentage point increase in the capital gains tax rate can have a much larger impact in dollar terms on the large unrealized gain than missing out on some compounding when rates were lower.
Even so, the thought of paying taxes intermediately and missing out on compound growth can still be irksome. Some small improvement to the trend equity strategy design can prove beneficial.
Improving the Tax Profile Within Trend Equity
This commentary would be incomplete without a further exploration down some of the axes of diversification.
We can take the simple 9-month trend following strategy and diversify it along the “how” axis using a multi-model approach with multiple lookback periods.
Specifically, we will use price versus moving average and moving average cross-overs in addition to the trailing return signal and look at windows of data ranging from 6 to 12 months.2
We can also diversify along the “when” axis by tranching the monthly strategy over 20 days. This has the effect of removing the luck – either good or bad – of rebalancing on a certain day of the month.
Below, we plot the characteristics of the long-term capital gains for the strategies in years in which a long-term gain was realized.
Source: CSI Data and Kenneth French Data Library. Calculations by Newfound.
The single monthly model had about a third of the years with long-term gains. Tranching it took that fraction to over a half. Moving to a multi-model approach brought the fraction to 60%, and tranching that upped it to 2 out of every 3 years.
Source: CSI Data and Kenneth French Data Library. Calculations by Newfound.
From an annualized return perspective, all of these trend equity strategies exhibited similar return differentials between pre-tax and after-tax.
In previous commentaries, we have illustrated how tranching to remove timing luck and utilizing multiple trend following models can remove the potential dispersion in realized terminal wealth. However, in the case of taxes, these embellishments did not yield a reduction in the tax gap.
While these improvements to trend equity strategies reduce specification-based whipsaw, they often result in similar allocations for large periods of time, especially since these strategies only utilize a single asset.
But to assume that simplicity trumps complexity just because the return differentials are not improved misses the point.3
With similar returns among within the trend-following strategies, using an approach that realizes more long-term capital gains could still be beneficial from a tax perspective.
In essence, this can be thought of as akin to dollar-cost averaging.
Dollar-cost averaging to invest a lump sum of capital is often not optimal if the sole goal is to generate the highest return.4 However, it is often beneficial in that it reduces the risk of bad outcomes (i.e. tail events).
Having a strategy – like trend equity – that has the potential to generate strong returns while taking some of those returns as long-term capital gains can be a good hedge against rising tax rates. And having a diversified trend equity strategy that can realize these capital gains in a smoother fashion is icing on the cake.
Taxes are a tricky subject, especially from the asset manager’s perspective. How do you design a strategy that suits all tax needs of its investors?
Rather than trying to develop a one-size-fits-all strategy, we believe that a better approach to the tax question is education. By more thoroughly understanding the tax profile of a strategy, investors can more comfortably deploy it appropriately in their portfolios.
As highly active strategies, trend equity mandates are generally assumed to be highly tax-inefficient. We believe it is more meaningful to represent the tax characteristics an exchange of risks: capital gains are locked in at the current tax rates (most often long-term) while unrealized capital gains are kept below a reasonable level. These strategies have also historically exhibited occasional periods with short-term capital losses.
These strategies can benefit investors who expect to have higher tax rates in the future without the option of having a way to mitigate this risk otherwise (e.g. a large tax-deferred account like a cash balance plan, donations to charity, a step-up in cost basis, etc.).
Of course, the question about the interplay between tax rates and asset returns, which was ignored in this analysis, remains. But in an uncertain future, the best course of investment action is often the one that diversifies away as much uncompensated risk as possible and includes a comprehensive plan for risk management.