The Research Library of Newfound Research

Tag: ensemble

Ensembles and Rebalancing

This post is available as a PDF download here.


  • While rebalancing studies typically focus on the combination of different asset classes, we evaluate a combination of two naïve trend-following strategies.
  • As expected, we find that a rebalanced fixed-mix of the two strategies generates a concave payoff profile.
  • More interestingly, deriving the optimal blend of the two strategies allows the rebalanced portfolio to out-perform either of the two underlying strategies.
  • While most rebalancing literature has focused on the benefits of combining asset classes, we believe this literature can be trivially extended to ensembles of strategies.

Two weeks ago, we wrote about the idea of payoff diversification.  The notion is fairly trivial, though we find it is often overlooked.  Put simply, any and all trading decisions – even something as trivial as rebalancing – create a “payoff profile.”  These profiles often fall into two categories: concave strategies that do well in stable environments is maintained and convex strategies that do better in the tails.

For example, we saw that rebalancing a 60/40 stock/bond portfolio earned a premium against a buy-and-hold approach when the spread between stock and bond returns remained narrow.  Conversely, when the spread in return between stocks and bonds was wide, rebalancing created a drag on returns.  This is a fairly trivial and obvious conclusion, but we believe it is important for investors to understand these impacts and why payoff is a meaningful axis of diversification.

In our prior study, we compared two different approaches to investing: strategic rebalancing and momentum investing.  In this (very brief) study, we want to demonstrate that these results are also applicable when applied to different variations of the same strategy.

Specifically, we will look at two long/short trend following strategies applied to broad U.S. equities.  When trend signals are positive, the strategy will be long U.S. equities and short the risk-free rate; when trend signals are negative the strategy will be short U.S. equities and long the risk-free rate.  We will use a simple time-series momentum signal.  The first model (“21D”) will evaluate trailing 21-day returns and hold for 1 day and the second model (“168D”) will evaluate trailing 168-day returns and holds for 14 days (with 14 overlapping portfolios).1  Both strategies implement a full skip day before allocating and assuming implementation at closing prices.

Source: Kenneth French Data Library.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Returns are hypothetical and assume the reinvestment of all distributions.  Returns are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, management fees, transaction fees, and taxes.  Past performance is not indicative of future results. 

So, what happens if we create a portfolio that holds both of these strategies, allocating 50% of our capital to each?  Readers of our prior note will likely be able to guess the answer easily: we create a concave payoff profile that depends upon the relative performance between the two strategies.  How, specifically, that concave shape manifests will be path dependent, but will also depend upon the rebalance frequency.  For example, below we plot the payoff profiles for the 50/50 blend rebalanced weekly and monthly.

Source: Kenneth French Data Library.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Returns are hypothetical and assume the reinvestment of all distributions.  Returns are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, management fees, transaction fees, and taxes.  Past performance is not indicative of future results. 

If we stop thinking of these as two strategies applied to the same asset and just think of them as two assets, the results are fairly standard and intuitive.  What is potentially appealing, however, is that the same literature and research that applies to the potential to create a rebalancing premium between assets can apply to a portfolio of strategies (whether a combination of distinct strategies, such as value and momentum, or an ensemble of the same strategy).

Below, we plot the annualized return of weekly rebalanced portfolios with different fixed-mix allocations to the 21D and 168D strategies.  We can see that the curve peaks at approximately 45%, suggesting that a 45% allocation to the 21D strategy and a 55% allocation to the 168D strategy actually maximizes the compound annualized growth rate of the portfolio.

If we follow the process of Dubikovsky and Susinno (2017)2 to derive the optimal blend of these two assets – using the benefit of hindsight to measure their annualized returns (7.28% and 7.61% respectively), volatility (17.55% and 17.97% respectively), and correlation (0.1318) – we derive an optimal weight of 45.33%.

Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, even if the correlation between these two strategies was 0.9, the optimal blend would still recommend about 10% to the 21D variation.  And, as extreme as it may seem, even if the annualized return of the 21D strategy was just 5.36% – a full 225 basis points below the 168D strategy – the optimal blend would still recommend about 10%.  Diversification can create interesting opportunities to harvest return; at least, in expectation.

And, as we would expect, if we have no view as to a difference in return or volatility between the two specifications, we would end up with a recommended allocation of 50% to each.


While most studies on rebalancing consider the potential benefits of combining assets, we believe that these benefits are trivially extended to strategies.  Not just different strategies, however, but even strategies of the same style.

In this brief note, we explore the payoff profile created by combining two naïve long/short trend following strategies applied to broad U.S. equities.  Unsurprisingly, rebalancing a simple mixture of the two specifications creates a concave payoff that generally profits when the spread between the two strategies is narrow and loses when the spread is wide.

More interestingly, however, we demonstrate that by rebalancing a fixed-mix of the two strategies, we can generate a return that is greater than either strategy individually.  We believe that this potential benefit of ensemble approaches has been mostly overlooked by existing literature and deserves further analysis.



Timing Trend Model Specification with Momentum

A PDF version of this post is available here.


  • Over the last several years, we have written several research notes demonstrating the potential benefits of diversifying “specification risk.”
  • Specification risk occurs when an investment strategy is overly sensitive to the outcome of a single investment process or parameter choice.
  • Adopting an ensemble approach is akin to creating a virtual fund-of-funds of stylistically similar managers, exhibiting many of the same advantages of traditional multi-manager diversification.
  • In this piece, we briefly explore whether model specification choices can be timed using momentum within the context of a naïve trend strategy.
  • We find little evidence that momentum-based parameter specification leads to meaningful or consistent improvements beyond a naively diversified approach.

Over the last several years, we’ve advocated on numerous occasions for a more holistic view of diversification: one that goes beyond just what we invest in, but also considers how those decisions are made and when they are made.

We believe that this style of thinking can be applied “all the way down” our process.  For example, how-based diversification would advocate for the inclusion of both value and momentum processes, as well as for different approaches to capturing value and momentum.

Unlike correlation-based what diversification, how-based diversification often does little for traditional portfolio risk metrics.  For example, in Is Multi-Manager Diversification Worth It? we demonstrated that within most equity categories, allocating across multiple managers does almost nothing to reduce  portfolio volatility.  It does, however, have a profound impact on the dispersion of terminal wealth that is achieved, often by avoiding manager-specific tail-risks.  In other words, our certainty of achieving a given outcome may be dramatically improved by taking a multi-manager approach.

Ensemble techniques to portfolio construction can be thought of as adopting this same multi-manager approach by creating a set of virtual managers to allocate across.

In late 2018, we wrote two notes that touched upon this:  When Simplicity Met Fragility and What Do Portfolios and Teacups Have in Common?  In both studies we injected a bit of randomness into asset returns to measure the stability of trend-following strategies.  We found that highly simplistic models tended to exhibit significant deviations in results with just slightly modified inputs, suggesting that they are highly fragile.  Increasing diversification across what, how, and when axes led to a significant improvement in outcome stability.

As empirical evidence, we studied the real-time results of the popular Dual Momentum GEM strategy in our piece Fragility Case Study: Dual Momentum GEM, finding that slight deviations in model specification lead to significantly different allocation conclusions and therefore meaningfully different performance results.  This was particularly pronounced over short horizons.

Tying trend-following to option theory, we then demonstrated how an ensemble of trend following models and specifications could be used to increase outcome certainty in Tightening the Uncertain Payout of Trend-Following.

Yet while more diversification appears to make portfolios more consistent in the outcomes they achieve, empirical evidence also suggests that certain specifications can lead to superior results for prolonged periods of time.  For example, slower trend following signals appear to have performed much, much better than fast trend following signals over the last two decades.

One of the benefits of being a quant is that it is easy to create thousands of virtual managers, all of whom may follow the same style (e.g. “trend”) but implement with a different model (e.g. prior total return, price-minus-moving-average, etc) and specification (e.g. 10 month, 200 day, 13 week / 34 week cross, etc).  An ancillary benefit is that it is also easy to re-allocate capital among these virtual managers.

Given this ease, and knowing that certain specifications can go through prolonged periods of out-performance, we might ask: can we time specification choices with momentum?

Timing Trend Specification

In this research note, we will explore whether momentum signals can help us time out specification choices as it relates to a simple long/flat U.S. trend equity strategy.

Using data from the Kenneth French library, our strategy will hold broad U.S. equities when the trend signal is positive and shift to the risk-free asset when trends are negative.  We will develop 1023 different strategies by employing three different models – prior total return, price-minus-moving-average, and dual-moving-average-cross-over – with lookback choices spanning from 20-to-360 days in length.

After constructing the 1023 different strategies, we will then apply a momentum model that ranks the models based upon prior returns and equally-weights our portfolio across the top 10%.  These choices are made daily and implemented with 21 overlapping portfolios to reduce the impact of rebalance timing luck.

It should be noted that because the underlying strategies are only allocating between U.S. equities and a risk-free asset, they can go through prolonged periods where they have identical returns or where more than 10% of models share the highest prior return.  In these cases, we select all models that have returns equal-to-or-greater-than the model identified at the 10th percentile.

Before comparing performance results, we think it is worthwhile to take a quick look under the hood to see whether the momentum-based approach is actually creating meaningful tilts in specification selection.  Below we plot both aggregate model and lookback weights for the 126-day momentum strategy.

Source: Kenneth French Data Library. Calculations by Newfound Research.

We can see that while the model selection remains largely balanced, with the exception of a few periods, the lookback horizon selection is far more volatile.  On average, the strategy preferred intermediate-to-long-term signals (i.e. 181-to-360 day), but we can see intermittent periods where short-term models carried favor.

Did this extra effort generate value, though?  Below we plot the ratio of the momentum strategies’ equity curves versus the naïve diversified approach.

We see little consistency in relative performance and four of the five strategies end up flat-to-worse.  Only the 252-day momentum strategy out-performs by the end of the testing period and this is only due to a stretch of performance from 1950-1964.  In fact, since 1965 the relative performance of the 252-day momentum model has been negative versus the naively diversified approach.

Source: Kenneth French Data Library. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance figures are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes.  Performance assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.

This analysis suggests that naïve, momentum-based specification selection does not appear to have much merit against a diversified approach for our simple trend equity strategy.

The Potential Benefits of Virtual Rebalancing

One potential benefit of an ensemble approach is that rebalancing across virtual managers can generate growth under certain market conditions.  Similar to a strategically rebalanced portfolio, we find that when returns across virtual managers are expected to be similar, consistent rebalancing can harvest excess returns above a buy-and-hold approach.

The trade-off, of course, is that when there is autocorrelation in specification performance, rebalancing creates a drag.   However, given that the evidence above suggests that relative performance between specifications is not persistent, we might expect that continuously rebalancing across our ensemble of virtual managers may actually allow us to harvest returns above and beyond what might be possible with just selecting an individual manager.

Source: Kenneth French Data Library. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance figures are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes.  Performance assumes the reinvestment of all distributions.


In this study, we explored whether we could time model specification choices in a simple trend equity strategy using momentum signals.

Testing different lookback horizons of 21-through-378 days, we found little evidence of meaningful persistence in the returns of different model specifications.  In fact, four of the five momentum models we studied actually under-performed a naïve, diversified.  The one model that did out-perform only seemed to do so due to strong performance realized over the 1950-1964 period, actually relatively under-performing ever since.

While this evidence suggests that timing specification with momentum may not be a fruitful approach, it does suggest that the lack of return persistence may benefit diversification for a second reason: rebalancing.  Indeed, barring any belief that one specification would necessarily do better than another, consistently re-pooling and distributing resources through rebalancing may actually lead to the growth-optimal solution.1 This potentially implies an even higher hurdle rate for specification-timers to overcome.



Ensemble Multi-Asset Momentum

This post is available as a PDF download here.


  • We explore a representative multi-asset momentum model that is similar to many bank-based indexes behind structured products and market-linked CDs.
  • With a monthly rebalance cycle, we find substantial timing luck risk.
  • Using the same basic framework, we build a simple ensemble approach, diversifying both process and rebalance timing risk.
  • We find that the virtual strategy-of-strategies is able to harvest diversification benefits, realizing a top-quartile Sharpe ratio with a bottom-quartile maximum drawdown.

Early in the 2010s, a suite of index-linked products came to market that raised billions of dollars.  These products – offered by just about every major bank – sought to simultaneously exploit the diversification benefits of modern portfolio theory and the potential for excess returns from the momentum anomaly.

While each index has its own bells and whistles, they generally follow the same approach:

  • A global, multi-asset universe covering equities, fixed income, and commodities.
  • Implemented using highly liquid ETFs.
  • Asset class and position-level allocation limits.
  • A monthly rebalance schedule.
  • A portfolio optimization that seeks to maximize weighted prior returns (e.g. prior 6 month returns) while limiting portfolio volatility to some maximum threshold (e.g. 5%).

And despite their differences, we can see in plotting their returns below that these indices generally share a common return pattern, indicating a common, driving style.

Source: Bloomberg.

Frequent readers will know that “monthly rebalance” is an immediate red flag for us here at Newfound: an indicator that timing luck is likely lurking nearby.

Replicating Multi-Asset Momentum

To test the impact of timing luck, we replicate a simple multi-asset momentum strategy based upon available index descriptions.

We rebalance the portfolio at the end of each month.  Our optimization process seeks to identify the portfolio with a realized volatility less than 5% that would have maximized returns over the prior six months, subject to a number of position and asset-level limits.  If the 5% volatility target is not achievable, the target is increased by 1% until a portfolio can be constructed that satisfies our constraints.

We use the following ETFs and asset class limits:

As a naïve test for timing luck, rather than assuming the index rebalances at the end of each month, we will simply assume the index rebalances every 21 trading days. In doing so, we can construct 21 different variations of the index, each representing the results from selecting a different rebalance date.

Source: CSI Analytics; Calculations by Newfound Research.  Results are backtested and hypothetical.  Results assume the reinvestment of all distributions.  Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes, with the exception of underlying ETF expense ratios.  Past performance is not an indicator of future results. 

As expected, the choice of rebalance date has a meaningful impact.  Annualized returns range from 4.7% to 5.5%, Sharpe ratios range from 0.6 to 0.9, and maximum drawdowns range from 9.9% to 20.8%.

On a year-by-year basis, the only thing that is consistent is the large spread between the worst and best-performing rebalance date.  On average, the yearly spread exceeds 400 basis points.




































2019 YTD



* Partial year starting 7/22/2018

We’ve said it in the past and we’ll say it again: timing luck can be the difference between hired and fired.  And while we’d rather be on the side of good luck, the lack of control means we’d rather just avoid this risk all together.

If it isn’t nailed down for a reason, diversify it

The choice of when to rebalance is certainly not the only free variable of our multi-asset momentum strategy.  Without an explicit view as to why a choice is made, our preference is always to diversify so as to avoid specification risk.

We will leave the constraints (e.g. volatility target and weight constraints) well enough alone in this example, but we should consider the process by which we’re measuring past returns as well as the horizon over which we’re measuring it.  There is plenty of historical efficacy to using prior 6-month total returns for momentum, but no lack of evidence supporting other lookback horizons or measurements.

Therefore, we will use three models of momentum: prior total return, the distance of price from its moving average, and the distance of a short-term moving average from a longer-term moving average.  We will vary the parameterization of these signals to cover horizons ranging from 3- to 15-months in length.

We will also vary which day of the month the portfolio rebalances on.

By varying the signal, the lookback horizon, and the rebalance date, we can generate hundreds of different portfolios, all supported by the same theoretical evidence but having slightly different realized results due to their particular specification.

Our robust portfolio emerges by calculating the weights for all these different variations and averaging them together, in many ways creating a virtual strategy-of-strategies.

Below we plot the result of this –ensemble approach– as compared to a –random sample of the underlying specifications–.  We can see that while there are specifications that do much better, there are also those that do much worse.  By employing an ensemble approach, we forgo the opportunity for good luck and avoid the risk of bad luck.   Along the way, though, we may pick up some diversification benefits: the Sharpe ratio of the ensemble approach fell in the top quartile of specifications and its maximum drawdown was in the bottom quartile (i.e. lower drawdown).

Source: CSI Analytics; Calculations by Newfound Research.  Results are backtested and hypothetical.  Results assume the reinvestment of all distributions.  Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes, with the exception of underlying ETF expense ratios.  Past performance is not an indicator of future results.


In this commentary, we again demonstrate the potential risk of needless specification and the potential power of diversification.

Using a popular multi-asset momentum model as our example, we again find a significant amount of timing luck lurking in a monthly rebalance specification.  By building a virtual strategy-of-strategies, we are able to manage this risk by partially rebalancing our portfolio on different days.

We go a step further, acknowledging that processrepresents another axis of risk. Specifically, we vary both how we measure momentum and the horizon over which it is measured.  Through the variation of rebalance days, model specifications, and lookback horizons, we generate over 500 different strategy specifications and combine them into a virtual strategy-of-strategies to generate our robust multi-asset momentum model.

As with prior commentaries, we find that the robust model is able to effectively reduce the risk of both specification and timing luck.  But perhaps most importantly, it was able to harvest the benefits of diversification, realizing a Sharpe ratio in the top quartile of specifications and a maximum drawdown in the lowest quartile.

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