In Return StackingTM: Strategies for Overcoming a Low Return Environment, we advocated for the addition of managed futures to traditionally allocated portfolios. We argued that managed futures’ low empirical correlation to both equities and bonds and its historically positive average returns makes it an attractive diversifier. More specifically, we recommended implementing managed futures as an overlay to a portfolio to avoid sacrificing exposure to core stocks and bonds.
The luxury of writing research is that we work in a “clean slate” environment. In the real world, however, investors and allocators must contemplate changes in the context of their existing portfolios. Investors rarely just hold pure beta exposure, and we must consider, therefore, not only how a managed futures overlay might interact with stocks and bonds, but also how it might interact with existing active tilts.
The most common portfolio tilt we see is towards value stocks (and, often, quality-screened value). With this in mind, we want to briefly explore whether stacking managed futures remains attractive in the presence of an existing value tilt.
Diversifying Value
If we are already allocated to value, one of our first concerns might be whether an allocation to managed futures actually provides a diversifying return stream. One of our primary arguments for including managed futures into a traditional stock/bond portfolio is its potential to hedge against inflationary pressures. However, there are arguments that value stocks do much of the same, acting as “low duration” stocks compared to their growth peers. For example, in 2022, the Russell 1000 Value outperformed the broader Russell 1000 by 1,145 basis points, offering a significant buoy during the throes of the largest bout of inflation volatility in recent history.
However, broader empirical evidence does not actually support the narrative that value hedges inflation (see, e.g., Baltussen, et al. (2022), Investing in Deflation, Inflation, and Stagflation Regimes) and we can see in Figure 1 that the long-term empirical correlations between managed futures and value is near-zero.
(Note that when we measure value in this piece, we will look at the returns of long-only value strategies minus the returns of broad equities to isolate the impact of the value tilt. As we recently wrote, a long-only value tilt can be effectively thought as long exposure to the market plus a portfolio that is long the over-weight positions and short the under-weight positions1. By subtracting the market return from long-only value, we isolate the returns of the active bets the tilt is actually taking.)
Figure 1: Excess Return Correlation
Source: Kenneth French Data Library, BarclayHedge. Calculations by Newfound Research. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance is gross of all costs (including, but not limited to, advisor fees, manager fees, taxes, and transaction costs) unless explicitly stated otherwise. Performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends. Past performance is not indicative of future results. See Appendix A for index definitions.
Correlations, however, do not tell us about the tails. Therefore, we might also ask, “how have managed futures performed historically conditional upon value being in a drawdown?” As the past decade has shown, underperformance of value-oriented strategies relative to the broad market can make sticking to the strategy equally difficult.
Figure 2 shows the performance of the various value tilts as well as managed futures during periods when the value tilts realized a 10% or greater drawdown2.
Figure 2: Value Relative Drawdowns Greater than 10%
Source: Kenneth French Data Library, BarclayHedge. Calculations by Newfound Research. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance is gross of all costs (including, but not limited to, advisor fees, manager fees, taxes, and transaction costs) unless explicitly stated otherwise. Performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends. Past performance is not indicative of future results. See Appendix A for index definitions.
We can see that while managed futures may not have explicitly hedged the drawdown in value, its performance remained largely independent and accretive to the portfolio as a whole.
To drive the point of independence home, we can calculate the univariate regression coefficients between value implementations and managed futures. We find that the relationship between the strategies is statistically insignificant in almost all cases. Figure 3 shows the results of such a regression.
Figure 3: Univariate Regression Coefficients
Source: Kenneth French Data Library, BarclayHedge. Calculations by Newfound Research. *, **, and *** indicate statistical significance at the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 level. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance is gross of all costs (including, but not limited to, advisor fees, manager fees, taxes, and transaction costs) unless explicitly stated otherwise. Performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends. Past performance is not indicative of future results. See Appendix A for index definitions.
But How Much?
As our previous figures demonstrate, managed futures has historically provided a positively diversifying benefit in relation to value; but how can we thoughtfully integrate an overlay into an portfolio that wants to retain an existing value tilt?
To find a robust solution to this question, we can employ simulation techniques. Specifically, we block bootstrap 100,000 ten-year simulated returns from three-month blocks to find the robust information ratios and MAR ratios (CAGR divided by maximum drawdown) of the value-tilt strategies when paired with managed futures.
Figure 4 shows the information ratio frontier of these portfolios, and Figure 5 shows the MAR ratio frontiers.
Figure 4: Information Ratio Frontier
Source: Kenneth French Data Library, BarclayHedge. Calculations by Newfound Research. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance is gross of all costs (including, but not limited to, advisor fees, manager fees, taxes, and transaction costs) unless explicitly stated otherwise. Performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends. Past performance is not indicative of future results. See Appendix A for index definitions.
Figure 5: MAR Ratio Frontier
Source: Kenneth French Data Library, BarclayHedge. Calculations by Newfound Research. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance is gross of all costs (including, but not limited to, advisor fees, manager fees, taxes, and transaction costs) unless explicitly stated otherwise. Performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends. Past performance is not indicative of future results. See Appendix A for index definitions.
Under both metrics it becomes clear that a 100% tilt to either value or managed futures is not prudent. In fact, the optimal mix, as measured by either the Information Ratio or MAR Ratio, appears to be consistently around the 40/60 mark. Figure 6 shows the blends of value and managed futures that maximizes both metrics.
Figure 6: Max Information and MAR Ratios
Source: Kenneth French Data Library, BarclayHedge. Calculations by Newfound Research. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance is gross of all costs (including, but not limited to, advisor fees, manager fees, taxes, and transaction costs) unless explicitly stated otherwise. Performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends. Past performance is not indicative of future results. See Appendix A for index definitions.
In Figure 7 we plot the backtest of a 40% value / 60% managed futures portfolio for the different value implementations.
Figure 7: 40/60 Portfolios of Long/Short Value and Managed Futures
Source: Kenneth French Data Library, BarclayHedge. Calculations by Newfound Research. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance is gross of all costs (including, but not limited to, advisor fees, manager fees, taxes, and transaction costs) unless explicitly stated otherwise. Performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends. Past performance is not indicative of future results. See Appendix A for index definitions.
These numbers suggest that an investor who currently tilts their equity exposure towards value may be better off by only tilting a portion of their equity towards value and introducing a managed futures overlay onto their portfolio. For example, if an investor has a 60% stock and 40% bond portfolio and the 60% stock exposure is currently all value, they might consider moving 36% of it into passive equity exposure and introducing a 36% managed futures overlay.
Depending on how averse a client is to tracking error, we can plot how the tracking error changes depending on the degree of portfolio tilt. Figure 8 shows the estimated tracking error when introducing varying allocations to the 40/60 value/managed futures overlay.
Figure 8: Relationship between Value/Managed Futures Tilt and Tracking Error
Source: Kenneth French Data Library, BarclayHedge. Calculations by Newfound Research. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance is gross of all costs (including, but not limited to, advisor fees, manager fees, taxes, and transaction costs) unless explicitly stated otherwise. Performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends. Past performance is not indicative of future results. See Appendix A for index definitions.
For example, if we wanted to implement a tilt to a quality value strategy, but wanted a maximum tracking error of 3%, the portfolio might add an approximate allocation of 46% to the 40/60 value/managed futures overlay. In other words, 18% of their equity should be put into quality-value stocks and a 28% overlay to managed futures should be introduced.
Using the same example of a 60% equity / 40% bond portfolio as before, the 3% tracking error portfolio would hold 42% in passive equities, 18% in quality-value, 40% in bonds, and 28% in a managed futures overlay.
What About Other Factors?
At this point, it should be of no surprise that these results extend to the other popular equity factors. Figures 8 and 9 show the efficient information ratio and MAR ratio frontiers when we view portfolios tilted towards the Profitability, Momentum, Size, and Investment factors.
Figure 9: Information Ratio Frontier for Profitability, Momentum, Size, and Investment Tilts
Source: Kenneth French Data Library, BarclayHedge. Calculations by Newfound Research. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance is gross of all costs (including, but not limited to, advisor fees, manager fees, taxes, and transaction costs) unless explicitly stated otherwise. Performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends. Past performance is not indicative of future results. See Appendix A for index definitions.
Figure 10: MAR Ratio Frontier for Profitability, Momentum, Size, and Investment Tilts
Source: Kenneth French Data Library, BarclayHedge. Calculations by Newfound Research. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance is gross of all costs (including, but not limited to, advisor fees, manager fees, taxes, and transaction costs) unless explicitly stated otherwise. Performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends. Past performance is not indicative of future results. See Appendix A for index definitions.
Figure 11: Max Information and MAR Ratios for Profitability, Momentum, Size, and Investment Tilts
Source: Kenneth French Data Library, BarclayHedge. Calculations by Newfound Research. Performance is backtested and hypothetical. Performance is gross of all costs (including, but not limited to, advisor fees, manager fees, taxes, and transaction costs) unless explicitly stated otherwise. Performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends. Past performance is not indicative of future results. See Appendix A for index definitions.
Once again, a 40/60 split emerges as a surprisingly robust solution, suggesting that managed futures has historically offered a unique, diversifying return to all equity factors.
Our analysis highlights the considerations surrounding the use of managed futures as a complement to a traditional portfolio with a value tilt. While value investing remains justifiably popular in real-world portfolios, our findings indicate that managed futures can offer a diversifying return stream that complements such strategies. The potential for managed futures to act as a hedge against inflationary pressures, while also offering a diversifying exposure during relative value drawdowns, strengthens our advocacy for their inclusion through a return stackingTM framework.
Our examination of the correlation between managed futures and value reveals a near-zero relationship, suggesting that managed futures can provide distinct benefits beyond those offered by a value-oriented approach alone. Moreover, our analysis demonstrates that a more conservative tilt to value, coupled with managed futures, may be a prudent choice for inverse to tracking error. This combination offers the potential to navigate unfavorable market environments and potentially holds more of a portfolio benefit than a singular focus on value.
Appendix A: Index Definitions
Book to Market – Equal-Weighted HiBM Returns for U.S. Equities (Kenneth French Data Library)
Profitability – Equal-Weighted HiOP Returns for U.S. Equities (Kenneth French Data Library)
Momentum – Equal-Weighted Hi PRIOR Returns for U.S. Equities (Kenneth French Data Library)
Size – Equal-Weighted SIZE Lo 30 Returns for U.S. Equities (Kenneth French Data Library)
Investment – Equal-Weighted INV Lo 30 Returns for U.S. Equities (Kenneth French Data Library)
Earnings Yield – Equal-Weighted E/P Hi 10 Returns for U.S. Equities (Kenneth French Data Library)
Cash Flow Yield – Equal-Weighted CF/P Hi 10 Returns for U.S. Equities (Kenneth French Data Library)
Dividend Yield – Equal-Weighted D/P Hi 10 Returns for U.S. Equities (Kenneth French Data Library)
Quality Value – Equal-Weighted blend of BIG HiBM HiOP, ME2 BM4 OP3, ME2 BM3 OP3, and ME2 BM3 OP4 Returns for U.S. Equities (Kenneth French Data Library)
Value Blend – An equal-weighted Returns of Book to Market, Earnings Yield, Cash Flow Yield, and Dividend Yield returns for U.S. Equities (Kenneth French Data Library)
Passive Equities (Market, Mkt) – U.S. total equity market return data from Kenneth French Library.
Managed Futures – BTOP50 Index (BarclayHedge). The BTOP50 Index seeks to replicate the overall composition of the managed futures industry with regard to trading style and overall market exposure. The BTOP50 employs a top-down approach in selecting its constituents. The largest investable trading advisor programs, as measured by assets under management, are selected for inclusion in the BTOP50. In each calendar year the selected trading advisors represent, in aggregate, no less than 50% of the investable assets of the Barclay CTA Universe.
One Hedge to Rule Them All
By Nathan Faber
On March 30, 2020
In Craftsmanship, Portfolio Construction, Risk Management, Weekly Commentary
This post is available as a PDF download here.
“The primary requirement of historical time is that inly one of the possible alternatives coming at you from the future can be actualized in the present where it will flow into the pat and remain forever after unalterable. You may sometimes have “another chance” and be able to make a different choice in some later present, but this can in no way change the choice you did in fact make in the first instance.”
– Dr. William G. Pollard, Prof. of Physics, Manhattan Project
23 trading days.
In a little over a month, the S&P 500 dropped nearly 35% from all-time highs in a sell-off that was one of the fastest in history. Many investors experienced the largest drawdowns their portfolios had seen since the Financial Crisis.
While the market currently sits in a drawdown closer to 25% (as of the time of this writing), the future remains could take any path. Following the relative calm in the market over the preceding year, we are now living through a historic time with the uncertainty and severity of the growing COVID-19 pandemic and its far-reaching ramifications.
However, as a firm that focuses on managing risk, we are used to not knowing the answers.
In the summer of 2018, we published a piece entitled The State of Risk Management where we examined the historical trade-offs in terms of returns during market downturns versus returns during calm market environments of a variety of risk management methods.
Since that time, especially with the benefit of hindsight, one might argue that risk management was unnecessary until this past month. While the S&P 500 experienced a 19% drawdown in Q4 of 2018, it quickly recovered and went on to post a gain of 32% in 2019, rewarding those who stayed the course (or, better yet, bought the dip).
With the future poised to follow a variety of uncertain paths, we think it is a prudent time to check in on some of the more popular ways to manage risk and see how they are handling the current events.
The Updated Historical Track Record
For risk management, we examine eight strategies that roughly fit into four categories:
Index data was used prior to fund inception when necessary, and the common inception data is December 1997.
The following charts show the return and risk characteristics of the strategies over the entire historical period. Previously, we had used maximum drawdown as a measure of risk but have now switched to using the ulcer index to quantify both the duration and severity of drawdowns.
Data Source: CBOE, Tiingo, S&P. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns are hypothetical index returns. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or trading expenses. Index returns include the reinvestment of dividends. No index is meant to measure any strategy that is or ever has been managed by Newfound Research. Data is from December 1997 to 3/27/2020.
Data Source: CBOE, Tiingo, S&P. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns are hypothetical index returns. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or trading expenses. Index returns include the reinvestment of dividends. No index is meant to measure any strategy that is or ever has been managed by Newfound Research. Data is from December 1997 to 3/27/2020.
Relative to when we previously presented these statistics (as of July 2018), the most notable changes are that the 95-100 Collar index and Risk Parity have improved and that Managed Futures moved into the top-performing spot up from the middle of the pack. Trend Equity dropped slightly in the rankings, which is partially attributable to our switching over to using the Newfound Trend Equity Index, which includes exposure to small- and mid-cap companies and invests in cash rather than corporate bonds for the defensive position.
Six of the eight strategies still exhibit strong risk-adjusted performance relative to the S&P over the entire time period.
But as we also showed in 2018, the dispersion in strategy performance is significant.
Data Source: CBOE, Tiingo, S&P. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns are hypothetical index returns. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or trading expenses. Index returns include the reinvestment of dividends. No index is meant to measure any strategy that is or ever has been managed by Newfound Research. Data is from December 1997 to 3/27/2020.
This chart also highlights the current trailing one-year performance for each strategy as of 3/27/2020.
Both the 95-110 Collar and the 5% Put Protection indices are in the top 10% of their historical one-year returns, with the put protection index forging new maximum territory. Trend equity and defensive equity have exhibited returns closer to their median levels, while managed futures, strategic diversification with bonds, and risk parity have had returns above their medians.
When we examine the current market environment, this makes sense. Many options were relatively cheap (i.e. implied volatility was low) heading into and early in February, and the option rollover date was close to when the drawdown began (positive timing luck). Equity trends were also very strong coming out of 2019.
With the sharp reversal in equity prices, option strategies provided a strong static hedge that any investors had been paying premiums for through the previous years of bull market returns.
Trend equity strategies were slower to act as trends took time to reverse before cash was introduced into the portfolio, and managed futures were eventually able to capitalize on short positions and diversification once these trends were established.
Zooming in more granularly, we can see the trade-offs between the hedging performance of each strategy in down markets and the premiums paid through negative returns in up-markets. This chart shows the returns relative to the S&P 500 (SPY). When the lines are increasing (decreasing), the hedge is outperforming (underperforming). A flatter line during periods of calm markets indicates lower premiums if we think of these strategies as insurance policies.
Data Source: CBOE, Tiingo, S&P. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns are hypothetical index returns. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or trading expenses. Index returns include the reinvestment of dividends. No index is meant to measure any strategy that is or ever has been managed by Newfound Research. Data is through 3/27/2020.
All eight strategies have provided hedging in both Q4 2018 and the current downturn. The -95-100 Collar- provided some of the lowest premiums. -Trend Equity- also provided low premiums but had a slower time getting back in the market after the hedging period in 2018.
-Managed Futures- have provided some of the best hedging through both down periods but had the highest premium during the strong market of 2019.
With the continued dispersion in performance, especially with the “new” market crisis, this highlights the importance of diversification.
Diversifying Your Diversifiers
Not every risk management strategy will perfectly hedge every downturn while also having a low cost during up markets.
We see the power of diversifying your diversifiers when we test simple equal-weight blends of the risk management strategies. In our 2018 update, we had used an equal weight blend of all eight strategies and a blend of the six strategies that had historical Sharpe ratios above the S&P 500. This latter selection was admittedly biased with hindsight. The two excluded strategies – the 95-110 Collar and the 5% Put Protection indices – were some of the best performing over the period from August 2018 to March 2020!
Our own biases notwithstanding, we still include both blends for comparison.
Both blends have higher Sharpe ratios than 6 of the 8 individual strategies and higher excess return to ulcer index ratios than all of the eight individual strategies.
This is a very powerful result, indicating that naïve diversification is nearly as good as being able to pick the best individual strategies with perfect foresight.
Data Source: CBOE, Tiingo, S&P. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns are hypothetical index returns. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or trading expenses. Index returns include the reinvestment of dividends. No index is meant to measure any strategy that is or ever has been managed by Newfound Research. Data is through 3/27/2020.
But holding eight – or even six – strategies can be daunting, especially for more aggressive investors who may only want to allocate a small portion of their portfolio to a risk management sleeve.
How much diversification is enough?
The following charts show the distribution of risk-adjusted returns from randomly choosing any number of the 8 strategies and holding them in equal weight.
As is to be expected, the cost of choosing the “wrong” blend of strategies decreases as the number of strategies held increases. The potential benefits initially increase and then back off as the luck of choosing the “right” strategy blend is reduced through holding a greater number of strategies.
Both charts show the distributions converging for the single choice for an 8-strategy portfolio.
Data Source: CBOE, Tiingo, S&P. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns are hypothetical index returns. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or trading expenses. Index returns include the reinvestment of dividends. No index is meant to measure any strategy that is or ever has been managed by Newfound Research. Data is through 3/27/2020.
Data Source: CBOE, Tiingo, S&P. Calculations by Newfound Research. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All returns are hypothetical index returns. You cannot invest directly in an index and unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or trading expenses. Index returns include the reinvestment of dividends. No index is meant to measure any strategy that is or ever has been managed by Newfound Research. Data is through 3/27/2020.
Even holding 3 or 4 of the eight risk management strategies, chosen at random, leads to robust results, in general, with narrowed bands in the distribution (e.g. 25th to 75th percentiles).
Blending strategies from each of the different categories – static diversification, options, equity, and trend-following – can further reduce concentration risk verses selection at random and ensure that a variety of risk factors within the hedging strategies (e.g. interest rates from bonds, volatility from options, beta from equity, and whipsaw from trend-following) are mitigated.
We’ve said it many times before: There is no holy grail when it comes to risk management. While finding the perfect hedge that beats all others in every environment is enticing, it is impossible via the simple fact that risk cannot be destroyed, only transformed.
In an uncertain world where we cannot predict exactly what the next crisis will look like – or even what the current crisis will look like after today – diversifying your diversifiers by combining a number of complementary risk-managed strategies may be a prudent course of action.
We believe that this type of balanced approach has the potential to deliver compelling results over a full market cycle while managing the idiosyncratic risk of any one manager or strategy.
Diversification can also help to increase the odds of an investor sticking with their risk management plan as the short-term performance lows won’t be quite as low as they would be with a single strategy (conversely, the highs won’t be as high either).
Developing a plan and sticking with it is the most important first step in risk management. It is obviously desirable to keep premiums in strong markets as low as possible while having efficient hedges in down markets, but simple diversification can go a long way to provide a robust results.
Risk management is, by definition, required to be in place before risks are realized. Even when the market is currently down, risks in the future are still present. Therefore, we must periodically ask ourselves, “What risks are we willing to bear?”
One potential path has been locked into history, but the next time potential risks become reality – and they inevitably will – we must be comfortable with our answer.