Flirting with Models

The Research Library of Newfound Research

Category: Value (Page 2 of 4)

The Dumb (Timing) Luck of Smart Beta

In this research note we explore how performance for smart beta portfolios has been impacted by rebalance timing luck over the last two decades.

Es-CAPE Velocity: Value-Driven Sector Rotation

We explore the Barclays Shiller CAPE sector rotation strategy, a value strategy whose recent success may have far less to do with value than it seems.

Timing Luck and Systematic Value

We explore the impact of timing luck using a systematic equity value strategy example and find significant variations in annualized returns.

Value and the Credit Spread

We use a measure of credit curve steepness as a valuation signal for timing exposure between corporate bonds and U.S. Treasuries.

Quantitative Styles and Multi-Sector Bonds

In this commentary we explore the application of several quantitative signals (momentum, value, carry, reversal) to a broad set of fixed income exposures.