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- In this research note, we continue our exploration of credit.
- Rather than test a quantitative signal, we explore credit changes through the lens of statistical decomposition.
- As with the Treasury yield curve, we find that changes in the credit spread curve can be largely explained by Level, Slope, and Curvature (so long as we adjust for relative volatility levels).
- We construct stylized portfolios to reflect these factors, adjusting position weights such that they contribute an equal amount of credit risk. We then neutralize interest rate exposure such that the return of these portfolios represents credit-specific information.
- We find that the Level trade suggests little-to-no realized credit premium over the last 25 years, and Slope suggests no realized premium of junk-minus-quality within credit either. However, results may be largely affected by idiosyncratic events (e.g. LTCM in 1998) or unhedged risks (e.g. sector differences in credit indices).
In this week’s research note, we continue our exploration of credit with a statistical decomposition of the credit spread curve. Just as the U.S. Treasury yield curve plots yields versus maturity, the credit spread curve plots excess yield versus credit quality, providing us insight into how much extra return we demand for the risks of declining credit quality.

Source: Federal Reserve of St. Louis; Bloomberg. Calculations by Newfound Research.
Our goal in analyzing the credit spread curve is to gain a deeper understanding of the principal drivers behind its changes. In doing so, we hope to potentially gain intuition and ideas for trading signals between low- and high-quality credit.
To begin our, we must first construct our credit spread curve. We will use the following index data to represent our different credit qualities.
- Aaa: Bloomberg U.S. Corporate Aaa Index (LCA3TRUU)
- Aa: Bloomberg U.S. Corporate Aa Index (LCA2TRUU)
- A:Bloomberg U.S. Corporate A Index (LCA1TRUU)
- Baa: Bloomberg U.S. Corporate Baa Index (LCB1TRUU)
- Ba: Bloomberg U.S. Corporate HY Ba Index (BCBATRUU)
- B: Bloomberg U.S. Corporate HY B Index (BCBHTRUU)
- Caa: Bloomberg U.S. Corporate HY Caa Index (BCAUTRUU)
Unfortunately, we cannot simply plot the yield-to-worst for each index, as spread captures the excess yield. Which raises the question: excess to what? As we want to isolate the credit component of the yield, we need to remove the duration-equivalent Treasury rate.
Plotting the duration of each credit index over time, we can immediately see why incorporating this duration data will be important. Not only do durations vary meaningfully over time (e.g. Aaa durations varying between 4.95 and 11.13), but they also deviate across quality (e.g. Caa durations currently sit near 3.3 while Aaa durations are north of 11.1).

Source: Bloomberg.
To calculate our credit spread curve, we must first calculate the duration-equivalent Treasury bond yield for each index at each point in time. For each credit index at each point in time, we use the historical Treasury yield curve to numerically solve for the Treasury maturity that matches the credit index’s duration. We then subtract that matching rate from the credit index’s reported yield-to-worst to estimate the credit spread.
We plot the spreads over time below.

Source: Federal Reserve of St. Louis; Bloomberg. Calculations by Newfound Research.
Statistical Decomposition: Eigen Portfolios
With our credit spreads in hand, we can now attempt to extract the statistical drivers of change within the curve. One method of achieving this is to:
- Calculate month-to-month differences in the curve.
- Calculate the correlation matrix of the differences.
- Calculate an eigenvalue decomposition of the correlation matrix.
Stopping after just the first two steps, we can begin to see some interesting visual patterns emerge in the correlation matrix.
- There is not a monotonic decline in correlation between credit qualities. For example, Aaa is not more highly correlated to Aa than Ba and A is more correlated to B than it is Aa.
- Aaa appears to behave rather uniquely.
- Baa, Ba, B, and to a lesser extent Caa, appear to visually cluster in behavior.
- Ba, B, and Caa do appear to have more intuitive correlation behavior, with correlations increasing as credit qualities get closer.

Step 3 might seem foreign for those unfamiliar with the technique, but in this context eigenvalue decomposition has an easy interpretation. The process will take our universe of credit indices and return a universe of statistically independent factor portfolios, where each portfolio is made up of a combination of credit indices.
As our eigenvalue decomposition was applied to the correlation matrix of credit spread changes, the factors will explain the principal vectors of variance in credit spread changes. We plot the weights of the first three factors below.

Source: Federal Reserve of St. Louis; Bloomberg. Calculations by Newfound Research.
For anyone who has performed an eigenvalue decomposition on the yield curve before, three familiar components emerge.
We can see that Factor #1 applies nearly equal-weights across all the credit indices. Therefore, we label this factor “level” as it represents a level shift across the entire curve.
Factor #2 declines in weight from Aaa through Caa. Therefore, we label this factor “slope,” as it controls steepening and flattening of the credit curve.
Factor #3 appears as a barbell: negative weights in the wings and positive weights in the belly. Therefore, we call this factor “curvature,” as it will capture convexity changes in the curve.
Together, these three factors explain 80% of the variance in credit spread changes. Interestingly, the 4thfactor – which brings variance explained up to 87.5% – also looks very much like a curvature trade, but places zero weight on Aaa and barbells Aa/Caa against A/Baa. We believe this serves as further evidence as to the unique behavior of Aaa credit.
Tracking Credit Eigen Portfolios
As we mentioned, each factor is constructed as a combination of exposure to our Aaa-Caa credit universe; in other words, they are portfolios! This means we can track their performance over time and see how these different trades behave in different market regimes.
To avoid overfitting and estimation risk, we decided to simplify the factor portfolios into more stylized trades, whose weights are plotted below (though ignore, for a moment, the actual weights, as they are meant only to represent relative weighting within the portfolio and not absolute level). Note that the Level trade has a cumulative positive weight while the Slope and Curvature trades sum to zero.

To actually implement these trades, we need to account for the fact that each credit index will have a different level of credit duration.
Akin to duration, which measure’s a bond’s sensitivity to interest rate changes, credit duration measures a bond’s sensitivity to changes in its credit spread. As with Treasuries, we need to adjust the weights of our trades to account for this difference in credit durations across our indices.
For example, if we want to place a trade that profits in a steepening of the Treasury yield curve, we might sell 10-year US Treasuries and buy 2-year US Treasuries. However, we would not buy and sell the same notional amount, as that would leave us with a significantly negative duration position. Rather, we would scale each leg such that their durations offset. In the end, this causes us to buy significantly more 2s than we sell 10s.
To continue, therefore, we must calculate credit spread durations.
Without this data on hand, we employ a statistical approach. Specifically, we take monthly total return data and subtract yield return and impact from interest rate changes (employing the duration-matched rates we calculated above). What is left over is an estimate of return due to changes in credit spreads. We then regress these returns against changes in credit spreads to calculate credit spread durations, which we plot below.

Source: Federal Reserve of St. Louis; Bloomberg. Calculations by Newfound Research.
The results are a bit of a head scratcher. Unlike duration in the credit curve which typically increases monotonically across maturities, we get a very different effect here. Aaa credit spread duration is 10.7 today while Caa credit spread duration is 2.8. How is that possible? Why is lower-quality credit not more sensitiveto credit changes than higher quality credit?
Here we run into a very interesting empirical result in credit spreads: spread change is proportional to spread level. Thus, a true “level shift” rarely occurs in the credit space; e.g. a 1bp change in the front-end of the credit spread curve may actually manifest as a 10bp change in the back end. Therefore, the lower credit spread duration of the back end of the curve is offset by larger changes.
There is some common-sense intuition to this effect. Credit has a highly non-linear return component: defaults. If we enter an economic environment where we expect an increase in default rates, it tends to happen in a non-linear fashion across the curve. To offset the larger increase in defaults in lower quality credit, investors will demand larger corresponding credit spreads.
(Side note: this is why we saw that the Baa–Aaa spread did not appear to mean-revert as cleanly as the log-difference of spreads did in last week’s commentary, Value and the Credit Spread.)
While our credit spread durations may be correct, we still face a problem: weighting such that each index contributes equal credit spread duration will create an outsized weight to the Caa index.
DTS Scaling
Fortunately, some very smart folks thought about this problem many years ago. Recognizing the stability of relative spread changes, Dor, Dynkin, Hyman, Houweling, van Leeuwen, and Penninga (2007)recommend the measure of duration times spread (“DTS”) for credit risk.
With a more appropriate measure of credit sensitivity, we can now scale our stylized factor portfolio weights such that each position contributes an equal level of DTS. This will have two effects: (1) the relative weights in the portfolios will change over time, and (2) the notional size of the portfolios will change over time.
We scale each position such that (1) they contribute an equal level of DTS to the portfolio and (2) each leg of the portfolio has a total DTS of 500bps. The Level trade, therefore, represents a constant 500bps of DTS risk over time, while the Slope and Curvature trades represent 0bps, as the longs and short legs net out.
One problem still remains: interest rate risk. As we plotted earlier in this piece, the credit indices have time-varying – and sometimes substantial – interest rate exposure. This creates an unintended bet within our portfolios.
Fortunately, unlike the credit curve, true level shift does empirically apply in the Treasury yield curve. Therefore, to simplify matters, we construct a 5-year zero-coupon bond, which provides us with a constant duration instrument. At each point in time, we calculate the net duration of our credit trades and use the 5-year ZCB to neutralize the interest rate risk. For example, if the Level portfolio has a duration of 1, we would take a -20% notional position in the 5-year ZCB.

Source: Federal Reserve of St. Louis; Bloomberg. Calculations by Newfound Research.
Some things we note when evaluating the portfolios over time:
- In all three portfolios, notional exposure to higher credit qualities is substantially larger than lower credit qualities. This captures the meaningfully higher exposure that lower credit quality indices have to credit risk than higher quality indices.
- The total notional exposure of each portfolio varies dramatically over time as market regimes change. In tight spread environments, DTS is low, and therefore notional exposures increase. In wide spread environments – like 2008 – DTS levels expand dramatically and therefore only a little exposure is necessary to achieve the same risk target.
- 2014 highlights a potential problem with our approach: as Aaa spreads reached just 5bps, DTS dipped as low as 41bps, causing a significant swing in notional exposure to maintain the same DTS contribution.
The fruit of our all our labor is the graph plotted below, which shows the growth of $1 in our constant DTS, stylized credit factor portfolios.

What can we see?
First and foremost, constant credit exposure has not provided much in the last 25 years until recently. It would appear that investors did not demand a high enough premium for the risks that were realized over the period, which include the 1998 LTCM blow-up, the burst of the dot-com bubble, and the 2008 recession.
From 12/31/2008 lows through Q1 2019, however, a constant 500bps DTS exposure generated a 2.0% annualized return with 2.4% annualized volatility, reflecting a nice annual premium for investors willing to bear the credit risk.
Slope captures the high-versus-low-quality trade. We can see that junk meaningfully out-performed quality in the 1990s, after which there really did not appear to be a meaningful difference in performance until 2013 when oil prices plummeted and high yield bond prices collapsed. This result does highlight a potential problem in our analysis: the difference in sector composition of the underlying indices. High yield bonds had an outsized reaction compared to higher quality investment grade credit due to more substantial exposure to the energy sector, leading to a lop-sided reaction.
What is also interesting about the Slope trade is that the market did not seem to price a meaningful premium for holding low-quality credit over high-quality credit.
Finally, we can see that Curvature (“barbell versus belly”) – trade was rather profitable for the first decade, before deflating pre-2008 and going on a mostly-random walk ever since. However, as mentioned when the curvature trade was initially introduced, the 4th factor in our decomposition also appeared to reflect a similar trade but shorts Aa and Caa versus a long position in A and Baa. This trade has been a fairly consistent money-loser since the early 2000s, indicating that a barbell of high quality (just not Aaa) and junk might do better than the belly of the curve.
It is worth pointing out that these trades represent a significant amount of compounding estimation – from duration-matching Treasury rates to credit spread durations – which also means a significant risk of compounding estimation error. Nevertheless, we believe there are a few takeaways worth exploring further:
- The Level trade appears highly regime dependent (in positive and negative economic environments), suggesting a potential opportunity for on/off credit trades.
- The 4th factor is a consistent loser, suggesting a potential structural tilt that can be made by investors by holding quality and junk (e.g. QLTA + HYG) rather than the belly of the curve (LQD). Implementing this in a long-only fashion would require more substantial analysis of duration trade-offs, as well as a better intuition as to whythe returns are emerging as they are.
- Finally, a recognition that maintaining a constant credit risk level requires reducing notional exposure as rates go up, as rate changes are proportional to rate levels. This is an important consideration for strategic asset allocation.
Timing Luck and Systematic Value
By Corey Hoffstein
On July 29, 2019
In Craftsmanship, Risk & Style Premia, Value, Weekly Commentary
This post is available as a PDF download here.
On August 7th, 2013 we wrote a short blog post titled The Luck of Rebalance Timing. That means we have been prattling on about the impact of timing luck for over six years now (with apologies to our compliance department…).
(For those still unfamiliar with the idea of timing luck, we will point you to a recent publication from Spring Valley Asset Management that provides a very approachable introduction to the topic.1)
While most of our earliest studies related to the impact of timing luck in tactical strategies, over time we realized that timing luck could have a profound impact on just about any strategy that rebalances on a fixed frequency. We found that even a simple fixed-mix allocation of stocks and bonds could see annual performance spreads exceeding 700bp due only to the choice of when they rebalanced in a given year.
In seeking to generalize the concept, we derived a formula that would estimate how much timing luck a strategy might have. The details of the derivation can be found in our paper recently published in the Journal of Index Investing, but the basic formula is:
Here T is strategy turnover, F is how many times per year the strategy rebalances, and S is the volatility of a long/short portfolio capturing the difference between what the strategy is currently invested in versus what it could be invested in.
We’re biased, but we think the intuition here works out fairly nicely:
Timing Luck in Smart Beta
To date, we have not meaningfully tested timing luck in the realm of systematic equity strategies.3 In this commentary, we aim to provide a concrete example of the potential impact.
A few weeks ago, however, we introduced our Systematic Value portfolio, which seeks to deliver concentrated exposure to the value style while avoiding unintended process and timing luck bets.
To achieve this, we implement an overlapping portfolio process. Each month we construct a concentrated deep value portfolio, selecting just 50 stocks from the S&P 500. However, because we believe the evidence suggests that value is a slow-moving signal, we aim for a holding period between 3-to-5 years. To achieve this, our capital is divided across the prior 60 months of portfolios.4
Which all means that we have monthly snapshots of deep value5 portfolios going back to November 2012, providing us data to construct all sorts of rebalance variations.
The Luck of Annual Rebalancing
Given our portfolio snapshots, we will create annually rebalanced portfolios. With monthly portfolios, there are twelve variations we can construct: a portfolio that reconstitutes each January; one that reconstitutes each February; a portfolio that reconstitutes each March; et cetera.
Below we plot the equity curves for these twelve variations.
Source: CSI Analytics. Calculations by Newfound Research. Results are hypothetical. Results assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Past performance is not an indicator of future results.
We cannot stress enough that these portfolios are all implemented using a completely identical process. The only difference is when they run that process. The annualized returns range from 9.6% to 12.2%. And those two portfolios with the largest disparity rebalanced just a month apart: January and February.
To avoid timing luck, we want to diversify when we rebalance. The simplest way of achieving this goal is through overlapping portfolios. For example, we can build portfolios that rebalance annually, but allocate to two different dates. One portfolio could place 50% of its capital in the January rebalance index and 50% in the July rebalance index.
Another variation could place 50% of its capital in the February index and 50% in the August index.6 There are six possible variations, which we plot below.
The best performing variation (January and July) returned 11.7% annualized, while the worst (February and August) returned 9.7%. While the spread has narrowed, it would be dangerous to confuse 200bp annualized for alpha instead of rebalancing luck.
Source: CSI Analytics. Calculations by Newfound Research. Results are hypothetical. Results assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Past performance is not an indicator of future results.
We can go beyond just two overlapping portfolios, though. Below we plot the three variations that contain four overlapping portfolios (January-April-July-October, February-May-August-November, and March-June-September-December). The best variation now returns 10.9% annualized while the worst returns 10.1% annualized. We can see how overlapping portfolios are shrinking the variation in returns.
Finally, we can plot the variation that employs 12 overlapping portfolios. This variation returns 10.6% annualized; almost perfectly in line with the average annualized return of the underlying 12 variations. No surprise: diversification has neutralized timing luck.
Source: CSI Analytics. Calculations by Newfound Research. Results are hypothetical. Results assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Past performance is not an indicator of future results.
Source: CSI Analytics. Calculations by Newfound Research. Results are hypothetical. Results assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Past performance is not an indicator of future results.
But besides being “average by design,” how can we measure the benefits of diversification?
As with most ensemble approaches, we see a reduction in realized risk metrics. For example, below we plot the maximum realized drawdown for annual variations, semi-annual variations, quarterly variations, and the monthly variation. While the dispersion is limited to just a few hundred basis points, we can see that the diversification embedded in the monthly variation is able to reduce the bad luck of choosing an unfortunate rebalance date.
Source: CSI Analytics. Calculations by Newfound Research. Results are hypothetical. Results assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Past performance is not an indicator of future results.
Just Rebalance more Frequently?
One of the major levers in the timing luck equation is how frequently the portfolio is rebalanced. However, we firmly believe that while rebalancing frequency impacts timing luck, timing luck should not be a driving factor in our choice of rebalance frequency.
Rather, rebalance frequency choices should be a function of the speed at which our signal decays (e.g. fast-changing signals such as momentum versus slow-changing signals like value) versus implementation costs (e.g. explicit trading costs, market impact, and taxes). Only after this choice is made should we seek to limit timing luck.
Nevertheless, we can ask the question, “how does rebalancing more frequently impact timing luck in this case?”
To answer this question, we will evaluate quarterly-rebalanced portfolios. The distinction here from the quarterly overlapping portfolios above is that the entire portfolio is rebalanced each quarter rather than only a quarter of the portfolio. Below, we plot the equity curves for the three possible variations.
Source: CSI Analytics. Calculations by Newfound Research. Results are hypothetical. Results assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Results are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes. Past performance is not an indicator of future results.
The best performing variation returns 11.7% annualized while the worst returns 9.7% annualized, for a spread of 200 basis points. This is actually larger than the spread we saw with the three quarterly overlapping portfolio variations, and likely due to the fact that turnover within the portfolios increased meaningfully.
While we can see that increasing the frequency of rebalancing can help, in our opinion the choice of rebalance frequency should be distinct from the choice of managing timing luck.
In our opinion, there are at least two meaningful conclusions here:
The first is for product manufacturers (e.g. index issuers) and is rather simple: if you’re going to have a fixed rebalance schedule, please implement overlapping portfolios. It isn’t hard. It is literally just averaging. We’re all better off for it.
The second is for product users: realize that performance dispersion between similarly-described systematic strategies can be heavily influenced by when they rebalance. The excess return may really just be a phantom of luck, not skill.
The solution to this problem, in our opinion, is to either: (1) pick an approach and just stick to it regardless of perceived dispersion, accepting the impact of timing luck; (2) hold multiple approaches that rebalance on different days; or (3) implement an approach that accounts for timing luck.
We believe the first approach is easier said than done. And without a framework for distinguishing between timing luck and alpha, we’re largely making arbitrary choices.
The second approach is certainly feasible but has the potential downside of requiring more holdings as well as potentially forcing an investor to purchase an approach they are less comfortable with. For example, blending IWD (Russell 1000 Value), RPV (S&P 500 Pure Value), VLUE (MSCI U.S. Enhanced Value), and QVAL (Alpha Architect U.S. Quantitative Value) may create a portfolio that rebalances on many different dates (annual in May; annual in December; semi-annual in May and November; and quarterly, respectively), it also introduces significant process differences. Though research suggests that investors may benefit from further manager/process diversification.
For investors with conviction in a single strategy implementation, the last approach is certainly the best. Unfortunately, as far as we are aware, there are only a few firms who actively implement overlapping portfolios (including Newfound Research, O’Shaughnessy Asset Management, AQR, and Research Affiliates). Until more firms adopt this approach, timing luck will continue to loom large.