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- In HIMCO’s May 2018 Quantitative Insight, they publish a figure that suggests the optimal holding length of a momentum strategy is a function of the formation period.
- Specifically, the result suggests that the optimal holding period is one selected such that the formation period plus the holding period is equal to 14-to-18 months: a somewhat “magic” result that makes little intuitive, statistical, or economic sense.
- To investigate this result, we construct momentum strategies for country indices as well as industry groups.
- We find similar results, with performance peaking when the formation period plus the holding period is equal to 12-to-14 months.
- While lacking a specific reason why this effect exists, it suggests that investors looking to leverage shorter-term momentum signals may benefit from longer investment horizons, particularly when costs are considered.
A few weeks ago, we came across a study published by HIMCO on momentum investing1. Contained within this research note was a particularly intriguing exhibit.
Source: HIMCO Quantitative Insights, May 2018
What this figure demonstrates is that the excess cumulative return for U.S. equity momentum strategies peaks as a function of both formation period and holding period. Specifically, the returns appear to peak when the sum of the formation and holding period is between 14-18 months.
For example, if you were to form a portfolio based upon trailing 6-1 momentum – i.e. ranking on the prior 6-month total returns and skipping the most recent month (labeled in the figure above as “2_6”) – this evidence suggests that you would want to hold such a portfolio for 8-to-12 months (labeled in the figure above as 14-to-18 months since the beginning of the uptrend).
Which is a rather odd conclusion. Firstly, we would intuitively expect that we should employ holding periods that are shorter than our formation periods. The notion here is that we want to use enough data to harvest information that will be stationary over the next, smaller time-step. So, for example, we might use 36 months of returns to create a covariance matrix that we might hold constant for the next month (i.e. a 36-month formation period with a 1-month hold). Given that correlations are non-stable, we would likely find the idea of using 1-month of data to form a correlation matrix we hold for the next 36-months rather ludicrous.
And, yet, here we are in a similar situation, finding that if we use a formation period of 5 months, we should hold our portfolio steady for the next 8-to-10 months. And this is particularly weird in the world of momentum, which we typically expect to be a high turnover strategy. How in the world can having a holding period longer than our formation period make sense when we expect information to quickly decay in value?
Perhaps the oddest thing of all is the fact that all these results center around 14-18 months. It would be one thing if the conclusion was simply, “holding for six months after formation is optimal”; here the conclusion is that the optimal holding period is a function of formation period. Nor is the conclusion something intuitive, like “the holding period should be half the formation period.”
Rather, the result – that the holding period should be 14-to-18 months minus the length of the formation period – makes little intuitive, statistical, or economic sense.
Out-of-Sample Testing with Countries and Sectors
In effort to explore this result further, we wanted to determine whether similar results were found when cross-sectional momentum was applied to country indices and industry groups.
Specifically, we ran three tests.
In the first, we constructed momentum portfolios using developed country index returns (U.S. dollar denominated; net of withholding taxes) from MSCI. The countries included in the test are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. The data extends back to 12/1969.
In the second, we constructed momentum portfolios using the 12 industry group data set from the Kenneth French Data Library. The data extends back to 7/1926.
In the third, we constructed momentum portfolios using the 49 industry group data set from the Kenneth French Data Library. The data extends back to 7/1926.
For each data set, we ran the same test:
- Vary formation periods from 5-1 to 12-1 months.
- Vary holding periods from 1-to-26 months.
- Using this data, construct dollar-neutral long/short portfolios that go long, in equal-weight, the top third ranking holdings and go short, in equal-weight, the bottom third.
Note that for holding periods exceeding 1 month, we employed an overlapping portfolio construction process.
Below we plot the results.
Source: MSCI and Kenneth French Data Library. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance is not a predictor of future results. All information is backtested and hypothetical and does not reflect the actual strategy managed by Newfound Research. Performance is net of all fees except for underlying ETF expense ratios. Returns assume the reinvestment of all dividends, capital gains, and other earnings.
While the results are not as clear as those published by HIMCO, we still see an intriguing effect: returns peak as a function of both formation and holding period. For the country strategy, formation and holding appear to peak between 12-14 months, indicating that an investor using 5-1 month signals would want to hold for 7 months while an investor using 12-1 signals would only want to hold for 1 month.
For the industry data, the results are less clear. Where the HIMCO and country results exhibited a clear “peak,” the industry results simply seem to “decay slower.” In particular, we can see in the results for the 12-industry group test that almost all strategies peak with a 1-month holding period. However, they all appear to fall off rapidly, and uniformly, after the time where formation plus holding period exceeds 16 months.
While less pronounced, it is worth pointing out that this result is achieved without the consideration of trading costs or taxes. So, while the 5-1 strategy 12-industry group strategy return may peak with a 1-month hold, we can see that it later forms a second peak at a 9-month hold (“14 months since beginning uptrend”). Given that we would expect a nine month hold to exhibit considerably less trading, analysis that includes trading cost estimates may exhibit even greater peakedness in the results.
Does the Effect Persist for Long-Only Portfolios?
In analyzing factors, it is often important to try to determine whether a given result is arising from an effect found in the long leg or the short leg. After all, most investors implement strategies in a long-only capacity. While long-only strategies are, technically, equal to a benchmark plus a dollar-neutral long/short portfolio2, the long/short portfolio rarely reflects the true factor definition.
Therefore, we want to evaluate long-only construction to determine whether the same result holds, or whether it is a feature of the short-leg.
Source: MSCI and Kenneth French Data Library. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance is not a predictor of future results. All information is backtested and hypothetical and does not reflect the actual strategy managed by Newfound Research. Performance is net of all fees except for underlying ETF expense ratios. Returns assume the reinvestment of all dividends, capital gains, and other earnings.
We find incredibly similar results. Again, country indices appear to peak between 12-to-14 months after the beginning of the uptrend. Industry group results, while not as strong as country results, still appear to offer fairly flat results until 12-to-14 months after the beginning of the uptrend. Taken together, it appears that this result is sustained for long-only portfolio implementations as well.
Traditionally, momentum is considered a high turnover factor. Relative ranking of recent returns can vary substantially over time and our intuition would lead us to expect that the shorter the horizon we use to measure returns, the shorter the time we expect the relative ranking to persist.
Yet recent research published by HIMCO finds this intuition may not be true. Rather, they find that momentum portfolio performance tends to peak 14-to-18 months after the beginning of the uptrend in measured. In other words, a portfolio formed on prior 5-month returns should hold between 9-to-13 months, while a portfolio formed on the prior 12-months of returns should only hold 2-to-6 months.
This result is rather counter-intuitive, as we would expect that shorter formation periods would require shorter holding periods.
We test this result out-of-sample, constructing momentum portfolios using country indices, 12-industry group indices, and 49-industry group indices. We find a similar result in this data. We then further test whether the result is an artifact found in only long/short implementations whether this information is useful for long-only investors. Indeed, we find very similar results for long-only implementations.
Precisely why this result exists is still up in the air. One argument may be that the trade-off is ultimately centered around win rate versus the size of winners. If relative momentum tends to persist for only for 12-to-18 months total, then using 12-month formation may give us a higher win rate but reduce the size of the winners we pick. Conversely, using a shorter formation period may reduce the number of winners we pick correctly (i.e. lower win rate), but those we pick have further to run. Selecting a formation period and a holding period such that their sum equals approximately 14 months may simply be a hack to find the balance of win rate and win size that maximizes return.
Timing Equity Returns Using Monetary Policy
By Justin Sibears
On September 4, 2018
In Risk & Style Premia, Risk Management, Weekly Commentary
This post is available as PDF download here.
Can the monetary policy environment be used to predict global equity market returns? Should we overweight/buy countries with expansionary monetary policy and underweight/sell countries with contractionary monetary policy?
Such are the softball questions that our readers tend to send in.
Intuitively, it’s clear that monetary policy has some type of impact on equity returns. After all, if the Fed raised rates to 10% tomorrow, that would clearly impact stocks.
The more pertinent question though is if these impacts always tend to be in one direction. It’s relatively straightforward to build a narrative around why this could be the case. After all, the Fed’s primary tool to manage its unemployment and inflation mandates is the discount rate. Typically, we think about the Fed hiking interest rates when the economy gets “too hot” and cutting them when it gets “too cold.” If hiking (cutting) rates has the goal of slowing (stimulating) the economy, it’s plausible to think that equity returns would be pushed lower (higher).
There are a number of good academic papers on the subject. Ioannadis and Kontonikas (2006) is a good place to start. The paper investigates the impact of monetary policy shifts on equity returns in thirteen OECD countries1 from 1972 to 2002.
Their analysis can be split into two parts. First, they explore whether there is a contemporaneous relationship between equity returns and short-term interest rates (i.e. how do equity returns respond to interest rate changes?)2. If there is a relationship, are returns likely to be higher or lower in months where rates increase?
Source: “Monetary Policy and the Stock Market: Some International Evidence” by Ioannadis and Kontonikas (2006).
In twelve of the thirteen countries, there is a negative relationship between interest rate changes and equity returns. Equity returns tend to be lower in months where short-term rates increase. The relationship is statistically significant at the 5% level in eight of the countries, including the United States.
While these results are interesting, they aren’t of much direct use for investors because, as mentioned earlier, they are contemporaneous. Knowing that equity returns are lower in months where short-term interest rates rise is actionable only if we can accurately predict the interest rate movements ahead of time.
As an aside, if there is one predictive interest rate model we subscribe to, it’s that height matters.
Fortunately, this is where the authors’ second avenue of analysis comes into play. In this section, they first classify each month as being part of either a contractionary or an expansionary monetary policy regime. A month is part of a contractionary regime if the last change in the discount rate was positive (i.e. the last action by that country’s central bank was a hike). Similarly, a month is part of an expansionary regime if the last central bank action was a rate cut.
We illustrate this classification for the United States below. Orange shading indicates contractionary regimes and gray shading indicates expansionary regimes.
The authors then regress monthly equity returns on a dummy variable representing which regime a month belongs to. Importantly, this is not a contemporaneous analysis: we know whether the last rate change was positive or negative heading into the month. Quoting the paper:
“The estimated beta coefficients associated with the local monetary environment variable are negative and statistically significant in six countries (Finland, France, Italy, Switzerland, UK, US). Hence, for those countries our measure of the stance of monetary policy contains significant information, which can be used to forecast expected stock returns. Particularly, we find that restrictive (expansive) monetary policy stance decreases (increases) expected stock returns.”
Do we agree?
Partially. When we analyze the data using a similar methodology and with data updated through 20183, we indeed find a negative relationship between monetary policy environment and forward 1-month equity returns. For example, annualized nominal returns in the United States were 10.6% and 8.8% in expansionary and contractionary regimes, respectively. The gap is larger for real returns – 7.5% in expansionary environments and 3.9% in contractionary environments.
Source: Bloomberg, MSCI, Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Return data relies on hypothetical indices and is exclusive of all fees and expenses. Returns assume the reinvestment of dividends.
A similar, albeit more pronounced, pattern emerges when we go outside the United States and consider thirteen other countries.
Source: Bloomberg, MSCI, Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Return data relies on hypothetical indices and is exclusive of all fees and expenses. Returns assume the reinvestment of dividends.
The results are especially striking in ten of the fourteen countries examined. The effect in the U.S. was smaller compared to many of these.
Source: Bloomberg, MSCI, Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Return data relies on hypothetical indices and is exclusive of all fees and expenses. Returns assume the reinvestment of dividends.
That being said, we think the statistical significance (and therefore investing merit) is less obvious. Now, it is certainly the case that many of these differences are statistically significant when measured traditionally. In this sense, our results agree with Ioannadis and Kontonikas (2006).
However, there are two issues to consider. First, the R2 values for the regressions are very low. For example, the highest R2 in the paper is 0.037 for Finland. In other words, the monetary regime models do not do a particularly great job explaining stock returns.
Second, it’s important to take a step back and think about how monetary regimes evolve. Central banks, especially today, typically don’t raise rates one month, cut the next, raise the next, etc. Instead, these regimes tend to last multiple months or years. The traditional significance testing assumes the former type of behavior, when the latter better reflects reality.
Now, this wouldn’t be a major issue if stock returns were what statisticians call “IID” (independent and identically distributed). The results of a coin flip are IID. The probability of heads and tails are unchanged across trials and the result of one flip doesn’t impact the odds for the next.
Daily temperatures are not IID. The distribution of temperatures is very different for a day in December than they are for a day in July, at least for most of us. They are not identical. Nor are they independent. Today’s high temperature gives us some information that tomorrow’s temperature has a good chance of hitting that value as well.
Needless to say, stock returns behave more like temperatures than they do coin flips. This combination of facts – stock returns being non-IID (exhibiting both heteroskedasticity4 and autocorrelation) and monetary policy regimes having the tendency to persist over the medium term – leads to false positives. What at first glance look like statistically significant relationships are no longer up to snuff because the model was poorly constructed in the first place.
To flush out these issues, we used two different simulation-based approaches to test for the significance of return differences across regimes.5
The first approach works as follows for each country:
This approach assumes that today’s monetary policy regime says nothing about what tomorrow’s may be. We have transformed monetary policy into an IID variable. Below, we plot the regime produced by a single iteration of the simulation. Clearly, this is not realistic.
Source: Newfound Research
The second approach is similar to the first in all ways except how the monetary policy regimes are simulated. The algorithm is:
The regimes produced by this simulation look much more realistic.
Source: Newfound Research
When we compare the distribution of return differentials produced by each of the simulation approaches, we see that the second produces a wider range of outcomes.
Source: Newfound Research
In the table below, we present the confidence intervals for return differentials using each algorithm. We see that the differentials are statistically significant in six of the fourteen countries when we use the first methodology that produces unrealistic monetary regimes. Only four countries show statistically significant results with the improved second method.
First Method
First Method
Second Method
Second Method
Source: Bloomberg, MSCI, Newfound Research
We find that global equity returns have been more than 10% higher during expansionary regimes. At first glance, such a large differential suggests there may be an opportunity to profitably trade stocks based on what regime a given country is in.
Unfortunately, the return differentials, while large, are generally not statistically significant when we account for the realistic features of equity returns and monetary policy regimes. In plain English, we can’t be sure that the return differentials didn’t arise simply due to randomness.
This result isn’t too surprising when we consider the complexity of the relationship between equity returns and interest rates (despite what financial commentators may have you believe). Interest rate changes can impact both the numerator (dividends/dividend growth) and denominator (discount rate) of the dividend discount model in complex ways. In addition, there are numerous other factors that impact equity returns and are unrelated / only loosely related to interest rates.
When such complexity reigns, it is probably a bit ambitious to rely on a standalone measure of monetary policy regime as a predictor of equity returns.