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The Dumb (Timing) Luck of Smart Beta

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  • In past research notes we have explored the impact of rebalance timing luck on strategic and tactical portfolios, even using our own Systematic Value methodology as a case study.
  • In this note, we generate empirical timing luck estimates for a variety of specifications for simplified value, momentum, low volatility, and quality style portfolios.
  • Relative results align nicely with intuition: higher concentration and less frequent rebalancing leads to increasing levels of realized timing luck.
  • For more reasonable specifications – e.g. 100 stock portfolios rebalanced semi-annually – timing luck ranges between 100 and 400 basis points depending upon the style under investigation, suggesting a significant risk of performance dispersion due only to when a portfolio is rebalanced and nothing else.
  • The large magnitude of timing luck suggests that any conclusions drawn from performance comparisons between smart beta ETFs or against a standard style index may be spurious.

We’ve written about the concept of rebalance timing luck a lot.  It’s a cowbell we’ve been beating for over half a decade, with our first article going back to August 7th, 2013.

As a reminder, rebalance timing luck is the performance dispersion that arises from the choice of a particular rebalance date (e.g. semi-annual rebalances that occur in June and December versus March and September).

We’ve empirically explored the impact of rebalance timing luck as it relates to strategic asset allocation, tactical asset allocation, and even used our own Systematic Value strategy as a case study for smart beta.  All of our results suggest that it has a highly non-trivial impact upon performance.

This summer we published a paper in the Journal of Index Investing that proposed a simple solution to the timing luck problem: diversification.  If, for example, we believe that our momentum portfolio should be rebalanced every quarter – perhaps as an optimal balance of cost and signal freshness – then we proposed splitting our capital across the three portfolios that spanned different three-month rebalance periods (e.g. JAN-APR-JUL-OCT, FEB-MAY-AUG-NOV, MAR-JUN-SEP-DEC).  This solution is referred to either as “tranching” or “overlapping portfolios.”

The paper also derived a formula for estimating timing luck ex-ante, with a simplified representation of:

Where L is the timing luck measure, T is turnover rate of the strategy, F is how many times per year the strategy rebalances, and S is the volatility of a long/short portfolio that captures the difference of what a strategy is currently invested in versus what it could be invested in if the portfolio was reconstructed at that point in time.

Without numbers, this equation still informs some general conclusions:

  • Higher turnover strategies have higher timing luck.
  • Strategies that rebalance more frequently have lower timing luck.
  • Strategies with a less constrained universe will have higher timing luck.

Bullet points 1 and 3 may seem similar but capture subtly different effects.  This is likely best illustrated with two examples on different extremes.  First consider a very high turnover strategy that trades within a universe of highly correlated securities.  Now consider a very low turnover strategy that is either 100% long or 100% short U.S. equities.  In the first case, the highly correlated nature of the universe means that differences in specific holdings may not matter as much, whereas in the second case the perfect inverse correlation means that small portfolio differences lead to meaningfully different performance.

L, in and of itself, is a bit tricky to interpret, but effectively attempts to capture the potential dispersion in performance between a particular rebalance implementation choice (e.g. JAN-APR-JUL-OCT) versus a timing-luck-neutral benchmark.

After half a decade, you’d would think we’ve spilled enough ink on this subject.

But given that just about every single major index still does not address this issue, and since our passion for the subject clearly verges on fever pitch, here comes some more cowbell.

Equity Style Portfolio Definitions

In this note, we will explore timing luck as it applies to four simplified smart beta portfolios based upon holdings of the S&P 500 from 2000-2019:

  • Value: Sort on earnings yield.
  • Momentum: Sort on prior 12-1 month returns.
  • Low Volatility: Sort on realized 12-month volatility.
  • Quality: Sort on average rank-score of ROE, accruals ratio, and leverage ratio.

Quality is a bit more complicated only because the quality factor has far less consistency in accepted definition.  Therefore, we adopted the signals utilized by the S&P 500 Quality Index.

For each of these equity styles, we construct portfolios that vary across two dimensions:

  • Number of Holdings: 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, and 400.
  • Frequency of Rebalance: Quarterly, Semi-Annually, and Annually.

For the different rebalance frequencies, we also generate portfolios that represent each possible rebalance variation of that mix.  For example, Momentum portfolios with 50 stocks that rebalance annually have 12 possible variations: a January rebalance, February rebalance, et cetera.  Similarly, there are 12 possible variations of Momentum portfolios with 100 stocks that rebalance annually.

By explicitly calculating the rebalance date variations of each Style x Holding x Frequency combination, we can construct an overlapping portfolios solution.  To estimate empirical annualized timing luck, we calculate the standard deviation of monthly return dispersion between the different rebalance date variations of the overlapping portfolio solution and annualize the result.

Empirical Timing Luck Results

Before looking at the results plotted below, we would encourage readers to hypothesize as to what they expect to see.  Perhaps not in absolute magnitude, but at least in relative magnitude.

For example, based upon our understanding of the variables affecting timing luck, would we expect an annually rebalanced portfolio to have more or less timing luck than a quarterly rebalanced one?

Should a more concentrated portfolio have more or less timing luck than a less concentrated variation?

Which factor has the greatest risk of exhibiting timing luck?

Source: Sharadar.  Calculations by Newfound Research.

To create a sense of scale across the styles, below we isolate the results for semi-annual rebalancing for each style and plot it.

Source: Sharadar.  Calculations by Newfound Research.

In relative terms, there is no great surprise in these results:

  • More frequent rebalancing limits the risk of portfolios changing significantly between rebalance dates, thereby decreasing the impact of timing luck.
  • More concentrated portfolios exhibit larger timing luck.
  • Faster-moving signals (e.g. momentum) tend to exhibit more timing luck than more stable, slower-moving signals (e.g. low volatility).

What is perhaps the most surprising is the sheer magnitude of timing luck.  Consider that the S&P 500 Enhanced Value, Momentum, Low Volatility, and Quality portfolios all hold 100 securities and are rebalanced semi-annually.  Our study suggests that timing luck for such approaches may be as large as 2.5%, 4.4%, 1.1%, and 2.0% respectively.

But what does that really mean?  Consider the realized performance dispersion of different rebalance date variations of a Momentum portfolio that holds the top 100 securities in equal weight and is rebalanced on a semi-annual basis.

Source: Sharadar.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Past performance is not an indicator of future results. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance figures are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes.  Performance assumes the reinvestment of all distributions. 

The 4.4% estimate of annualized timing luck is a measure of dispersion between each underlying variation and the overlapping portfolio solution.  If we isolate two sub-portfolios and calculate rolling 12-month performance dispersion, we can see that the difference can be far larger, as one might exhibit positive timing luck while the other exhibits negative timing luck.  Below we do precisely this for the APR-OCT and MAY-NOV rebalance variations.

Source: Sharadar.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Past performance is not an indicator of future results. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance figures are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes.  Performance assumes the reinvestment of all distributions. 

In fact, since these variations are identical in every which way except for the date on which they rebalance, a portfolio that is long the APR-OCT variation and short the MAY-NOV variation would explicitly capture the effects of rebalance timing luck.  If we assume the rebalance timing luck realized by these two portfolios is independent (which our research suggests it is), then the volatility of this long/short is approximately the rebalance timing luck estimated above scaled by the square-root of two.

Derivation: For variations vi and vj and overlapping-portfolio solution V, then:

Thus, if we are comparing two identically-managed 100-stock momentum portfolios that rebalance semi-annually, our 95% confidence interval for performance dispersion due to timing luck is +/- 12.4% (2 x SQRT(2) x 4.4%).

Even for more diversified, lower turnover portfolios, this remains an issue.  Consider a 400-stock low-volatility portfolio that is rebalanced quarterly.  Empirical timing luck is still 0.5%, suggesting a 95% confidence interval of 1.4%.

S&P 500 Style Index Examples

One critique of the above analysis is that it is purely hypothetical: the portfolios studied above aren’t really those offered in the market today.

We will take our analysis one step further and replicate (to the best of our ability) the S&P 500 Enhanced Value, Momentum, Low Volatility, and Quality indices.  We then created different rebalance schedule variations.  Note that the S&P 500 Low Volatility index rebalances quarterly, so there are only three possible rebalance variations to compute.

Source: Sharadar.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Past performance is not an indicator of future results. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance figures are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes.  Performance assumes the reinvestment of all distributions. 

We see a meaningful dispersion in terminal wealth levels, even for the S&P 500 Low Volatility index, which appears at first glance in the graph to have little impact from timing luck.

Minimum Terminal Wealth

Maximum Terminal Wealth

Enhanced Value






Low Volatility







We should further note that there does not appear to be one set of rebalance dates that does significantly better than the others.  For Value, FEB-AUG looks best while JUN-DEC looks the worst; for Momentum it’s almost precisely the opposite.

Furthermore, we can see that even seemingly closely related rebalances can have significant dispersion: consider MAY-NOV and JUN-DEC for Momentum. Here is a real doozy of a statistic: at one point, the MAY-NOV implementation for Momentum is down -50.3% while the JUN-DEC variation is down just -13.8%.

These differences are even more evident if we plot the annual returns for each strategy’s rebalance variations.   Note, in particular, the extreme differences in Value in 2009, Momentum in 2017, and Quality in 2003.

Source: Sharadar.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Past performance is not an indicator of future results. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance figures are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes.  Performance assumes the reinvestment of all distributions. 


In this study, we have explored the impact of rebalance timing luck on the results of smart beta / equity style portfolios.

We empirically tested this impact by designing a variety of portfolio specifications for four different equity styles (Value, Momentum, Low Volatility, and Quality).  The specifications varied by concentration as well as rebalance frequency.  We then constructed all possible rebalance variations of each specification to calculate the realized impact of rebalance timing luck over the test period (2000-2019).

In line with our mathematical model, we generally find that those strategies with higher turnover have higher timing luck and those that rebalance more frequently have less timing luck.

The sheer magnitude of timing luck, however, may come as a surprise to many.  For reasonably concentrated portfolios (100 stocks) with semi-annual rebalance frequencies (common in many index definitions), annual timing luck ranged from 1-to-4%, which translated to a 95% confidence interval in annual performance dispersion of about +/-1.5% to +/-12.5%.

The sheer magnitude of timing luck calls into question our ability to draw meaningful relative performance conclusions between two strategies.

We then explored more concrete examples, replicating the S&P 500 Enhanced Value, Momentum, Low Volatility, and Quality indices.  In line with expectations, we find that Momentum (a high turnover strategy) exhibits significantly higher realized timing luck than a lower turnover strategy rebalanced more frequently (i.e. Low Volatility).

For these four indices, the amount of rebalance timing luck leads to a staggering level of dispersion in realized terminal wealth.

“But Corey,” you say, “this only has to do with systematic factor managers, right?”

Consider that most of the major equity style benchmarks are managed with annual or semi-annual rebalance schedules.  Good luck to anyone trying to identify manager skill when your benchmark might be realizing hundreds of basis points of positive or negative performance luck a year.


Macro and Momentum Factor Rotation

This post is available as a PDF download here.


  • While many investors have adopted a multi-factor approach to style investing, some have pushed these boundaries by advocating for an active, rotational approach to factor allocation.
  • In a recent white paper, MSCI suggests several methods that might be conducive for performing style rotation, including macro-, momentum-, and value-based signals.
  • In this commentary, we attempt to test the macro- and momentum-based approaches on (slightly) out-of-sample data.
  • We find that both approaches have historically out-performed a naïve, equal-weight factor portfolio. However, the results for the macro-based approach are so good, they raise questions about hindsight bias.  Momentum results, on the other hand, are far less compelling on U.S. equity factors than the World equity factors tested by MSCI.
  • After appropriately discounting for fees, taxes, and other costs, as well as adequately discounting for testing biases, these methods may not offer much benefit over naïve, equal-weight approach.

While the empirical evidence suggests that factor investing has historically generated an excess (risk-adjusted) return premium over the long-run, short-term performance can be volatile. Because of this, an increasing number of investors are adopting a diversified approach to factor investing, holding multiple factors at once.

Although even simple allocation models – such as naïve equal-weight – have historically harvested these diversification benefits, some researchers believe that dynamic factor allocation can further enhance the returns.

One argument for taking a dynamic approach is that the performance variability is cyclical and linked to different stages of the economic cycle. The different underlying economic drivers lead to differentiated active returns and therefore lead to potential opportunities for cross-factor rotation.

For example, in a recent white paper, MSCI provides several dynamic models in what they call “Adaptive Multi-Factor Allocation.”

In this commentary, we replicate two variations of the MSCI’s Adaptive Multi-Factor models: the macro-cycle-based and momentum-based allocation methodologies. While the MSCI’s methodology is tested on world equity data, we employ US equity data as a (slightly) out-of-sample test. In line with MSCI’s research, six long-only US factors – Value, Size, Low Volatility, High Yield, Quality, and Momentum – were selected as our investible universe.

Macro Cycle-Based Allocation

Many research studies suggest that macro indicators have a strong explanatory power to systematic factor returns. One hypothesis is that the excess returns of factors could be compensation for bearing different forms of macroeconomic risk.

Historical performance of factor investing seems to prove this argument as the returns have been cyclical under different stages of the business cycle. For example, value and size factors tend to be most affected by negative economic growth (providing a risk-based argument for their long-term premium), while quality and low volatility are usually the most defensive factors due to their structurally lower equity betas. Therefore, it might make sense to invest in defensive factors during the periods of economic slowdown. On the contrary, cyclical factors could add more value during expansionary phases.

Following MSCI’s methodology, economic cycles are classified into four primary states: Expansion, Slowdown, Contraction and Recovery. Each state is defined based upon the level and slope of a 3-month moving average (“MA”) minus a 12-month MA. In this commentary, we will employ three macroeconomic indicators (which are the best 3 performing macro indicators in the MSCI’s model):

  • PMI (United States ISM Purchasing Managers Index)
  • CFNAI (Chicago Fed National Activity Index)
  • ADS (Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti Business Conditions Index)

If the 3-month MA is above the 12-month MA and the spread between the two is increasing, the economic state is labeled as an Expansion. If the spread is decreasing, however, the economic state is labeled as a Slowdown. On the other hand, if the 3-month MA is below the 12-month MA and the spread is declining, the state is Contraction. If the spread is negative but increasing, then the economy is in a Recovery


Exhibit 1: Economic Cycles of ISM PMI Index

Source: Quandl PMI Composite Index. Calculations by Newfound Research. Results are hypothetical and should not be used for investment purpose.


An equal-weight portfolio comprising of 3 of the 6 factors is constructed for each state. According to the MSCI paper, the 3 factors for each stage are predetermined based on their historical performance and the past studies on each factor. While we have described our skepticism of these choices in our previous commentary on Style Surfing the Business Cycle, we will assume that the intuition on these factor mixes is correct.

The given combinations are as follows:

  • Expansion: Momentum, Size, Value
  • Slowdown: Momentum, Quality, Low Volatility
  • Contraction: Low Volatility, Quality, Value
  • Recovery: Size, Value, High Yield

With the business cycle signals from the moving average cross-overs and the regime-based factor baskets, we can implement the dynamic factor strategies. We construct a portfolio for each indicator, rebalancing monthly based upon the identified economic regime. We also construct an blended portfolio by combining these three sub-portfolios together in hopes of benefiting from signal diversification.

Below we plot the relative returns for each portfolio against the MSCI USA Index and compare them to the equal-weighted portfolio across all 6 factors.


Exhibit 2: Relative Performance of Macro-Cycle Timing Portfolios vs. MSCI USA Index

Source: MSCI USA Standard Universe. Calculations by Newfound Research. Returns are hypothetical and are not intended to be interpreted as recommendation to any portfolio construction. Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. You cannot invest in an index. Sample Period is November 1997 – August 2019.


As we can observe from Exhibit 2, the blended portfolio (and each individual strategy) has meaningfully outperformed both a market-cap weighted benchmark as well as an equal-weight portfolio of the six underlying factors over the past 20+ years. It seems like the macro-cycle-based factor allocation provides a promising return.

Why is that? One potential reason is that factor returns are linked to the economic cycle and that using monthly (or even daily) updated macro indicators can provide timely insights into the economic state. These higher-frequency signals allow us to potentially capture smaller business cycle fluctuations that are not announced by the NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) or other institutions. The 3-month vs. 12-month moving average may also help filter undesired noise from the process.

Another potential reason is that the factors were well selected for each identified economic state. However, as we highlighted in our previous commentary, we know the factor allocations for each state were largely determined by the historical performances of each factor during that period of the business cycle.

This raises an important question: is the result a byproduct of data mining or the materialization of an unintentional hindsight bias?

To explore this question, we will perform a random sampling test. Specifically, we will look at the results of alternative portfolio choices we could have made. With four economic states and 3 (out of 6) factors selected for each, there are 160,000 possible economic state / factor portfolio configurations.  Below we plot the annualized return distribution of these different configurations and highlight where the MSCI selection falls:


Exhibit 3: Distribution of Random Sampling Test

Source: MSCI USA Standard Universe. Calculations by Newfound Research. Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. You cannot invest in an index.


Among all the possible combinations, the portfolio defined by MSCI’s factor choices lies at the 98th percentile on the annualized return distribution curve. While we would certainly want the choice to perform better than a random selection, such strong performance might suggest the choice was impacted by the benefit of hindsight.

However, it is interesting to note that in the MSCI’s definition, value is held in three states of the business cycle (contraction, recovery, and expansion) while the value factor in MSCI’s construction, either intuitionally or historically, may not actually be the most appropriate factor for all three periods. For example, during periods of expansion, some argue that market tends to favor companies with high growth potential instead of firms with low intrinsic value.

Below we plot the annualized returns for reach factor during each macro-economic state (as defined by the CFNAI indicator).


Exhibit 4: Annualized Returns for Each Factor During Each Macro State

Source: MSCI USA Standard Universe. Calculations by Newfound Research. Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. You cannot invest in an index.


Of the 12 possible factor choices to match up with the fully data-mined allocations, MSCI aligns with 9. Still, we cannot assert that the MSCI’s predefined rotation rule is a byproduct of pure data mining. It could be a mix of data mining and prevalent beliefs (e.g. the defensive nature of value prior to the 2008 crisis). We should also remember that we are testing U.S. equity factors while the original MSCI research was performed on world equity data, which might lead to subtly different factor choices.

We should also be careful to consider how market unpredictability might negatively skew the returns. As there is no set reason for how or why a financial crisis might unfold, the reliability of using predetermined definitions based solely upon past history may be questionable for future performance.


Exhibit 5: Monthly Return Distribution of MSCI US Value Factor in Contraction, Recovery, and Expansion Phases

Source: MSCI USA Standard Universe. Calculations by Newfound Research. Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. You cannot invest in an index. Sample Period is November 1997 – August 2019.

Momentum-Based Allocation

MSCI also tests a dynamic factor construction based upon momentum signals. This approach is also not without academic basis. For example, Research Affiliates performed a study on the momentum effect amongst 51 factors and found that factors exhibit stronger momentum than both individual stocks and industries. They found that momentum is a prevailing property of almost all factors.

To test the viability of momentum-based allocation, we follow MSCI’s methodology and rank the factors based upon their prior returns, rebalancing monthly and holding the top 3 ranked factors. The ranking is calculated based upon the last 1-month, 6-month, and 12-month total returns for each factor.

Below we plot the relative performance for each formation period versus a benchmark index. We also plot the relative performance of a naïve, equal-weight factor portfolio.  Exhibit 6 plots the approach applied to U.S. equity factors while Exhibit 7 attempts to replicate MSCI’s original results with World equity factors.


Exhibit 6: Relative Performance of Momentum-Based Multi-Factor Portfolios vs MSCI USA Index

Source: MSCI USA Standard Universe. Calculations by Newfound Research. Returns are hypothetical and are not intended to be interpreted as recommendation to any portfolio construction. Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. You cannot invest in an index. Sample Period is December 1998 – August 2019.


Exhibit 7: Relative Performance of Momentum-Based Multi-Factor Portfolios vs MSCI World Index

Source: MSCI World Standard Universe. Calculations by Newfound Research. Returns are hypothetical and are not intended to be interpreted as recommendation to any portfolio construction. Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. You cannot invest in an index. Sample Period is December 1998 – August 2019.


In line with the MSCI’s results, all three momentum-based indicators generate excess returns over the benchmark as well as the equal-weighted portfolio. The best performing indicator is the 6-month variation. However, our out-of-sample test using US equity factors failed to generate similar returns compared to the World equity factors. It is probably because that there is a stronger factor momentum on the global level.

Comparing the Two Methodologies

Now that we have introduced our test results for macro-based and momentum-base dynamic factor allocation, we want to compare their performance of .  Summary performance information is reported below:

 MSCI US IndexMacro-Based




Annualized Return7.3%10.2%9.1%
Annualized Volatility15.0%14.1%13.2%
Sharpe Ratio0.550.760.75
Rebalance Freq. 8.7 / year5.2 / year

Source: MSCI USA Standard Universe. Calculations by Newfound Research. Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. You cannot invest in an index.


It is worth noting that momentum-based timing rotation provides a more stable annualized return with lower volatility while also maintaining a similar Sharpe ratio compared to the macro-based allocation. The trading frequency is also lower on annual basis.

Since these are long-only strategies, a key risk is underperforming during large equity market drawdowns, adding insult to injury. To see these effects, we can perform a scenario test for these two allocation methodologies during the dot-com bubble and the 2008 Financial Crisis. Defined periods are based on NBER’s listed history.


Exhibit 8: Monthly Returns of Macro-Based Allocation vs. Momentum-Based Allocation Under Two Recessions

Source: MSCI USA Standard Universe. Calculations by Newfound Research. Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. You cannot invest in an index.


In general, momentum-based allocation provides better combinations of factors during recessions but tends to react slower when market starts to exit and enter into recovery. This is likely due to the inherent lag from the lookback periods that the momentum strategy has to undertake before generating signals.


Rotating among factors can be very tempting, and in this commentary, we examined two potential ways to implement this strategy: macro cycle-based and momentum-based.

Regardless of which strategy we select, it is important to remember that risk is not destroyed but rather shifted into different forms.

With the momentum-based allocation, the embedded assumption is that the near future will look like the recent past.

On the other hand, dynamic allocation based upon macro-economic regimes requires us to estimate both the current regime we are in as well as which factors will do well during that regime. In sacrificing more dynamic combinations, the fixed structure of the regime allocations may help reduce the impact of short-term noise that might lead to whipsaw trades in a momentum-based approach.

One positive about the momentum-based methodology is that the factor selection is inherently dynamic whereas the macro cycle-based method prespecified regime-dependent factor baskets. We could expect future returns to remain consistent with the historical hypothetical performance, but this is an assumption that may be informed by hindsight-based “intuition”. The trade-off with using momentum to be dynamic is that the lag of the signals may fail to capitalize on potential opportunities during the transitions between business cycle states. This was the case in recovery state during the last two recessions.

We should also keep in mind that there are only 6 factors in our investible universe. What would the returns look like if we add more factors to our universe? What if we use different constructions of the same factors? Will the momentum-based timing rotation still outperform the benchmark? This is an open question for future research.

Both macro-based and momentum-based dynamic factor allocation proved successful in our (slightly) out-of-sample test. However, we should stress that all tests were performed gross of any fees and costs, which can have a substantial impact upon results (especially for high turnover strategies). Furthermore, the success of the macro-based test was highly dependent upon the factors selected for each macro regime, and there is a risk those factors were determined with hindsight bias.

Nevertheless, we believe this evidence suggests that further research is warranted, perhaps incorporating a blend of the approaches as well as other specifications to provide further signal diversification.


Ensemble Multi-Asset Momentum

This post is available as a PDF download here.


  • We explore a representative multi-asset momentum model that is similar to many bank-based indexes behind structured products and market-linked CDs.
  • With a monthly rebalance cycle, we find substantial timing luck risk.
  • Using the same basic framework, we build a simple ensemble approach, diversifying both process and rebalance timing risk.
  • We find that the virtual strategy-of-strategies is able to harvest diversification benefits, realizing a top-quartile Sharpe ratio with a bottom-quartile maximum drawdown.

Early in the 2010s, a suite of index-linked products came to market that raised billions of dollars.  These products – offered by just about every major bank – sought to simultaneously exploit the diversification benefits of modern portfolio theory and the potential for excess returns from the momentum anomaly.

While each index has its own bells and whistles, they generally follow the same approach:

  • A global, multi-asset universe covering equities, fixed income, and commodities.
  • Implemented using highly liquid ETFs.
  • Asset class and position-level allocation limits.
  • A monthly rebalance schedule.
  • A portfolio optimization that seeks to maximize weighted prior returns (e.g. prior 6 month returns) while limiting portfolio volatility to some maximum threshold (e.g. 5%).

And despite their differences, we can see in plotting their returns below that these indices generally share a common return pattern, indicating a common, driving style.

Source: Bloomberg.

Frequent readers will know that “monthly rebalance” is an immediate red flag for us here at Newfound: an indicator that timing luck is likely lurking nearby.

Replicating Multi-Asset Momentum

To test the impact of timing luck, we replicate a simple multi-asset momentum strategy based upon available index descriptions.

We rebalance the portfolio at the end of each month.  Our optimization process seeks to identify the portfolio with a realized volatility less than 5% that would have maximized returns over the prior six months, subject to a number of position and asset-level limits.  If the 5% volatility target is not achievable, the target is increased by 1% until a portfolio can be constructed that satisfies our constraints.

We use the following ETFs and asset class limits:

As a naïve test for timing luck, rather than assuming the index rebalances at the end of each month, we will simply assume the index rebalances every 21 trading days. In doing so, we can construct 21 different variations of the index, each representing the results from selecting a different rebalance date.

Source: CSI Analytics; Calculations by Newfound Research.  Results are backtested and hypothetical.  Results assume the reinvestment of all distributions.  Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes, with the exception of underlying ETF expense ratios.  Past performance is not an indicator of future results. 

As expected, the choice of rebalance date has a meaningful impact.  Annualized returns range from 4.7% to 5.5%, Sharpe ratios range from 0.6 to 0.9, and maximum drawdowns range from 9.9% to 20.8%.

On a year-by-year basis, the only thing that is consistent is the large spread between the worst and best-performing rebalance date.  On average, the yearly spread exceeds 400 basis points.




































2019 YTD



* Partial year starting 7/22/2018

We’ve said it in the past and we’ll say it again: timing luck can be the difference between hired and fired.  And while we’d rather be on the side of good luck, the lack of control means we’d rather just avoid this risk all together.

If it isn’t nailed down for a reason, diversify it

The choice of when to rebalance is certainly not the only free variable of our multi-asset momentum strategy.  Without an explicit view as to why a choice is made, our preference is always to diversify so as to avoid specification risk.

We will leave the constraints (e.g. volatility target and weight constraints) well enough alone in this example, but we should consider the process by which we’re measuring past returns as well as the horizon over which we’re measuring it.  There is plenty of historical efficacy to using prior 6-month total returns for momentum, but no lack of evidence supporting other lookback horizons or measurements.

Therefore, we will use three models of momentum: prior total return, the distance of price from its moving average, and the distance of a short-term moving average from a longer-term moving average.  We will vary the parameterization of these signals to cover horizons ranging from 3- to 15-months in length.

We will also vary which day of the month the portfolio rebalances on.

By varying the signal, the lookback horizon, and the rebalance date, we can generate hundreds of different portfolios, all supported by the same theoretical evidence but having slightly different realized results due to their particular specification.

Our robust portfolio emerges by calculating the weights for all these different variations and averaging them together, in many ways creating a virtual strategy-of-strategies.

Below we plot the result of this –ensemble approach– as compared to a –random sample of the underlying specifications–.  We can see that while there are specifications that do much better, there are also those that do much worse.  By employing an ensemble approach, we forgo the opportunity for good luck and avoid the risk of bad luck.   Along the way, though, we may pick up some diversification benefits: the Sharpe ratio of the ensemble approach fell in the top quartile of specifications and its maximum drawdown was in the bottom quartile (i.e. lower drawdown).

Source: CSI Analytics; Calculations by Newfound Research.  Results are backtested and hypothetical.  Results assume the reinvestment of all distributions.  Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes, with the exception of underlying ETF expense ratios.  Past performance is not an indicator of future results.


In this commentary, we again demonstrate the potential risk of needless specification and the potential power of diversification.

Using a popular multi-asset momentum model as our example, we again find a significant amount of timing luck lurking in a monthly rebalance specification.  By building a virtual strategy-of-strategies, we are able to manage this risk by partially rebalancing our portfolio on different days.

We go a step further, acknowledging that processrepresents another axis of risk. Specifically, we vary both how we measure momentum and the horizon over which it is measured.  Through the variation of rebalance days, model specifications, and lookback horizons, we generate over 500 different strategy specifications and combine them into a virtual strategy-of-strategies to generate our robust multi-asset momentum model.

As with prior commentaries, we find that the robust model is able to effectively reduce the risk of both specification and timing luck.  But perhaps most importantly, it was able to harvest the benefits of diversification, realizing a Sharpe ratio in the top quartile of specifications and a maximum drawdown in the lowest quartile.

Value and the Credit Spread

This post is available as a PDF download here.


  • We continue our exploration of quantitative signals in fixed income.
  • We use a measure of credit curve steepness as a valuation signal for timing exposure between corporate bonds and U.S. Treasuries.
  • The value signal generates a 0.84% annualized return from 1950 to 2019 but is highly regime dependent with meaningful drawdowns.
  • Introducing a naïve momentum strategy significantly improves the realized Sharpe ratio and drawdown profile, but does not reduce the regime-based nature of the returns.
  • With a combined return of just 1.0% annualized, this strategy may not prove effective after appropriate discounting for hindsight bias, costs, and manager fees. The signal itself, however, may be useful in other contexts.

In the last several weeks, we have been exploring the application of quantitative signals to fixed income.

Recent cross-sectional studies also build off of further research we’ve done in the past on applying trend, value, carry, and explicit measures of the bond risk premium as duration timing mechanisms (see Duration Timing with Style Premia; Timing Bonds with Value, Momentum, and Carry; and A Carry-Trend-Hedge Approach to Duration Timing).

Broadly, our studies have found:

  • Value (measured as deviation from real yield), momentum (prior 12-month returns), and carry (yield-to-worst) were all profitable factors in cross-section municipal bond sector long/short portfolios.
  • Value (measured as deviation from real yield), trend (measured as prior return), and carry (measured as term spread + roll yield) have historically been effective timing signals for U.S. duration exposure.
  • Prior short-term equity returns proved to be an effective signal for near-term returns in U.S. Treasuries (related to the “flight-to-safety premium”).
  • Short-term trend proved effective for high yield bond timing, but the results were vastly determined by performance in 2000-2003 and 2008-2009. While the strategy appeared to still be able to harvest relative carry between high-yield bonds and core fixed income in other environments, a significant proportion of returns came from avoiding large drawdowns in high yield.
  • Short-term cross-section momentum (prior total returns), value (z-score of loss-adjusted yield-to-worst), carry (loss-adjusted yield-to-worst), and 3-year reversals all appeared to offer robust signals for relative selection in fixed income sectors. The time period covered in the study, however, was limited and mostly within a low-inflation regime.
  • Application of momentum, value, carry, and reversal as timing signals proved largely ineffective for generating excess returns.

In this week’s commentary, we want to further contribute to research by introducing a value timing signal for credit.

Finding Value in Credit

Identifying a value signal requires some measure or proxy of an asset’s “fair” value. What can make identifying value in credit so difficult is that there are a number of moving pieces.

Conceptually, credit spreads should be proportional to default rates, recovery rates, and aggregate risk appetite, making determining whether spreads are cheap or expensive rather complicated.  Prior literature typically tackles the problem with one of three major categories of models:

  • Econometric: “Fair value” of credit spreads is modeled through a regression that typically explicitly accounts for default and recovery rates. Inputs are often related to economic and market variables, such as equity market returns, 10-year minus 2-year spreads, corporate leverage, and corporate profitability.  Bottom-up analysis may use metrics such as credit quality, maturity, supply, and liquidity.
  • Merton Model: Based upon the idea the bond holders have sold a put on a company’s asset value. Therefore, options pricing models can be used to calculate a credit spread.  Inputs include the total asset value, asset volatility, and leverage of the firm under analysis.
  • Spread Signal: A simple statistical model derived from credit spread themselves. For example, a rolling z-score of option-adjusted spreads or deviations from real yield.  Other models (e.g. Haghani and Dewey (2016)) have used spread plus real yield versus a long-run constant (e.g. “150 basis points”).

The first method requires a significant amount of economic modeling.  The second approach requires a significant amount of extrapolation from market data.  The third method, while computationally (and intellectually) less intensive, requires a meaningful historical sample that realistically needs to cover at least one full market cycle.

While attractive for its simplicity, there are a number of factors that complicate the third approach.

First, if spreads are measured against U.S. Treasuries, the metric may be polluted by information related to Treasuries due to their idiosyncratic behavior (e.g. scarcity effects and flight-to-safety premiums).  Structural shifts in default rates, recovery rates, and risk appetites may also cause a problem, as spreads may appear unduly thin or wide compared to past regimes.

In light of this, in this piece we will explore a similarly simple-to-calculate spread signal, but one that hopefully addresses some of these short-comings.

Baa vs. Aaa Yields

In order to adjust for these problems, we propose looking at the steepness of the credit curve itself by comparing prime / high-grade yield versus lower-medium grade yields.  For example, we could compare Moody’s Season Aaa Corporate Bond Yield and Moody’s Season Baa Corporate Bond Yield.  In fact, we will use these yields for the remainder of this study.

We may be initially inclined to measure the steepness of the credit curve by taking the difference in yield spreads, which we plot below.

Source: Federal Reserve of St. Louis.  Calculations by Newfound Research.

We can find a stronger mean-reverting signal, however, if we calculate the log-difference in yields.

Source: Federal Reserve of St. Louis.  Calculations by Newfound Research.

We believe this transformation is appropriate for two reasons.  First, the log transformation helps control for the highly heteroskedastic and skewed nature of credit spreads.

Second, it helps capture both the steepness andthe level of the credit curve simultaneously.  For example, a 50-basis-point premium when Aaa yield is 1,000 basis points is very different than when Aaa yield is 100 basis points.  In the former case, investors may not feel any pressure to bear excess risk to achieve their return objectives, and therefore a 50-basis-point spread may be quite thin.  In the latter case, 50 basis points may represent a significant step-up in relative return level in an environment where investors have either low default expectations, high recovery expectations, high risk appetite, or some combination thereof.

Another way of interpreting our signal is that it informs us about the relative decisions investors must make about their expected dispersion in terminal wealth.

Constructing the Value Strategy

With our signal in hand, we can now attempt to time credit exposure.  When our measure signals that the credit curve is historically steep, we will take credit risk.  When our signal indicates that the curve is historically flat we will avoid it.

Specifically, we will construct a dollar-neutral long/short portfolio using the Dow Jones Corporate Bond Index (“DJCORP”) and a constant maturity 5-year U.S. Treasury index (“FV”).   We will calculate a rolling z-score of our steepness measure and go long DJCORP and short FV when the z-score is positive and place the opposite trade when the z-score is negative.

In line with prior studies, we will apply an ensemble approach.  Portfolios are reformed monthly using formation ranging from 3-to-6 years with holding periods ranging from 1-to-6 months.  Portfolio weights for the resulting strategy are plotted below.

Source: Federal Reserve of St. Louis and Global Financial Data.  Calculations by Newfound Research.

We should address the fact that while both corporate bond yield and index data is available back to the 1930s, we have truncated our study to ignore dates prior to 12/1949 to normalize for a post-war period.  It should be further acknowledged that the Dow Jones Corporate Bond index used in this study did not technically exist until 2002.  Prior to that date, the index return tracks a Dow Jones Bond Aggregate, which was based upon four sub-indices: high-grade rails, second-grade rails, public utilities, and industries.  This average existed from 1915 to 1976, when it was replaced with a new average at that point when the number of railway bonds was no longer sufficient to maintain the average.

Below we plot the returns of our long/short strategy.

Source: Federal Reserve of St. Louis and Global Financial Data.  Calculations by Newfound Research. Returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns are gross of all management fees, transaction fees, and taxes, but net of underlying fund fees.  Total return series assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.

The strategy has an annualized return of 0.84% with a volatility of 3.89%, generating a Sharpe ratio of 0.22.  Of course, long-term return statistics belie investor and manager experience, with this strategy exhibiting at least two periods of decade-plus-long drawdowns.  In fact, the strategy really has just four major return regimes: 1950 to 1970 (-0.24% annualized), 1970 to 1987 (2.59% annualized), 1987 to 2002 (-0.33%), and 2002 to 2019 (1.49% annualized).

Try the strategy out in the wrong environment and we might be in for a lot of pain.

Momentum to the Rescue?

It is no secret that value and momentum go together like peanut butter and jelly. Instead of tweaking our strategy to death in order to improve it, we may just find opportunity in combining it with a negatively correlated signal.

Using an ensemble model, we construct a dollar-neutral long/short momentum strategy that compares prior total returns of DJCORP and FV.  Rebalanced monthly, the portfolios use formation periods ranging from 9-to-15 months and holding periods ranging from 1-to-6 months.

Below we plot the growth of $1 in our value strategy, our momentum strategy, and a 50/50 combination of the two strategies that is rebalanced monthly.

Source: Federal Reserve of St. Louis and Global Financial Data.  Calculations by Newfound Research. Returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns are gross of all management fees, transaction fees, and taxes, but net of underlying fund fees.  Total return series assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.

The first thing we note is – even without calculating any statistics – the meaningful negative correlation we see in the equity curves of the value and momentum strategies.  This should give us confidence that there is the potential for significant improvement through diversification.

The momentum strategy returns 1.11% annualized with a volatility of 3.92%, generating a Sharpe ratio of 0.29.  The 50/50 combination strategy, however, returns 1.03% annualized with a volatility of just 2.16% annualized, resulting in a Sharpe ratio of 0.48.

While we still see significant regime-driven behavior, the negative regimes now come at a far lower cost.


In this study we introduce a simple value strategy based upon the steepness of the credit curve.  Specifically, we calculated a rolling z-score on the log-difference between Moody’s Seasoned Baa and Aaa yields.  We interpreted a positive z-score as a historically steep credit curve and therefore likely one that would revert.  Similarly, when z-scores were negative, we interpreted the signal as a flat credit curve, and therefore a period during which taking credit risk is not well compensated.

Employing an ensemble approach, we generated a long/short strategy that would buy the Dow Jones Corporate Bond Index and short 5-year U.S. Treasuries when credit appeared cheap and place the opposite trade when credit appeared expensive.  We found that this strategy returned 0.84% annualized with a volatility of 3.89% from 1950 to 2019.

Unfortunately, our value signal generated significantly regime-dependent behavior with decade-long drawdowns.  This not only causes us to question the statistical validity of the signal, but also the practicality of implementing it.

Fortunately, a naively constructed momentum signal provides ample diversification.  While a combination strategy is still highly regime-driven, the drawdowns are significantly reduced.  Not only do returns meaningfully improve compared to the stand-alone value signal, but the Sharpe ratio more-than-doubles.

Unfortunately, our study leveraged a long/short construction methodology.  While this isolates the impact of active returns, long-only investors must cut return expectations of the strategy in half, as a tactical timing model can only half-implement this trade without leverage.  A long-only switching strategy, then, would only be expected to generate approximately 0.5% annualized excess return above a 50% Dow Jones Corporate Bond Index / 50% 5-Year U.S. Treasury index portfolio.

And that’s before adjustments for hindsight bias, trading costs, and manager fees.

Nevertheless, more precise implementation may lead to better results.  For example, our indices neither perfectly matched the credit spreads we evaluated, nor did they match each other’s durations.  Furthermore, while this particular implementation may not survive costs, this signal may still provide meaningful information for other credit-based strategies.

Tactical Credit

This post is available as a PDF download here.


  • In this commentary we explore tactical credit strategies that switch between high yield bonds and core fixed income exposures.
  • We find that short-term momentum signals generate statistically significant annualized excess returns.
  • We use a cross-section of statistically significant strategy parameterizations to generate an ensemble strategy.Consistent with past research, we find that this ensemble approach helps reduce idiosyncratic specification risk and dramatically increases the strategy’s information ratio above the median underlying strategy information ratio.
  • To gain a better understanding of the strategy, we attempt to determine the source of strategy returns. We find that a significant proportion of returns are generated as price returns occurring during periods when credit spreads are above their median value and are expanding.
  • Excluding the 2000-2003 and 2008-2009 sub-periods reduces gross-of-cost strategy returns from 2.9% to 1.5%, bringing into question how effective post-of-cost implementation can be if we do not necessarily expect another crisis period to unfold.

There is a certain class of strategies we get asked about quite frequently but have never written much on: tactical credit.

The signals driving these strategies can vary significantly (including momentum, valuation, carry, macro-economic, et cetera) and implementation can range from individual bonds to broad index exposure to credit default swaps.  The simplest approach we see, however, are high yield switching strategies.  The strategies typically allocate between high yield corporate bonds and core fixed income (or short-to-medium-term U.S. Treasuries) predominately based upon some sort of momentum-driven signal.

It is easy to see why this seemingly naïve approach has been attractive.  Implementing a simple rotation between –high-yield corporates– and –core U.S. fixed income– with a 3-month lookback with 1-month hold creates a fairly attractive looking –tactical credit– strategy.

Source: Tiingo.  Calculations by Newfound Research.   Tactical Credit strategy returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns gross of all management fees and taxes, but net of underlying fund fees.  HY Corporates represents the Vanguard High-Yield Corporate Fund (VWEHX).  Core Bonds is represented by the Vanguard Total. Bond Market Index Fund (VBMFX).  Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions.

Visualizing the ratio of the equity curves over time, we see a return profile that is reminiscent of past writings on tactical and trend equity strategies. The tactical credit strategy tends to outperform core bonds during most periods, with the exception of periods of economic stress (e.g. 2000-2002 or 2008).  On the other hand, the tactical credit strategy tends to underperform high yield corporates in most environments, but has historically added significant value in those same periods of economic stress.

Source: Tiingo.  Calculations by Newfound Research.   Tactical Credit strategy returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns gross of all management fees and taxes, but net of underlying fund fees.  HY Corporates represents the Vanguard High-Yield Corporate Fund (VWEHX).  Core Bonds is represented by the Vanguard Total. Bond Market Index Fund (VBMFX).  Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions.

This is akin to tactical equity strategies, which have historically out-performed the safety asset (e.g. cash) during periods of equity market tailwinds, but under-performed buy-and-hold equity during those periods due to switching costs and whipsaw. As the most aggressive stance the tactical credit strategy can take is a 100% position in high yield corporates, it would be unrealistic for us to expect such a strategy to out-perform in an environment that is conducive to strong high yield performance.

What makes this strategy different than tactical equity, however, is that the vast majority of total return in these asset classes comes from income rather than growth.  In fact, since the 1990s, the price return of high yield bonds has annualized at -0.8%.  This loss reflects defaults occurring within the portfolio offset by recovery rates.1

This is potentially problematic for a tactical strategy as it implies a significant potential opportunity cost of switching out of high yield.  However, we can also see that the price return is volatile.  In years like 2008, the price return was -27%, more than offsetting the 7%+ yield you would have achieved just holding the fund.

Source: Tiingo.  Calculations by Newfound Research.   Returns gross of all management fees and taxes, but net of underlying fund fees.

Like trend equity, we can think of this tactical credit strategy as being a combination of two portfolios:

  • A fixed-mix of 50% high yield corporates and 50% core bonds; and
  • 50% exposure to a dollar-neutral long/short portfolio that captures the tactical bet.

For example, when the tactical credit portfolio is 100% in high yield corporates, we can think of this as being a 50/50 strategy portfolio with a 50% overlay that is 100% long high yield corporates and 100% short core bonds, leading to a net exposure that is 100% long high yield corporates.

Thinking in this manner allows us to isolate the active returns of the portfolio actually being generated by the tactical signals and determine value-add beyond a diversified buy-and-hold core.  Thus, for the remainder of this commentary we will focus our exploration on the long/short component.

Before we go any further, we do want to address that a naïve comparison between high yield corporates and core fixed income may be plagued by changing composition in the underlying portfolios as well as unintended bets.  For example, without specifically duration matching the legs of the portfolio, it is likely that a dollar-neutral long/short portfolio will have residual interest rate exposure and will not represent an isolated credit bet.  Thus, naïve total return comparisons will capture both interest rate and credit-driven effects.

This is further complicated by the fact that sensitivity to these factors will change over time due both to the math of fixed income (e.g. interest rate sensitivity changing over time due to higher order effects like convexity) as well as changes in the underlying portfolio composition.  If we are not going to specifically measure and hedge out these unintended bets, we will likely want to rely on faster signals such that the bet our portfolio was attempting to capture is no longer reflected by the holdings.

We will begin by first evaluating the stability of our momentum signals.  We do this by varying formation period (i.e. lookback) and holding period of our momentum rotation strategy and calculating the corresponding t-statistic of the equity curve’s returns.  We plot the t-statistics below and specifically highlight those regions were t-statistics exceed 2, a common threshold for significance.

Source: Tiingo.  Calculations by Newfound Research.

It should be noted that data for this study only goes back to 1990, so achieving statistical significance is more difficult as the sample size is significantly reduced. Nevertheless, unlike trend equity which tends to exhibit strong significance across formation periods ranging 6-to-18 months, we see a much more limited region with tactical credit. Only formation periods from 3-to-5 months appear significant, and only with holding periods where the total period (formation plus holding period) is less than 6-months.

Note that our original choice of 63-day (approximately 3 months) formation and 21-day (approximately 1 month) hold falls within this region.

We can also see that very short formation and holding period combinations (e.g. less than one month) also appear significant.  This may be due to the design of our test.  To achieve the longest history for this study, we employed mutual funds.  However, mutual funds holding less liquid underlying securities tend to exhibit positive autocorrelation. While we adjusted realized volatility levels for this autocorrelation effect in an effort to create more realistic t-statistics, it is likely that positive results in this hyper short-term region emerge from this effect.

Finally, we can see another rather robust region representing the same formation period of 3-to-5 months, but a much longer holding length of 10-to-12 months.  For the remainder of this commentary, we’ll ignore this region, though it warrants further study.

Assuming formation and holding periods going to a daily granularity, the left-most region represents over 1,800 possible strategy combinations.  Without any particular reason for choosing one over another, we will embrace an ensemble approach, calculating the target weights for all possible combinations and averaging them together in a virtual portfolio-of-portfolios configuration.

Below we plot the long/short allocations as well as the equity curve for the ensemble long/short tactical credit strategy.

Source: Tiingo.  Calculations by Newfound Research.   Tactical Credit strategy returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns gross of all management fees and taxes, but net of underlying fund fees.  Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions.

Note that each leg of the long/short portfolio does not necessarily equal 100% notional.  This reflects conflicting signals in the underlying portfolios, causing the ensemble strategy to reduce its gross allocation as a reflection of uncertainty.

As a quick aside, we do want to highlight how the performance of the ensemble compares to the performance of the underlying strategies.

Below we plot the annualized return, annualized volatility, maximum drawdown, and information ratio of all the underlying equity curves of the strategies that make up the ensemble.  We also identify the –ensemble approach–.  While we can see that the ensemble approach brings the annualized return in-line with the median annualized return, its annualized volatility is in the 14thpercentile and its maximum drawdown is in the 8thpercentile.

Source: Tiingo.  Calculations by Newfound Research.   Tactical Credit strategy returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns gross of all management fees and taxes, but net of underlying fund fees.  Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions.

By maintaining the median annualized return and significantly reducing annualized volatility, the ensemble has an information ratio in the 78thpercentile.  As we’ve demonstrated in prior commentaries, by diversifying idiosyncratic specification risk, the ensemble approach is able to generate an information ratio significantly higher than the median without having to explicitly choose which specification we believe will necessarily outperform.

Given this ensemble implementation, we can now ask, “what is the driving force of strategy returns?”  In other words, does the strategy create returns by harvesting price return differences or through carry (yield) differences?

One simple way of evaluating this question is by evaluating the strategy’s sensitivity to changes in credit spreads.  Specifically, we can calculate daily changes in the ICE BofAML US High Yield Master II Option-Adjusted Spread and multiply it against the strategy’s exposure to high yield bonds on the prior day.

By accumulating these weighted changes over time, we can determine how much spread change the strategy has captured.  We can break this down further by isolating positive and negative change days and trying to figure out whether the strategy has benefited from avoiding spread expansion or from harvesting spread contraction.

In the graph below, we can see that the strategy harvested approximately 35,000 basis points (“bps”) from 12/1996 to present (the period for which credit spread data was available). Point-to-point, credit spreads actually widened by 100bps over the period, indicating that tactical changes were able to harvest significant changes in spreads.

Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  

We can see that over the full period, the strategy predominately benefited from harvesting contracting spreads, as exposure to expanding spreads had a cumulative net zero impact.  This analysis is incredibly regime dependent, however, and we can see that periods like 2000-2003 and 2008 saw a large benefit from short-exposure in high yield during a period when spreads were expanding.

We can even see that in the case of post-2008, switching to long high yield exposure allowed the strategy to benefit from subsequent credit spread declines.

While this analysis provides some indication that the strategy benefits from harvesting credit spread changes, we can dig deeper by taking a regime-dependent view of performance. Specifically, we can look at strategy returns conditional upon whether spreads are above or below their long-term median, as well as whether they expand or contract in a given month.

Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Tactical Credit strategy returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns gross of all management fees and taxes, but net of underlying fund fees.  Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions.

Most of the strategy return appears to occur during times when spreads are above their long-term median. Calculating regime-conditional annualized returns confirms this view.










The strategy appears to perform best during periods when credit spreads are expanding above their long-term median level (e.g. crisis periods like 2008).  The strategy appears to do its worst when spreads are below their median and begin to expand, likely representing periods when the strategy is generally long high yield but has not had a chance to make a tactical switch.

This all points to the fact that the strategy harvests almost all of its returns in crisis periods.  In fact, if we remove 2000-2003 and 2008-2009, we can see that the captured credit spread declines dramatically.

Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  

Capturing price returns due to changes in credit spreads are not responsible for all of the strategy’s returns, however.

Below we explicitly calculate the yield generated by the long/short strategy over time.  As high yield corporates tend to offer higher yields, when the strategy is net long high yield, the strategy’s yield is positive.  On the other hand, when the strategy is net short high yield, the strategy’s yield is negative.

This is consistent with our initial view about why these sorts of tactical strategies can be so difficult.  During the latter stages of the 2008 crisis, the long/short strategy had a net negative yield of close to -0.5% per month.2   Thus, the cost of carrying this tactical position is rather expensive and places a larger burden on the strategy accurately timing price return.

Source: Tiingo.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Tactical Credit strategy returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns gross of all management fees and taxes, but net of underlying fund fees.

From this graph, we believe there are two interesting things worth calling out:

  • The long-run average yield is positive, representing the strategy’s ability to capture carry differences between high yield and core bonds.
  • In the post-crisis environments, the strategy generates yields in excess of one standard deviation of the full-period sample, indicating that the strategy may have benefited from allocating to high yield when yields were abnormally large.

To better determine whether capturing changes in credit spreads or carry differences had a larger impact on strategy returns, we can explicitly calculate the –price– and –total return– indices of the ensemble strategy.

Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Tactical Credit strategy returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns gross of all management fees and taxes, but net of underlying fund fees.  Total return series assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.

The –price return– and –total return– series return 2.1% and 2.9% annualized respectively, implying that capturing price return effects account for approximately 75% of the strategy’s total return.

This is potentially concerning, because we have seen that the majority of the price return comes from a single regime: when credit spreads are above their long-term median and expanding.  As we further saw, simply removing the 2000-2003 and 2008-2009 periods significantly reduced the strategy’s ability to harvest these credit spread changes.

While the strategy may appear to be supported by nearly 30-years of empirical evidence, in reality we have a situation where the vast majority of the strategy’s returns were generated in just two regimes.

If we remove 2000-2003 and 2008-2009 from the return series, however, we can see that the total return of the strategy only falls to 0.7% and. 1.6% annualized for –price return– and –total return– respectively.  While this may appear to be a precipitous decline, it indicates that there may be potential to capture both changes in credit spread and net carry differences even in normal market environments so long as implementation costs are kept low enough.

Source: Tiingo.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Tactical Credit strategy returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns gross of all management fees and taxes, but net of underlying fund fees.  Total return series assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


In this commentary, we explored a tactical credit strategy that switched between high yield corporate bonds and core fixed income.  We decompose these strategies into a 50% high yield / 50% core fixed income portfolio that is overlaid with 50% exposure to a dollar-neutral long/short strategy that captures the tactical tilts.  We focus our exploration on the dollar-neutral long/short portfolio, as it isolates the active bets of the strategy.

Using cross-sectional momentum, we found that short-term signals with formation periods ranging from 3-to-5 months were statistically significant, so long as the holding period was sufficiently short.

We used this information to construct an ensemble strategy made out of more than 1,800 underlying strategy specifications.  Consistent with past research, we found that the ensemble closely tracked the median annualized return of the underlying strategies, but had significantly lower volatility and maximum drawdown, leading to a higher information ratio.

We then attempted to deconstruct where the strategy generated its returns from.  We found that a significant proportion of total returns were achieved during periods when credit spreads were above their long-term median and expanding.  This is consistent with periods of economic volatility such as 2000-2003 and 2008-2009.

The strategy also benefited from harvesting net carry differences between high yield and core fixed income.  Explicitly calculating strategy price and total return, we find that this carry component accounts for approximately 25% of strategy returns.

The impact of the 2000-2003 and 2008-2009 periods on strategy returns should not be understated.   Removing these time periods reduced strategy returns from 2.9% to 1.6% annualized. Interestingly, however, the proportion of total return explained by net carry only increased from 25% to 50%, potentially indicating that the strategy was still able to harvest some opportunities in changing credit spreads.

For investors evaluating these types of strategies, cost will be an important component.  While environments like 2008 may lead to opportunities for significant out-performance, without them the strategy may offer anemic returns.  This is especially true when we recall that a long-only implementation only has 50% implicit exposure to the long/short strategy we evaluated in this piece.

Thus, the 2.9% annualized return is really closer to a 1.5% annualized excess return above the 50/50 portfolio.  For the ex-crisis periods, the number is closer to 0.8% annualized.  When we consider that this analysis was done without explicit consideration for management costs or trading costs and we have yet to apply an appropriate expectation haircut given the fact that this analysis was all backtested, there may not be sufficient juice to squeeze.

That said, we only evaluated a single signal in this piece.  Combining momentum with valuation, carry, or even macro-economic signals may lead to significantly better performance.  Further, high yield corporates is a space where empirical evidence suggests that security selection can make a large difference.  Careful selection of funds may lead to meaningfully better performance than just broad asset class exposure.



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