Flirting with Models

The Research Library of Newfound Research

Author: Nathan Faber (Page 4 of 5)

How to Benchmark Trend-Following

Benchmarking a trend-following strategy is difficult. The tendency is to compare it to an equity strategy, but this often leads to disappointment. We explore a better benchmark that allows investors to accurately measure performance and set expectations.

Should You Dollar-Cost Average?

Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is often touted as superior to lump sum investing, but there are many scenarios where DCA may be inferior. The market environment and investor behavior both play large roles in the decision of which route to take.

Are Market Implied Probabilities Useful?

Market-implied probabilities may apply for "typical households", but actual probabilities are more relevant to the unique goals and situations of investors.

Addressing Low Return Forecasts in Retirement with Tactical Allocation

Low return forecasts make risk management crucial. Tactical strategies have been effective in the past, and moderate allocations can make a big difference.

A Closer Look At Growth and Value Indices