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What Is Managed Futures?


  • Much like in 2008, managed futures as an investment strategy had an impressive year in 2022. With most traditional asset classes struggling to navigate the inflationary macroeconomic environment, managed futures has been drawing interest as a potential diversifier.
  • Managed futures is a hedge fund category that uses futures contracts as their primary investment vehicle. Managed futures managers can engage in many different investment strategies, but trend following is the most common.
  • Trend following as an investment strategy has a substantial amount of empirical evidence promoting its efficacy as an investment strategy. There also exist several behavioral arguments for why this anomaly exists, and why we might expect it to continue.
  • As a diversifier, multi-asset trend following has provided diversification benefits when compared to both stocks and bonds. Additionally, trend following has posted positive returns in the four major drawdowns in equities since 2000.

Cut short your losses, and let your winners run. – David Ricardo, 1838

What is Managed Futures?

Managed futures is a hedge fund category originating in the 1980s, named for the ability to trade (both long and short) global equity, bond, commodity, and currency futures contracts. Today, these strategies have been made available to investors in both mutual fund and ETF wrappers. The predominate strategy of most managed futures managers is trend following, so much so, that the terms are often used synonymously.

While trend following is by far the largest and most pronounced strategy in the category, it is not the only strategy used in the space.1 Managed futures can engage in trend following, momentum trading, mean reversion, carry-focused strategies, relative value trading, macro driven strategies, or any combination thereof. Any individual managed futures manager may have a certain bias towards one of the strategies, though, trend following is by far the most utilized strategy of the group2.

Figure 1: The Taxonomy of Managed Futures

Adapted from Kaminski (2014). The most common characteristics are highlighted in orange.

What is Trend Following?

Simply put, trend following is a strategy that buys (‘goes long’) assets that have been rising in price and sells (‘goes short’) assets that have been decreasing in price, based on the premise that this trend will continue. The precise method of measuring trends varies widely, but each primarily relies on the difference between an asset’s price today and the price of the same asset previously. Some common methods of measuring trends include total return measurements, moving averages, and regression lines. These different approaches are all mathematically linked, and empirical evidence does not suggest that one method is necessarily better than another3.

Trend following has a rich history in financial markets, with centuries of evidence supporting the idea that markets tend to trend. The obvious question to then ask is: why? The past few decades of academic research has focused on explaining theories such as the Efficient Market Hypothesis and research into explanatory market factors (such as value and size), diminishing the amount of research being conducted on trend following.

Figure 2: The Life Cycle of a Trend

Adapted from AQR. For illustrative purposes only.

The classification of trend following as an anomaly, however, has not left it without theories for why it works. There are a number of generally accepted explanations for why trend following works, and more importantly, why the anomaly might continue to persist.

Anchoring Bias: When new data enters the marketplace, investors can overly rely on historical data, thereby underreacting to the new information. This can be seen in Figure 3 where, after the catalyst of new information enters the market, the price of a security will directionally follow the fair value of the asset, but not with a large enough magnitude to match the fair value precisely.

Disposition Effect: Investors have a tendency to take gains on their winning positions too early and hold onto their losing positions too long.

Herding: After a noticeable trend has been established, investors “bandwagon” into the trade, prolonging the directional trend, and potentially pushing the price past the asset’s fair value4.

Confirmation Bias: Investors tend to ignore information that is contrary to an their beliefs. A positive (or negative) signal will be ignored if the investor has a differing view, extending the time frame for the convergence of an asset’s price to its fair value.

Rational Inattention Bias: Investors cannot immediately digest all information due to a lack of information processing resources (or mental capacity). Consequently, prices move towards fair value more slowly as the information is processed by all investors.

As previously mentioned, methodologies may vary widely when analyzing an asset’s trend, but the general theme is to view an asset’s current price relative to some measure of its recent history. For example, one common example of this is to observe an asset’s current price versus its 200-day moving average: initiating a long position when the price is above its moving average or a short position when it is below. Extending Figure 2, we can graphically depict the trade cycle attempting to take advantage of such a trend.

Figure 3: The Life Cycle of a Trade

Source: Newfound Research, AQR. For illustrative purposes only

Of course, using such an idealized description of a trend is not typically what is found in the market, which leads to many false-starts, The risk-management decisions made to reduce the impact of these false-starts begins to highlight part of the attractiveness of the strategy as a diversifier.

Consider that the fair value of an asset is generally never known with a high degree of certainty. A trend following manager is thus reliant on the perceived direction of trend at any given time, and so, must make choices based on how the trend evolves or not.

Figure 4: Heads I Trend, Tails I Don’t

Adapted from Michael Covel. For illustrative purposes only.

When the model indicates that a trend has formed, the manager will initiate a position in the direction of the indicated trend (either short or long – blue line in Figure 4). As long as the trend continues, the strategy will hold that position, and only exit when the signal indicates that the trend no longer exists. At that time, the manager will remove the position, potentially taking the opposite position5.

The second case (red line in Figure 4) is one in which the trend reverses shortly after a position has been initiated. After establishing a position in the asset, the price of the asset reverts to its previous levels, possibly completely reversing in direction. In such a case, the signal will indicate that the trend no longer exists and recommend that the position be removed.

Historically, by quickly cutting losers and letting winning trades run, trend following has created a positively skewed return profile. Managed futures strategies tend to trade many different markets and underlying assets. This minimizes the impact of trends being rejected but may increase the probability of taking a position in an asset that has an outlier trend occurring that might be out of the scope of a traditional portfolio.

Kaminski (2014) refers to this characteristic as divergent risk taking6, where a divergent investor “profess[es] their own ignorance to the true structure of potential risks/benefits with some level of skepticism for what is knowable or is not dependable”.

This divergent risk behavior results in a positively skewed return distribution by not risking too much on a trade, removing the position if it goes against you, and allowing a trade to run if it is winning7.

The structural nature of trend following minimizes the size of any bets taken, and quickly eliminates a position if the bet is not paying off. By diversifying across many markets, asset classes, and economic goods, while maintaining sensible positions without directional bias, the strategy maintains staying power by not swinging for the fences and staying with a time-proven approach8, in a well-diversified manner.

Using Managed Futures as A Diversifier

The traditional investor portfolio has typically been dominated by two assets: stocks and bonds. In recent history, investors have even been able to use fixed income to buffer equity risk as high-quality bonds have exhibited flight-to-safety characteristics in times of extreme market turmoil. In the first two decades of the 2000s, this pairing has worked extremely well given that interest rates declined over the period, inflation remained low, and the bonds were resilient during the fallout of the tech bubble and the Great Financial Crisis.

In Figure 5, we chart the relationship between the year-over-year Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (“CPIAUCSL”) versus the 12-month correlation between U.S. Stocks and 10-Year U.S. Treasuries9. We can see that negative correlation is most pronounced when inflation is low. Positive correlation regimes, on the other hand, have historically occurred in all realized ranges of CPI changes, the most striking occurring when inflation was extraordinarily high.

Figure 5: The Relationship Between Inflation and Equity-Bond Correlation

Source: FRED, Kenneth French Data Library, Tiingo. For illustrative purposes only.

Since trend following can hold both long and short positions, it has the potential to trade price trends in  assets in any direction that may emerge from increasing inflation risks.   This is highlighted by the performance of trend following in 2022, where the year-to-date real returns of U.S. equities10, 10-Year U.S. Treasuries, and the SG CTA Trend Index as of December 31, 2022 , were -19.5%, -16.5%, and +27.4%, respectively.  During 2022, trend following strategies were generally long the U.S. Dollar, short fixed income securities, and short equity indices. Additionally, the managers tended to hold mixed positions in the commodity space, taking long and short positions in the individual commodity contracts exhibiting both positive and negative trends.

Importantly, the dynamics exhibited throughout different economic regimes (such as monetary inflation vs supply/demand inflation) will unfold differently, so positions that were profitable in 2022 will likely not be the same in all environments. Trend following as a strategy, is dynamic in nature, and will adjust positioning as trends emerge and fade, regardless of the economic regime.

In addition to historically providing a ballast in inflationary regimes, one of managed futures’ claims to fame stems from the strategy’s ability to provide negative correlation in times of financial stress, specifically, in equity crises. The net result of including an allocation to trend following strategies during these periods has been a reduction in portfolio drawdowns and portfolio volatility.

Though managed futures have been in existence since the 1980’s, the strategy garnered its popularity coming out of the Great Financial Crisis, as it was one of the few investment strategies to provide a positive return. While this event shot the strategy to prominence, it was not an isolated incident. In fact, this relationship has been repeated frequently throughout history.

Table 1 shows the cumulative nominal returns of stocks, bonds, and managed futures when the equity market realized a greater-than 20% drawdown.

Table 1: Nominal Return of Equities, Bonds, and Managed Futures During Equity Crises

Source: FRED, Kenneth French Data Library, BarclayHedge. Calculations by Newfound Research. Time period is based on data availability. Performance is gross of all costs (including, but not limited to, advisor fees, manager fees, taxes, and transaction costs) unless explicitly stated otherwise Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Since the inception of the SG CTA Trend Index11, bonds have provided diversification benefits in three of the four large drawdowns. 2022, however, was the first period in which inflation has been a concern in the market, and U.S. Treasuries were insufficient to reduce risk in a traditional portfolio.

We can see, though, that the SG CTA Trend Index provided similar diversification benefits during the drawdowns in the first two decades of the century, but also proved capable while inflation shocks rose to prominence in 2022.

Figure 6: Performance From 1999 to 2022

Source: BarclayHedge, Tiingo. 60/40 Portfolio is the Vanguard Balance Index Fund (“VBINX”) and returns presented are net of the management fee of the fund. Time period is based on data availability. Performance is gross of all costs (including, but not limited to, advisor fees, manager fees, taxes, and transaction costs) unless explicitly stated otherwise. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


Traditional portfolios consisting of equity and fixed income exposure have enjoyed two decades of strong performance due to favorable economic tailwinds. With the changing economic regime and uncertainty facing markets ahead, however, investors have begun searching for potential additions to their portfolios to protect against inflation and to provide diversifying exposure to other macroeconomic headwinds.

Trend following as a strategy has extensive empirical evidence supporting both its standalone performance, as well as the diversifying benefits in relation to traditional asset classes such as stocks and bonds. In addition, trend following is mechanically convex in that it can provide positive returns in both bull and bear markets.

Managed futures is a strong contender as an addition to a stock-and-bond heavy portfolio. Finding its roots in the 1980s, the strategy has a tenured history in the investment landscape with a demonstrated history of providing diversifying exposure in times of equity crisis.

In this paper, we have shown that trend following is a robust trading strategy with behavioral underpinnings, suggesting that the strategy has staying power in the long-run, as well as desirable characteristics due to the mechanical nature of the strategy.

As a potential addition to a traditional investment portfolio, managed futures provides a source of diversification beyond that of mainstream asset classes, as well as strong absolute returns on a standalone basis.


A trend following strategy can benefit from both positive and negative price trends. If prices are increasing, then a long position can be initiated; if prices are decreasing, then a short position can be initiated. Said differently: a trend following strategy can potentially profit from both increases or decreases in price.

This characteristic is immediately reminiscent of a long position in an option straddle, where a put and call option are purchased with the same strike price. This option position would, thereby, benefit if the price moves largely either positive or negative12.

Figure A1: Long Straddle Payoff Profile

Source: Newfound Research. For illustrative purposes only.

Empirically, these strategies have in fact performed remarkably similar. To illustrate this, we will create two simple strategies.

The first strategy is a simple trend following strategy that takes a long position in the S&P 500 when its prior 12-month return is positive, and a short position when its negative.

The second strategy will attempt to replicate the delta-position of a straddle expiring in one month, struck at the close price of the S&P 500 twelve months ago. We then compute the delta of this position using the Black-Scholes model13 and take a position in the S&P 500 equal to the computed delta. For example, if the price of the S&P 500 12-months ago was $3,000, we would calculate the delta of a straddle struck at $3,000. Since the delta of this position will range between -1 and 1, the strategy will use this as an allocation to the S&P 500.

Figure A2: Replicating Trend Following with Straddles

Source: Tiingo. Calculations by Newfound Research. Returns assume the reinvestment of all dividends. The S&P 500 is represented by the Vanguard 500 Index Fund Investor Shares (“VFINX”). For illustrative purposes only. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

For both strategies, we will assume that any excess capital is held in cash, returning 0%. Figure A2 plots the growth of $1 invested in each strategy.

As we can see, the option strategy and the trend following strategy provide a roughly equivalent return profile. In fact, if we compare the quarterly returns of the two strategies to the S&P 500, an important pattern emerges. Both strategies exhibit convex relationships in relation to the S&P 500.

Figure A3: Trend Following Relationship to the Underlying

Source: Newfound Research. For illustrative purposes only.

Figure A4: Straddle Replication Relationship to the Underlying

Source: Newfound Research. For illustrative purposes only.

APPENDIX B: Index Definitions

U.S. Stocks: U.S. total equity market return data from Kenneth French Library. Performance is gross of all costs (including, but not limited to, advisor fees, manager fees, taxes, and transaction costs) unless explicitly stated otherwise. Performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends.

10-Year U.S. Treasuries: The 10-Year U.S. Treasury index is a constant maturity index calculated by assuming that a 10-year bond is purchased at the beginning of every month and sold at the end of that month to purchase a new bond at par at the beginning of the next month. You cannot invest directly in an index, and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, or sales charges. The referenced index is shown for general market comparison and is not meant to represent any Newfound index or strategy. Data for 10-Year U.S. Treasury yields come from the Federal Reserve of St. Louis economic database (“FRED”).

SG Trend Index:  The SG Trend Index is designed to track the largest 10 (by AUM) CTAs and be representative of the managed futures trend-following space.


Option-Based Trend Following

This post is available as a PDF download here.


  • The convex payoff profile of trend following strategies naturally lends itself to comparative analysis with option strategies.
  • To isolate the two extremes of paying for whipsaw – either up front or in arrears – we replicate an option strategy that buys 1-month at-the-money calls and puts based on the trend signal.
  • We find that while option premiums steadily eat away at the balance of the options portfolio, the avoidance of large whipsaw events gives the strategy a boost at key times over the past 15 years, especially recently.
  • We examine how this whipsaw cost fits into the historical context of the options strategy and explore some simple ways to shift between the option-based trend following and the standard model.
  • The extent that whipsaw can be mitigated while still maintaining the potential to earn diversified returns is likely limited, but the optimal blend of trend following and options can be a beneficial guideline for investors to weather both sudden and prolonged drawdowns.

The non-linear payoff of trend following strategies has many similarities to options strategies, and by way of analogy, we can often gain insight into which market environments will favor trend following and why.

In our previous research piece, Straddles and Trend Following, we looked at purchasing straddles – that is, a call option and a put option – with a strike price tied to the anchor price of the trend following model. For example, if the trend following model invested in equities when the return over the past 12 months was positive, for a security that was at $100 12-months ago and is at $120 today, we would purchase a call and a put option with a strike price of $100. In this case, the call would be 20% in-the-money (ITM) and the put would be out-of-the-money (OTM).

In essence, this strategy acted like an insurance policy where the payout was tied to a reversion in the trend signal, and the premium paid when the trend signal was strong was small.

This concept of insurance is an important discussion topic in trend following strategies. The risk we must manage in these types of strategies, either directly through insurance or some other indirect means like diversification, is whipsaw.

In this commentary, we will construct an options strategy that is similar to a trend following strategy. The option strategy will pay a premium up-front to avoid whipsaw. By comparing this strategy to trend following that bears the full risk of whipsaw, we can set a better practical bound for how much investors should expect to pay or earn for bearing this risk.

Methodology and Data

For this analysis, we will use the S&P 500 index for equity returns, the 1-year LIBOR rate as the risk-free rate, and options data on the S&P 500 (SPX options).

To bridge the gap between practice and abstraction, we will utilize a volatility surface calibrated to real option data to price options. We will constrain our SPX options to $5 increments and interpolate total implied variance to get prices for options that were either illiquid or not included in the data set.

For the most part, we will stick to options that expire on the third Friday of each month and will mention when we deviate from that assumption.

The long/short trend equity strategy looks at total returns of equities over 12 months. If this return is positive, the strategy invests in equities for the following month. If the return is negative, the strategy shorts equities for the following month and earns the risk-free rate on the cash. The strategy is rebalanced monthly on the options expiration dates.

For the option-based trend strategy, on each rebalance date, we will purchase a 1-month call if the trend signal is positive or a put if the trend signal is negative. We will purchase all options at-the-money (ATM) and hold them to expiration. The strategy is fully cash-collateralized. Any premium is paid on the options roll date, interest is earned on the remaining account balance, and the option payout is realized on the next roll date.

Why are we now using ATM options when previous research used ITM and OTM options, potentially deeply ITM or OTM?

Here we are looking to isolate the cost of whipsaw in the premium paid for the option while earning a payout that is close to that of the underlying in the event that our trend signal is correct. If we utilized OTM options, then our premium would be lower but we would realize smaller gains if the underlying followed the trend. ITM options would have downside exposure before the protection kicked in.

We are also not using straddles since we do not want to pay extra premium for the chance to profit off a whipsaw. The underlying assumption here is that there is value in the trend following signal. Either strategy is able to capitalize on that (i.e. it’s the control variable); the strategies primarily differ in their treatment of whipsaw costs.

The High Cost of ATM Options

The built-in whipsaw protection in the options does not come cheap. The chart below shows the –L/S trend following strategy–, the –option-based trend strategy–, and the ratio of the two (dotted).Source:  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns are gross of all fees including, but not limited to, management fees, transaction fees, and taxes.  Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions.

During normal market environments and even in prolonged equity-market drawdown periods like 2008, trend following outperformed the option-based strategy. Earning the full return on the underlying equity is generally beneficial.

However, something that is “generally beneficial” can be erased very quickly. In March 2020, the trend following strategy reverted back to the level of the option-based strategy. If you had only looked at cumulative returns over those 15 years, you would not be able to tell much difference between the two.

The following chart highlights these tail effects.

Source:  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns are gross of all fees including, but not limited to, management fees, transaction fees, and taxes.  Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions.

In most months, the option-based strategy forfeits its ~1.5% premium for the ATM option. The 75th percentile cutoff is 2.2% and the 90th percentile cutoff is 2.9%. These premiums have occasionally spiked to 6-7%.

While these premiums are not always forfeited without some offsetting gain, they are always paid relative to the trend following strategy.

A 3% whipsaw event in trend should definitely not be a surprise based on the typical up-front cost of the option strategy.

Source:  Calculations by Newfound Research.

But What About a 30% Whipsaw?

Now that’s a good question.

Up until March 2020, for the 15 years prior, the largest whipsaws relative to the options strategy were 12-13%. This is the epitome of tail risk, and it can be disheartening to think that now that we have seen 30% underperformance, we should probably expect more at some point in the (hopefully very distant) future.

However, a richer sample set can shed some light on this very poor performance.

Let’s relax our assumption that we roll the options and rebalance the trend strategies on the third Friday of the month and instead allow rebalances and rolls on any day in the month. Since we are dealing with one-month options, this is not beyond implementation since there are typically options listed that expire on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

The chart below shows all of these option strategies and how large of an effect that roll / rebalance timing luck can have.

Source:  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns are gross of all fees including, but not limited to, management fees, transaction fees, and taxes.  Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions.

With timing luck in both the options strategies and trend following, there can be large effects when the luck cuts opposite ways.

The worst returns between rebalances of trend following relative to each options strategy highlight how bad the realized path in March 2020 truly was.

Source:  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns are gross of all fees including, but not limited to, management fees, transaction fees, and taxes.  Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions.

In many of the trend following and option strategies pairs, the worst underperformance of trend following over any monthlong period was around 10%.

Returning to the premise that the options strategies are analogous to trend following, we see the same effects of timing luck that we have explored in previous research: effects that make comparing variants of the same strategy or similar strategies more nuanced. Whether an option strategy is used for research, benchmarking, or active investing, the implications of this timing luck should be taken into account.

But even without taking a multi-model approach at this point to the options strategy, can we move toward a deeper understanding of when it may be an effective way to offset some of the risk of whipsaw?

I’d Gladly Pay You Tuesday for a Whipsaw Risk Today

With the two extremes of paying for whipsaw up front with options and being fully exposed to whipsaw through trend following, perhaps there is a way to tailor this whipsaw risk profile. If the risk of whipsaw is elevated but the cost of paying for the insurance is cheap, then the options strategy may be favorable. On the other hand, if option premiums are high, trend following may more efficiently capture the market returns.

The price of the options (or their implied volatilities) is a natural place to start investigating this topic since it encapsulates the premium for whipsaw insurance. The problem is that it may not be a reliable signal if there is no barrier to efficiency in the options market, either behavioral or structural.

Comparing the ATM option implied volatilities with the trend signal (12-month trailing returns), we see a negative correlation, which indicates that the options-based strategy will have a higher hurdle rate of return in strongly downtrending market environments.

Source:  Calculations by Newfound Research. 

But this is only one piece of the puzzle.

Do these implied volatilities relate to the forward 1-month returns for the S&P 500?

Based on the above scatterplot: not really. However, since we are merely sticking implied volatility in the middle of the trend following signal and the forward return, and we believe that trend following works over the long run, then we must believe there is some relationship between implied volatility and forward returns.

While this monthly trend following signal is directionally correct over the next month 60% of the time, historically, that says nothing about the magnitude of the returns based on the signal.

Without looking too much into the data to avoid overfitting a model, we will set a simple cutoff of 20% implied volatility. If options cost more than that, we will utilize trend following. If they cost less, we will invest in the options strategy.

We will also compare it to a 50/50 blend of the two.

Source:  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns are gross of all fees including, but not limited to, management fees, transaction fees, and taxes.  Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions.

The switching strategy (gray line) worked well until around 2013 when the option prices were cheap, but the risk of whipsaw was not realized. It did make it through 2015, 2016 and 4Q 2018 better than trend following.

When viewed in a broader context of a portfolio, since these are alternative strategies, it does not take a huge allocation to make a difference. These strategies manage equity risk, so we can pair them with an allocation to the S&P 500 (SPY) and see how the aggregate statistics are affected over the period from 2005 to April 2020.

The chart below plots the efficient frontiers of allocations to 100% SPY at the point of convergence on the right of the graph) to 40% SPY on the left of the graph with the remainder allocated to the risk- management strategy.

The Sharpe ratio is maximized at a 35% allocation to the switching strategy, a 25% allocation to the option-based strategy, and 10% for the trend following strategy.

Source:  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Returns are hypothetical and backtested.  Returns are gross of all fees including, but not limited to, management fees, transaction fees, and taxes.  Returns assume the reinvestment of all distributions.


In this research note, we explored the link between trend following and options strategies using 1-month ATM put and call options, depending on the sign of the trend.

The cost of ATM options Is generally 1.5% of the portfolio value, but the fact that this cost can spike upwards of 9% should justify larger whipsaws in trend following strategies. Very large whipsaws, like in March 2020, not only show that the cost can be seemingly unbounded but also that there is significant exposure to timing luck based upon the option roll dates.

Then, we moved on to investigating a simple way to allocate between the two strategies based upon the cost of the options, When the options were cheap, we used that strategy, and when they were expensive, we invested in the trend following strategy. A modest allocation is enough to make a different in the realized efficient frontier.

Deciding to pay the up-front payment of the whipsaw insurance premium, bear the full risk a whipsaw, or land somewhere in between is largely up to investor preferences. It is risky to have a large downside potential, but the added benefit of no premiums can be enough to offset the risk.

An implied volatility threshold was a rather crude signal for assessing the risk of whipsaw and the price of insuring against it. Further research into one or multiple signals and a robust process for aggregating them into an investment decision is needed to make more definitive statements on when trend following is better than options or vice versa. The extent that whipsaw can be mitigated while still maintaining the potential to earn diversified returns is likely limited, but the optimal blend of trend following and options can be a beneficial guideline for investors to weather both sudden and prolonged drawdowns.

Straddles and Trend Following

This post is available as a PDF download here.


  • The convex payoff profile of trend following strategies naturally lends itself to comparative analysis with option strategies. Unlike options, however, the payout of trend following is not guaranteed.
  • To compare and contrast the two approaches, we replicate simple trend following strategies with corresponding option straddle strategies.
  • While trend-following has no explicit up-front cost, it also bears the full brunt of any price reversals. The straddle-based approach, on the other hand, pays an explicit cost to insure against sudden and large reversals.
  • This transformation of whipsaw risk into an up-front option premium can be costly during strongly trending market environments where the option buyer would have been rewarded more for setting a higher deductible for their implicit insurance policy and paying a lower premium.
  • From 2005-2020, avoiding this upfront premium was beneficial. The sudden loss of equity markets in March 2020, however, allowed straddle-based approaches to make up for 15-years of relative underperformance in a single month.
  • Whether an investor wishes to avoid these up-front costs or pay them is ultimately a function of the risks they are willing to bear. As we like to say, “risk cannot be destroyed, only transformed.”

We often repeat the mantra that, “risk cannot be destroyed, only transformed.” While not being able to destroy risk seems like a limitation, the assertion that risk can be transformed is nearly limitless.

With a wide variety of investment options, investors have the ability to mold, shape, skew, and shift their risks to fit their preferences and investing requirements (e.g. cash flows, liquidity, growth, etc.).

The payoff profile of a strategy is a key way in which this transformation of risk manifests, and the profile of trend following is one example that we have written much on historically. The convex payoff of many long/short trend following strategies is evident from the historical payoff diagram.

Source: Newfound Research. Payoff Diversification (February 10th, 2020). Source: Kenneth French Data Library; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Calculations by Newfound Research. Returns are hypothetical and assume the reinvestment of all distributions. Returns are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, management fees, transaction fees, and taxes. The 60/40 portfolio is comprised of a 60% allocation to broad U.S. equities and a 40% allocation to a constant maturity 10-Year U.S. Treasury index.  The momentum portfolio is rebalanced monthly and selects the asset with the highest prior 12-month returns whereas the buy-and-hold variation is allowed to drift over the 1-year period. The 10-Year U.S. Treasuries index is a constant maturity index calculated by assuming a 10-year bond is purchased at the beginning of every month and sold at the end of that month to purchase a new bond at par at the beginning of the next month. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses or sales charges. Past performance is not indicative of future results. 

This characteristic “V” shape in the diagram is reminiscent of an option straddle, where an investor buys a put and call option of the same maturity struck at the same price.  This position allows the investor to profit if the price of the underlying security moves significantly in either direction, but they pay for this opportunity in the option premiums.


The similarity of these payoff profiles is no coincidence.  As we demonstrated in Trend – Convexity and Premium (February 11th, 2019), simple total return trend following signals coarsely approximate the delta of the straddle.  For those less familiar with the parlance of options, delta is the sensitivity in the value of the options to changes in the underlying stock.  For example, if delta is +1, then the value of the option position will match price changes in the underlying dollar-for-dollar.  If delta is -1, then the position will lose $1 for every dollar gained in the underlying and vice versa (i.e. the position is effectively short).

How does this connection arise?  Consider a naïve S&P 500 trend strategy that rebalances monthly and uses 12-month total returns as a trend signal, buying when prior returns are positive and shorting when prior returns are negative.  The key components of this strategy are today’s S&P 500 level and the level 12 months ago.

Now consider a strategy that buys a 1-month straddle with a strike equal to the level of the S&P 500 12 months ago.  When the current level is above the strike, the strategy’s delta will be positive and when the level is below the strike, the delta will be negative.  What we can see is that the sensitivity of our options trade to changes in the S&P 500 will match the sign of the trend strategy!

There are two key differences, however.  First, our trend strategy was designed to always be 100% long or 100% short, whereas the straddle’s sensitivity can vary between -100% and 100%.  Second, the trend strategy cannot change its exposure intramonth whereas the straddle will.  In fact, if price starts above the strike price (a positive trend) but ultimately ends below – so far as it is sufficiently far that we can make up for the premium paid for our options – the straddle can still profit!

In this commentary, we will compare and contrast the trend and option-based approaches for a variety of lookback horizons.

Methodology and Data

For this analysis, we will use the S&P 500 index for equity returns, the iShares Short-term U.S. Treasury Bond ETF (ticker: SHV) as the risk-free rate, and monthly options data on the S&P 500 (SPX options).

The long/short trend equity strategy looks at total returns of equities over a given number of months. If this return is positive, the strategy invests in equities for the following month. If the return is negative, the strategy shorts equities for the following month and earns the short-term Treasury rate on the cash. The strategy is rebalanced monthly on the third Friday of each month to coincide with the options expiration dates.

For the (semi-equivalent) straddle replication, at the end of each month we purchase a call option and a put option struck at the level of the S&P 500 at the beginning of the lookback window of the trend following strategy. We can also back out the strike price using the current trend signal value and S&P 500.  For example, if the trend signal is 25% and the S&P 500 is trading at $3000, we would set the strike of the options at $2400.

The options account is assumed to be fully cash collateralized. Any premium is paid on the options roll date, interest is earned on the remaining account balance, and the option payout is realized on the next roll date.

To value the options, we employ Black-Scholes pricing on an implied volatility surface derived from available out-of-the money options. Specifically, on a given day we fit a parabola to the implied variances versus log-moneyness (i.e. log(strike/price)) of the options for each time to maturity.

In prior research, we created straddle-derived trend-following models by purchasing S&P 500 exposure in proportion to the delta of the strategy.  To calculate delta, we had previously priced the options using 21-day realized volatility as a proxy for implied volatility.  This generally leads to over-pricing the options during crisis times and underpricing during more tame market environments, especially for deeper out of the money puts.  In this commentary we are actually purchasing the straddles and holding them for one month.

Source: Tiingo and Calculations by Newfound Research.

Straddle vs. Trend Following

Below we plot the ratio of the equity curves for the straddle strategies versus their corresponding trend following strategies. When the line is increasing, the straddle strategy is out-performing, and when the line is decreasing the trend strategy is out-performing.

Source: Tiingo and Calculations by Newfound Research.

We can see, generally, that trend following out-performed the explicit purchase of options for almost all lookback periods for the majority of the 15-year test period.

It is only with the most recent expiration – March 20, 2020 – that many of the straddle strategies came to out-perform their respective trend strategies.  With the straddle strategy, we pay an explicit premium to help insure our position against sudden and large intra-month price reversals.  This did not occur very frequently during the 15 year history, but was very valuable protection in March when the trend strategies were largely still long coming off markets hitting all-time-highs in late February.

Shorter-term lookbacks fared particularly well during that month, as the trend following strategy was in a long position on the February 2020 options expiry date, and the straddles set by the short-term lookback window were relatively cheap from a historical perspective.

Source: Tiingo and Calculations by Newfound Research.

Note the curious case of the 14-month lookback.  Entering March, the S&P 500 was +45% over a 14-month lookback (almost perfectly anchored to December 2018 lows).  Therefore, the straddle was struck so deep in the money that it did not create any protection against the market’s sudden and large drawdown.

Prior to March 2020, only the 8- and 15-month lookback window strategies had outperformed their corresponding trend following strategies.  In both cases, it was just barely and just recently.

Another interesting point to note is that longer-term straddle strategies (lookbacks greater than 9 months) shared similar movements during many periods while shorter-term lookbacks (3-6 months) showed more dispersion over time.

Overall, many of the straddles exhibit more “crisis alpha” than their trend following counterparts.  This is an explicit risk we pay to hedge with the straddle approach and a fact we will discuss in more detail later on.

How Equity Movements Affect Straddles

Before we move into a discussion of how we can frame the straddle strategies, it will be helpful to revisit how straddles are affected by changing equity prices and how this effect changes with different lookback windows for the strategies.

Consider the delta of a straddle versus how far away price is from the strike (normalized by volatility).

Naively, we might consider that the longer our trend lookback window – and therefore the further back in time we set our strike price – the further away from the strike that price has had the opportunity to move. Consider two extremes: a strike set equal to the price of the S&P 500 10 years ago versus one set a day ago. We would expect that today’s price is much closer to that from a day ago than 10 years ago.

Therefore, for a longer lookback horizon we might expect that there is a greater chance that the straddle is currently deeper in the money, leading to a delta closer to +/- 1.  In the case of straddles struck at index levels more recently realized, it is more likely that price is close to at the money, leading to deltas closer to 0.

This also means that while the trend following strategy is taking a binary bet, the straddle is able to modulate exposure to equity moves when the trend is less pronounced. For example, if a 12-month trend signal is +1%, the trend model will retain a +1 exposure while the delta of the straddle may be closer to 0.

Source: Tiingo and Calculations by Newfound Research.

Additionally, when the delta of a straddle is closer to zero, its gamma is higher.  Gamma reflects how quickly the straddle’s sensitivity to changes in the underlying asset – i.e. the delta – will change.  The trend strategy has no intra-month gamma, as once the position is set it remains static until the next rebalance.

As we generally expect the straddles struck longer ago to be deeper in the money than those struck more recently, we would also expect them to have lower gamma.

This also serves to nicely connect trend speed with the length of the lookback window. Shorter lookback windows are associated with trend models that change signals more rapidly while longer lookback windows are slower. Given that a total return trend signal can be thought of as the average of daily log returns, we would expect a longer lookback to react more slowly to recent changes than a shorter lookback because the longer lookback is averaging over more data.

But if we think of it through the lens of options – that the shorter lookback is coarsely replicating the delta of a straddle struck more recently – then the ideas of speed and gamma become linked.

Source: Tiingo and Calculations by Newfound Research.

The Straddle Strategy as an Insurance Policy

One of the key differences between the trend strategy and the straddle is that the straddle has features that act as insurance against price reversals.  As an example, consider a case where the trend strategy has a positive signal.  To first replicate the payoff, the straddle strategy buys an in-the-money call option.  This is the first form of insurance, as the total amount this position can lose is the premium paid for the option, while the trend strategy can lose significantly more.

The straddle strategy goes one step further, though, and would also buy a put option.  So not only does it have a fixed loss on the call if price reverses course, but it can also profit if it reverses sufficiently.

One way to model the straddle strategies, then, is as insurance policies with varying deductibles. There is an up-front premium that is paid, and the strategy does not pay out until the deductible – the distance that the option is struck in the money – is met.

When the deductible is high – that is, when the trend is very strong in either direction – the premium for the insurance policy tends to be low.  On the other hand, a strategy that purchases at the money straddles would be equivalent to buying insurance with no deductible.

Source: Tiingo and Calculations by Newfound Research.

On average, the 3-month straddle strategy pays annual premiums of about 14% for the benefit of only having to wait for a price reversal of 6% before protection kicks in. Toward the other end of the spectrum, the 12-month strategy has an annual average premium of under 6% with a 16% deductible.

We can also visualize how often each straddle strategy pays higher premiums by looking at the deltas of the straddles over time. When these values deviate significantly from +1 or -1, then the straddle is lowering its insurance deductible in favor of paying more in premium. When the delta is nearly +1 or -1, then the straddle is buying higher deductible insurance that will take a larger whipsaw to payout.

The charts below show the delta over time in the straddle strategies vs. the trend allocation for 3-, 6-, and 12-month lookback windows.

There is significant overlap, especially as trends get longer. The differences in the deltas in the 3-month straddle model highlight its tradeoff between lower deductibles and higher insurance premiums. However, this leads it to be more adaptive at capitalizing on equity moves in the opposite direction that lead to losses in the binary trend-following model.

Source: Tiingo and Calculations by Newfound Research.

Source: Tiingo and Calculations by Newfound Research.

Source: Tiingo and Calculations by Newfound Research.

Source: Tiingo and Calculations by Newfound Research.

The chart below shows the annualized performance of the straddle strategies when they underperform trend following (premium) and the annualized performance of the straddle strategies when they outperform trend following (payout). As the lookback window increases, both of these figures generally decline in absolute value.

Source: Tiingo and Calculations by Newfound Research.

Even though we saw previously that the 3-month straddle strategy had the highest annual premium, its overall payout when it outperforms trend following is substantial. The longer lookbacks do not provide as much of a buffer due to their higher deductible levels, despite their lower premiums.

When the naïve trend strategy is right, it captures the full price change with no up-front premium.  When it is wrong, however, it bears the full brunt of losses.

With the straddle strategy, the cost is paid up front for the benefit to not only protect against price reversals, but even potentially profit from them.

As a brief aside, a simpler options strategy with similar characteristics would be to buy only either a call option or put option depending on the trend signal. This strategy would not profit from a reversion of the trend, but it would cap losses. Comparing it to the straddle strategies highlights the cost and benefit of the added protection.

Source: Tiingo and Calculations by Newfound Research.

Buying only puts or calls generally helped both of the strategies shown in the chart. This came in reduced premiums over a time period when trimming premiums whenever possible paid off, especially for the 12-month lookback strategy. However, there are some notable instances where the extra protection of the straddle was very helpful, e.g. August 2011 and late 2014 for the 3-month lookback strategy and March 2020 for both.

Despite the similarities between the options and trend strategies, this difference in when the payment is made – either up-front in the straddle strategy or after-the fact in whipsaw in the trend following strategy – ends up being the key differentiator.

The relative performance of the strategies shows that investors mostly benefitted over the past 15 years by bearing this risk of whipsaw and large, sudden price-reversals. However, as the final moths of data indicates, option strategies can provide benefits that option-like­ strategies cannot.

Ultimately, the choice between risks is up to investor preferences, and a diversified approach that pairs strategies different convex strategies such as trend following and options is likely most appropriate.


The convex payoff profile of trend following strategies naturally lends itself to comparative analysis with option strategies, which also have a convex payoff profile. In fact, we would argue – as we have many times in the past – that trend following strategies coarsely replicate the delta profile of option straddles.

In this commentary, we sought to make that connection more explicit by building option straddle strategies that correspond to a naïve trend following strategies of varying lookback lengths.

While the trend following approach has no explicit up-front cost, it risks bearing the full brunt of sudden and large price reversals.  With the straddle-based approach, an investor explicitly pays an up-front premium to insure against these risks.

When evaluated through the lens of an insurance policy, the straddle strategy dynamically adjusts its associated premium and deductible over time.  When trends are strong, for example, premiums paid tend to be lower, but the cost is a higher deductible.  Conversely, when trends are flat, the premium is much higher, but the deductible is much lower.

We found that over the 2005-2020 test period, the cost of the option premiums exceeded the cost of whipsaw in the trend strategies in almost all cases.  That is, until March 2020, when a significant and sudden market reversal allowed the straddle strategies to make up for 15 years of relative losses in a single month.

As we like to say: risk cannot be destroyed, only transformed.  In this case, the trend strategy was willing to bear the risk of large intra-month price reversals to avoid paying any up-front premium.  This was a benefit to the trend investor for 15 years.  And then it wasn’t.

By constructing straddle strategies, we believe that we can better measure the trade-offs of trend following versus the explicit cost of insurance.  While trend following may approximate the profile of a straddle, it sacrifices some of the intra-month insurance qualities to avoid an up-front premium.  Whether this risk trade-off is ultimately worth it depends upon the risks an investor is willing to bear.

One Hedge to Rule Them All

This post is available as a PDF download here.


  • About two years ago, we compared and contrasted different approaches to risk managing equity exposure; including fixed income, risk parity, managed futures, tactical equity, and options-based strategies.
  • Given the recent market events as the world navigates through the COVID-19 crisis, we revisit this analysis to see how these strategies would have fared over the past two years.
  • We find that all eight strategies studied have continued to successfully reduce risk, with two of the previously underperforming options-based strategies now jumping to the forefront of the pack.
  • Over time, performance of the risk management strategies still varies significantly both relative to the S&P 500 and compared to the other strategies. Generally, risk-managed strategies tend to behave like insurance, underperforming on the upside and outperforming on the downside.
  • Diversifying your diversifiers by blending a number of complementary risk-managed strategies together – even at random – can be a powerful method of improving long-term outcomes.

“The primary requirement of historical time is that inly one of the possible alternatives coming at you from the future can be actualized in the present where it will flow into the pat and remain forever after unalterable. You may sometimes have “another chance” and be able to make a different choice in some later present, but this can in no way change the choice you did in fact make in the first instance.”

– Dr. William G. Pollard, Prof. of Physics, Manhattan Project

23 trading days.

In a little over a month, the S&P 500 dropped nearly 35% from all-time highs in a sell-off that was one of the fastest in history. Many investors experienced the largest drawdowns their portfolios had seen since the Financial Crisis.

While the market currently sits in a drawdown closer to 25% (as of the time of this writing), the future remains could take any path. Following the relative calm in the market over the preceding year, we are now living through a historic time with the uncertainty and severity of the growing COVID-19 pandemic and its far-reaching ramifications.

However, as a firm that focuses on managing risk, we are used to not knowing the answers.

In the summer of 2018, we published a piece entitled The State of Risk Management where we examined the historical trade-offs in terms of returns during market downturns versus returns during calm market environments of a variety of risk management methods.

Since that time, especially with the benefit of hindsight, one might argue that risk management was unnecessary until this past month. While the S&P 500 experienced a 19% drawdown in Q4 of 2018, it quickly recovered and went on to post a gain of 32% in 2019, rewarding those who stayed the course (or, better yet, bought the dip).

Source: Tiingo. Returns are gross of all management fees, transaction fees, and taxes, but net of underlying fund fees. Total return series assumes the reinvestment of all distributions. Data through 3/27/2020.

With the future poised to follow a variety of uncertain paths, we think it is a prudent time to check in on some of the more popular ways to manage risk and see how they are handling the current events.

The Updated Historical Track Record

For risk management, we examine eight strategies that roughly fit into four categories:

  • Diversification Strategies: strategic 60/40 stock/bond mix1and risk parity2
  • Options Strategies: equity collar3, protective put4, and put-write5,6
  • Equity Strategies: long-only defensive equity that blends a minimum volatility strategy7, a quality strategy8, and a dividend growth strategy9 in equal weights
  • Trend-Following Strategies: managed futures10 and tactical equity11

Index data was used prior to fund inception when necessary, and the common inception data is December 1997.

The following charts show the return and risk characteristics of the strategies over the entire historical period. Previously, we had used maximum drawdown as a measure of risk but have now switched to using the ulcer index to quantify both the duration and severity of drawdowns.

Data Source: CBOE, Tiingo, S&P. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns are hypothetical index returns. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or trading expenses. Index returns include the reinvestment of dividends. No index is meant to measure any strategy that is or ever has been managed by Newfound Research. Data is from December 1997 to 3/27/2020.

Data Source: CBOE, Tiingo, S&P. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns are hypothetical index returns. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or trading expenses. Index returns include the reinvestment of dividends. No index is meant to measure any strategy that is or ever has been managed by Newfound Research. Data is from December 1997 to 3/27/2020.

Relative to when we previously presented these statistics (as of July 2018), the most notable changes are that the 95-100 Collar index and Risk Parity have improved and that Managed Futures moved into the top-performing spot up from the middle of the pack. Trend Equity dropped slightly in the rankings, which is partially attributable to our switching over to using the Newfound Trend Equity Index, which includes exposure to small- and mid-cap companies and invests in cash rather than corporate bonds for the defensive position.

Six of the eight strategies still exhibit strong risk-adjusted performance relative to the S&P over the entire time period.

But as we also showed in 2018, the dispersion in strategy performance is significant.

Data Source: CBOE, Tiingo, S&P. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns are hypothetical index returns. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or trading expenses. Index returns include the reinvestment of dividends. No index is meant to measure any strategy that is or ever has been managed by Newfound Research. Data is from December 1997 to 3/27/2020.

This chart also highlights the current trailing one-year performance for each strategy as of 3/27/2020.

Both the 95-110 Collar and the 5% Put Protection indices are in the top 10% of their historical one-year returns, with the put protection index forging new maximum territory. Trend equity and defensive equity have exhibited returns closer to their median levels, while managed futures, strategic diversification with bonds, and risk parity have had returns above their medians.

When we examine the current market environment, this makes sense. Many options were relatively cheap (i.e. implied volatility was low) heading into and early in February, and the option rollover date was close to when the drawdown began (positive timing luck). Equity trends were also very strong coming out of 2019.

With the sharp reversal in equity prices, option strategies provided a strong static hedge that any investors had been paying premiums for through the previous years of bull market returns.

Trend equity strategies were slower to act as trends took time to reverse before cash was introduced into the portfolio, and managed futures were eventually able to capitalize on short positions and diversification once these trends were established.

Zooming in more granularly, we can see the trade-offs between the hedging performance of each strategy in down markets and the premiums paid through negative returns in up-markets. This chart shows the returns relative to the S&P 500 (SPY). When the lines are increasing (decreasing), the hedge is outperforming (underperforming). A flatter line during periods of calm markets indicates lower premiums if we think of these strategies as insurance policies.

Data Source: CBOE, Tiingo, S&P. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns are hypothetical index returns. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or trading expenses. Index returns include the reinvestment of dividends. No index is meant to measure any strategy that is or ever has been managed by Newfound Research. Data is through 3/27/2020.

All eight strategies have provided hedging in both Q4 2018 and the current downturn. The -95-100 Collar- provided some of the lowest premiums. -Trend Equity- also provided low premiums but had a slower time getting back in the market after the hedging period in 2018.

-Managed Futures- have provided some of the best hedging through both down periods but had the highest premium during the strong market of 2019.

With the continued dispersion in performance, especially with the “new” market crisis, this highlights the importance of diversification.

Diversifying Your Diversifiers

Not every risk management strategy will perfectly hedge every downturn while also having a low cost during up markets.

We see the power of diversifying your diversifiers when we test simple equal-weight blends of the risk management strategies. In our 2018 update, we had used an equal weight blend of all eight strategies and a blend of the six strategies that had historical Sharpe ratios above the S&P 500. This latter selection was admittedly biased with hindsight. The two excluded strategies – the 95-110 Collar and the 5% Put Protection indices – were some of the best performing over the period from August 2018 to March 2020!

Our own biases notwithstanding, we still include both blends for comparison.

Both blends have higher Sharpe ratios than 6 of the 8 individual strategies and higher excess return to ulcer index ratios than all of the eight individual strategies.

This is a very powerful result, indicating that naïve diversification is nearly as good as being able to pick the best individual strategies with perfect foresight.

Data Source: CBOE, Tiingo, S&P. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns are hypothetical index returns. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or trading expenses. Index returns include the reinvestment of dividends. No index is meant to measure any strategy that is or ever has been managed by Newfound Research. Data is through 3/27/2020.

But holding eight – or even six – strategies can be daunting, especially for more aggressive investors who may only want to allocate a small portion of their portfolio to a risk management sleeve.

How much diversification is enough?

The following charts show the distribution of risk-adjusted returns from randomly choosing any number of the 8 strategies and holding them in equal weight.

As is to be expected, the cost of choosing the “wrong” blend of strategies decreases as the number of strategies held increases. The potential benefits initially increase and then back off as the luck of choosing the “right” strategy blend is reduced through holding a greater number of strategies.

Both charts show the distributions converging for the single choice for an 8-strategy portfolio.

Data Source: CBOE, Tiingo, S&P. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns are hypothetical index returns. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or trading expenses. Index returns include the reinvestment of dividends. No index is meant to measure any strategy that is or ever has been managed by Newfound Research. Data is through 3/27/2020.

Data Source: CBOE, Tiingo, S&P. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns are hypothetical index returns. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or trading expenses. Index returns include the reinvestment of dividends. No index is meant to measure any strategy that is or ever has been managed by Newfound Research. Data is through 3/27/2020.

Even holding 3 or 4 of the eight risk management strategies, chosen at random, leads to robust results, in general, with narrowed bands in the distribution (e.g. 25th to 75th percentiles).

Blending strategies from each of the different categories – static diversification, options, equity, and trend-following – can further reduce concentration risk verses selection at random and ensure that a variety of risk factors within the hedging strategies (e.g. interest rates from bonds, volatility from options, beta from equity, and whipsaw from trend-following) are mitigated.


We’ve said it many times before: There is no holy grail when it comes to risk management. While finding the perfect hedge that beats all others in every environment is enticing, it is impossible via the simple fact that risk cannot be destroyed, only transformed.

In an uncertain world where we cannot predict exactly what the next crisis will look like – or even what the current crisis will look like after today – diversifying your diversifiers by combining a number of complementary risk-managed strategies may be a prudent course of action.

We believe that this type of balanced approach has the potential to deliver compelling results over a full market cycle while managing the idiosyncratic risk of any one manager or strategy.

Diversification can also help to increase the odds of an investor sticking with their risk management plan as the short-term performance lows won’t be quite as low as they would be with a single strategy (conversely, the highs won’t be as high either).

Developing a plan and sticking with it is the most important first step in risk management. It is obviously desirable to keep premiums in strong markets as low as possible while having efficient hedges in down markets, but simple diversification can go a long way to provide a robust results.

Risk management is, by definition, required to be in place before risks are realized. Even when the market is currently down, risks in the future are still present. Therefore, we must periodically ask ourselves, “What risks are we willing to bear?”

One potential path has been locked into history, but the next time potential risks become reality – and they inevitably will – we must be comfortable with our answer.

Global Growth-Trend Timing

This post is available as a PDF download here.


  • While trend following may help investors avoid prolonged drawdowns, it is susceptible to whipsaw where false signals cause investors to either buy high and sell low (realizing losses) or sell low and buy high (a missed opportunity).
  • Empirical evidence suggests that using economic data in the United States as a filter of when to employ trend-following – a “growth-trend timing” model – has historically been fruitful.
  • When evaluated in other countries, growth-trend timing has been historically successful in mitigating whipsaw losses without sacrificing the ability to avoid large drawdowns. However, we see mixed results on whether this actually improves upon naïve trend-following.
  • We find that countries that can be influenced by factors originating outside of their borders might not benefit from an introspective economic signal.

We apologize in advance, as this commentary will be fairly graph- and table-heavy.

We have written fairly extensively on the topic of factor-timing in the past, and much of the success has been proven to be both hard to implement and recreate out of sample.

One of the inherent pains of trend following is the existence of whipsaws, or more precisely, the misidentification of perceived market trends, which turn out to be more noise than signal. An article from Philosophical Economics proposed using several economic indicators to tune down the noise that might affect price-driven signals such as trend following.  Generally, this strategy imposed an overlay that turned trend following “on” when the change in the economic indicators were negative year-over-year signaling a higher likelihood of recession, and conversely, adopted a buy-and-hold stance when the economic indicators were not flashing warning lights.

This strategy presents a certain appeal as leading economic indicators may, as their name implies, lead the market for some time until capital preservation is warranted.  Switching to a trend-following approach may allow a strategy to continue to participate in market appreciation while it lasts.  On the other hand, using economic confirmation as a filter may help a strategy avoid the whipsaw costs generated from noisy market dips while positive economic conditions persist.

In an effort to test such a strategy out-of-sample, we took the approach global, hoping to capture a broader cross-section of economic and market environments.

First, we will consider trend following with no timing using the economic indicators.1

Below we plot the equity curves for Australia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States, alongside a strategy that is long the market when the market is above the trailing twelve-month average (“12 Month average”) and steps to cash when the price is below it.  The ratio between the two is also included to show the relative cumulative performance between the trend strategy and the respective market. An increasing ratio means that the trend following strategy is adding value over buy-and-hold.

Source: MSCI, Global Financial Data.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Past performance is not an indicator of future results.  Performance is backtested and hypothetical.  Performance figures are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes.  Performance assumes the reinvestment of all distributions. 

Through the graphs above, it becomes clear that much of the trend premium is realized by avoiding the large, prolonged bear markets that tend to occur during economic distress.  In between these periods, however, the trend strategy lags the market. It makes sense, then, that a potential improvement to this strategy would be to implement an augmentation that could better distinguish between real price break-outs and those that lead to a whipsaw in the portfolio.

Growth-Trend Timing

For each country, we look at a number of economic indicators, including: corporate earnings growth, employment, housing starts, industrial production, and retail sales growth.2  The strategy then followed the same rules as described above: if the economic indicator in question displays a negative percentage change over the previous twelve-month period, a position is taken in a trend following strategy utilizing a twelve-month moving average signal.  Otherwise, a buy-and-hold position is established.

To ensure that we are not benefitting from look-ahead bias, a lag of three months was imposed on each of the economic indicators, as it would be unrealistic to assume that the economic levels would be known at the end of each month.

Unfortunately, some of the economic data points could not be found for the entire period in which prices are available, though the analysis can still prove beneficial by indicating what economic regimes trend following is benefitted by growth-trend timing, or the potential identification where one indicator may work when another does not.3

In the charts below, we plot the growth-trend timing (referred to as GTT for the remainder of this commentary) for each country utilizing the available signals. The charts represent the relative cumulative performance over the respective country’s market return.  For example, when the lines remain flat, the GTT approach has adopted buy-and-hold exposure and therefore matches the respective market’s returns. Any changes in the ratios are due to the GTT strategy investing in the trend following strategy.

Source: MSCI, Global Financial Data, St. Louis Fed, Bloomberg.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Past performance is not an indicator of future results.  Performance is backtested and hypothetical.  Performance figures are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes.  Performance assumes the reinvestment of all distributions. 

What we see from the above figures is a mixed bag of results.

The overlay of economic indicators was by far successful in the mitigation of whipsaw losses, as each country reaped the benefits of being primarily long the market during bull markets. As the 12-month moving average strategy tended to slowly give up a portion of the gains realized from severe market environments, the majority of the GTT strategies remained relatively stagnant until the next major correction.

There are some instances, however, where the indicator was late to the economic party.  It is worth remembering that the market is, in theory, a forward-looking measure, and therefore sudden economic shocks may not be captured in economic data as quickly as it is in market returns.  This created cases where the strategy either missed the chance to be out of the market during a correction or was sitting on the sidelines during the subsequent recoveries. Notably, the employment signal in Australia, Italy, Singapore, and the United Kingdom tended to be a poor leading indicator as the strategy tended to be invested longer in the bear markets than the trend strategy.


A Candidate for Ensembling

The implicit assumption in the analysis above is that the included indicators behave in similar ways.  For example, by using a twelve-month lookback period for the indicators, we are assuming that each indicator will begin to trend in roughly the same way.

That may not be a particularly fair assumption.  Whereas housing starts and retail sales are generally considered leading indicators, employment (unemployment) rates are normally categorized as lagging indicators. For this reason, it may be more beneficial to use a shorter lookback period so as to pick up on potential problems in the economy as they begin to present themselves.  Further, some signals tend to be more erratic than others, suggesting that a meaningful lookback period for one indicator may not be meaningful for another. With no perfect reason to prefer one lookback over another, we might consider different lookback periods so as to diversify any specification risk that may exist within the strategy.

With the benefit of hindsight, we know that not all recessions occur for the same reasons, so being reliant on one signal that has worked in the past may not be as beneficial in the future. With this in mind, we should consider that all indicators hold some information as to the state of the economy since one indicator may be signaling the all-clear while another may be flashing warning lights.

For the same reason medical professionals take multiple readings to gain insight into the state of the body, we should also consider any available signals to ascertain the health of the economy.

To ensemble this strategy, we will vary the lookbacks from six to eighteen months, while holding the lag at three months, as well as combine the available economic signals for each country.  For the sake of brevity, we will hold the trend-following strategy the same with a twelve-month moving average.

Remember, if the economic signal is negative, it does not mean that we are immediately out of the market: a negative economic signal simply moves the strategy into a trend-following approach. With 5 economic indicators and 13 lookback periods, we have 65 possible strategies for each country. As an example, if 40 of these 65 models were positive and 25 were negative, we would hold 62% in the market and 38% in the trend following strategy.

The resulting performance statistics can be seen in the table below.

Source: MSCI, Global Financial Data, St. Louis Fed, Bloomberg.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Past performance is not an indicator of future results.  Performance is backtested and hypothetical.  Performance figures are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes.  Performance assumes the reinvestment of all distributions. 

From the table above, we see that there are, again, mixed results. One country that particularly stands out is Italy in that the sign on its return flipped to negative and the drawdown was actually deeper with GTT than with a simple buy-and-hold strategy.

Source: MSCI, Global Financial Data, St. Louis Fed, Bloomberg.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Past performance is not an indicator of future results.  Performance is backtested and hypothetical.  Performance figures are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes.  Performance assumes the reinvestment of all distributions. 

Digging deeper, it appears that the GTT strategy for Italy was actually whipsawed by more than just trend-following. Housing start data for Italy was not readily available until December 2008, so Italy may have been at a relative disadvantage when compared against the other countries.  Since the reliable data we could find begins at the end of 2008 and the majority of the whipsaw losses occur post-Great Financial Crisis, we can run the analysis again, but with housing start data being added in upon its availability.

Source: MSCI, Global Financial Data, St. Louis Fed, Bloomberg.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Past performance is not an indicator of future results.  Performance is backtested and hypothetical.  Performance figures are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes.  Performance assumes the reinvestment of all distributions. 

Adding housing starts in as an indicator did not meaningfully alter the results over the period. One hypothesis is that the indicators included could not fully encapsulate the complex state of Italy’s economy over the period.  Italy has weathered three technical recessions over the past decade, so this could be a regime where the market is looking to sources outside the country for indications of distress or where the economic indicator is not reflective of the pressures driving the market.

Source: MSCI, St. Louis Fed.  Calculations by Newfound Research.  Past performance is not an indicator of future results.  Performance is backtested and hypothetical.  Performance figures are gross of all fees, including, but not limited to, manager fees, transaction costs, and taxes.  Performance assumes the reinvestment of all distributions. 

Above, we can see several divergences between the market movement and changes in real GDP. Specifically, in the past decade, we see that the market reacted to information that didn’t materialize in the country’s real GDP. More likely, the market was reacting to regional financial distress driven by debt concerns.

The MSCI Italy index is currently composed of 24 constituents with multinational business operations. Additionally, the index maintains large concentrations in financials, utilities, and energy: 33%, 25%, and 14%, respectively.4  Because of this sector concentration, utilizing the economic indicators may overly focus on the economic health of Italy while ignoring external factors such as energy prices or broader financial distress that could be swaying the market needle.

A parallel explanation could be that the Eurozone is entangled enough that signals could be interfering with each other between countries. Further research could seek to disaggregate signals between the Eurozone and the member-countries, attempting to differentiate between zone, regional, and country signals to ascertain further meaning.

Additionally, economic indicators are influenced by both the private and public sector so this could represent a disconnect between public company health and private company health.


In this commentary, we sought to answer the question, “can we improve trend-following by drawing information from a country’s economy”. It intuitively makes sense that an investor would generally opt for remaining in the market unless there are systemic issues that may lead to market distress.  A strategy that successfully differentiates between market choppiness and periods of potential recession would drastically mitigate any losses incurred from whipsaw, thereby capturing a majority of the equity premium as well as the trend premium.

We find that growth-trend timing has been relatively successful in countries such as the United States, Germany, and Japan.  However, the country that is being analyzed should be considered in light of their specific circumstances.

Peeking under the hood of Italy, it becomes clear that market movements may be influenced by more than a country’s implicit economic health.  In such a case, we should pause and ask ourselves whether a macroeconomic indicator is truly reflective of that country’s economy or if there are other market forces pulling the strings.



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